Chapter 8: She's my woman, why should I trust you?

Qiao Zhiyi was still soft and pliable, her entire body leaning against his chest.

Suddenly, with a tightening around her waist, her body lifted into the air, and she reflexively wrapped her arms around his neck.

Her eyes glanced anxiously at the man's expression, but she couldn't decipher anything.

The two left the garden, the scattered rose petals on the ground proving the initial relationship between man and woman.

Mrs. Shi saw Shi Jingzhou carrying Qiao Zhiyi inside, her face unable to hide the joyfulness.

Close contact meant the relationship had progressed further.

"Brother, Bai Yue is still here, can't you pay attention to your image?" Shi Lanting's eyes twitched slightly, her tone just as unfriendly as before.

Bai Yue's mouth twitched, restraining the grinding hatred, "They are husband and wife, marital affection is a good thing."

Shi Jingzhou ignored them and carried Qiao Zhiyi upstairs without saying a word.

Bai Yue's eyes were like poison darts, wishing she could shoot through the two people.

Shi Lanting's expression was a bit solemn, she was somewhat unable to see through whether Shi Jingzhou was acting or if he was serious.

Qiao Zhiyi's lower lip was bitten until it bled—she looked utterly pitiable as if she had been ravished.

Sitting on the bed, she felt more and more that she needed to find a way to stay away from Shi Jingzhou, a man whose moods were so unpredictable.

But not right now.

She needed Shi Jingzhou's favor to get treatment for her mother, she couldn't rush into action before her mother was well.

Shi Jingzhou handed her a comfortable set of home clothes, "Change and come downstairs."

After saying that, he went downstairs first.

Madam Shi was preparing to cook herself, busy in the kitchen.

Turning around to see her son, she beamed with joy, "Zhiyi really caught my eye. Now that you're married, treat her well. We have plenty of money, how much can she want? The rare thing is she's willing to be with you. Forget about Bai Yue."

Madam Shi urged earnestly, it was rare to find a girl who didn't disdain him; he needed to cherish her.

Shi Jingzhou merely responded lightly.

Madam Shi didn't say more, her son was born to her, but what he truly thought, nobody knew.

Ever since that incident occurred, he had become more reticent, and she feared he wouldn't overcome it. That's why she let her husband use the favor from the year they helped the Qiao Family to marry off a daughter from the Qiao Family to them.

Whether it was Qiao Zhiyi or Qiao Zhihuan who was married into the family, as long as they didn't disdain him, she was satisfied.

Qiao Zhiyi came downstairs, the red on her lips strikingly conspicuous.

Shi Lanting glanced at Qiao Zhiyi's red and full lips, mocking, "For my brother's money, you really are quite dedicated."

Qiao Zhiyi pressed her lips together, feeling slightly embarrassed, "It's a mutual agreement, nothing more than getting what we each need."

"Heh, you are clear-headed indeed."

"Miss Shi seems more anxious about my relationship with Mr. Shi than Miss Bai does," Qiao Zhiyi said with some suspicion.

What sister would be so concerned about her brother's partner?

Shi Lanting snorted, "Of course. Because you simply don't deserve my brother. In my heart, only Bai Yue is worthy."

Bai Yue looked at Qiao Zhiyi with open hatred, making no attempt to hide it.

Qiao Zhiyi, unflustered, took the opportunity with Shi Jingzhou not around to say gently, "I have only recently met Mr. Shi, and we don't understand each other well. Miss Bai and he have been childhood sweethearts, with deep feelings unlike ordinary people. If Miss Bai has time, could you keep him company more frequently?"

She hoped Bai Yue would understand that there was really nothing between herself and Shi Jingzhou, so she might as well put in some effort, try harder, and snatch away Shi Jingzhou's heart.

But to Bai Yue, it sounded like she was bragging.

"Are you provoking me?"

"I just think that when the gentleman has affection and the lady is willing, it truly shouldn't end with the lovers parting. If Miss Bai truly can't let go of Mr. Shi, I am willing to step aside."

Qiao Zhiyi felt she was being very sincere.

If she couldn't hear that, then it wasn't her problem anymore.

Bai Yue didn't understand what she meant—was she really willing to give up the status of young madam of the Shi Family?

"You know very well that Bai Yue is married, yet you speak such generous words; isn't that too hypocritical?" Shi Lanting glared at her, "If Miss Bai were single, would you really step aside and yield your place?"

"Of course."

"We're not fools. Unless..." Shi Lanting raised her eyebrows, "you get a divorce first."

Qiao Zhiyi unconsciously furrowed her brows.

If she could divorce, would she need to instigate Bai Yue?

"What are you talking about?" Shi Jingzhou's dark eyes darkened as if water was about to drip out of them.

The atmosphere in the living room was like the calm before a storm, suffocating.

Qiao Zhiyi held her breath, grateful that he hadn't heard her earlier.

Shi Lanting's face changed slightly, but she remained as steady as a mountain, "Just now, it was she who said she wanted to step down and yield the position. Brother, she's after your money. Do you really think she's interested in you as a person?"

Qiao Zhiyi's heart sank to the bottom in an instant, and a bad premonition surged in her heart.

She didn't dare look into Shi Jingzhou's eyes, already feeling overpowered.

"Is that so?" Shi Jingzhou swept his gaze toward Qiao Zhiyi.

Qiao Zhiyi swallowed nervously. She couldn't imagine what the specific consequences would be if she nodded in agreement, but it would definitely be more than she could bear.

The brief silence made Shi Jingzhou's gaze even darker.

Qiao Zhiyi steeled her heart, "Miss Shi said I'm not worthy of you, and only Miss Bai is your one and only. That's why I said as long as you're willing to marry Miss Bai, I can give up the position of Mrs. Shi, to do a good turn."

Since Shi Lanting had struck first, there was no need for her to play the honest person and not fight back.

Shi Lanting frowned, "Qiao Zhiyi, have you no shame? How can you spout such nonsense!"

"Yes, I'm talking nonsense." Qiao Zhiyi no longer argued, her lashes trembling as she glanced at Shi Jingzhou before lowering her head.

She looked completely like someone bullied into silence.

"Brother, do you not believe me?" Shi Lanting became anxious.

Shi Jingzhou scoffed coldly, "She's my woman, what do I need your trust for?"

Shi Lanting, furious, stormed upstairs.

Bai Yue was smart this time and didn't say a word.

No matter whether Shi Jingzhou was serious about Qiao Zhiyi or not, his current attitude showed that he was defending her.

Anything said would only make him more disgusted.


The ride back from the Shi Family was very quiet. As soon as the car stopped and Qiao Zhiyi just unbuckled her seat belt, her seat suddenly reclined.

An enlarged, ugly face was right in front of her eyes.

She knew the quiet was the prelude to a storm brewing.

"I've suddenly realized, you're quite smart." Shi Jingzhou's hands were propped on either side of her.

Words that sounded like praise made Qiao Zhiyi feel even more fearful and uneasy.

"I... I don't understand what you're talking about."

"I gave you face, so I didn't expose your little schemes. You think I don't know what you're plotting?" Shi Jingzhou's eyes gleamed like a leopard in the night, watching her intently.

Qiao Zhiyi never let her guard down in front of him.

That feeling of being seen through by him was really unpleasant.

"I didn't." She was still denying it.

Shi Jingzhou sneered coldly, "You didn't think about giving up the title of Mrs. Shi?"

Qiao Zhiyi shook her head, "No."

"Hmph. Even if you thought so, it's useless." Shi Jingzhou stood up first and got out of the car, lighting a cigarette.

It was then that Qiao Zhiyi seemed to come back to life, watching his figure outside the car, a question she wanted to ask for a long time.

She slowly got out of the car, and as he walked ahead, she couldn't help but ask, "Doesn't it feel terrible to spend a lifetime with a woman you don't love?"

Shi Jingzhou stopped.