Chapter 9 It's okay to be ugly, as long as the person is good.

His fingers pinched a cigarette, glimmering with a dim, unclear flame. He took a drag, and the flame brightened, also lighting up his face.

"Don't you know that love can be 'manufactured'?" Shi Jingzhou stared intently at her.

Qiao Zhiyi avoided his invasive gaze.

That night, Qiao Zhiyi had that kind of dream. It was far from pleasant; it could be called a nightmare.

When she woke up, her entire body was drenched in sweat.

In the dream, a man forced himself on her. No matter how she resisted, it was futile.

At dawn, Qiao Zhiyi took a shower. She needed to visit her mother and had to make herself look presentable.

She went downstairs.

The butler had already prepared breakfast.

Qiao Zhiyi sat down, "Uncle Xiang, where is he?"

He hadn't entered her bedroom last night, proving himself to be a man of his word.

The butler answered with a mild demeanor, "Young Master left last night."

So that was it.

Qiao Zhiyi sipped her porridge and after pondering for a moment, casually asked, "Uncle Xiang, what happened to his face?"

The butler lifted his eyelids, "An explosion."

Qiao Zhiyi's spoon clinked against the porcelain bowl, the crisp sound made her heart tremble.

In this peaceful age, how could an ordinary person experience something like an explosion?

"What was the reason?"

"Young Madam, if you want to know the details, you can ask the Young Master. However, he's very sensitive about this topic right now."

Of course, Qiao Zhiyi didn't have the courage to ask Shi Jingzhou.

After breakfast, she left for work.

"Young Madam, the Young Master asked me to drive you to the hospital," Zhou Zheng stood by the car, courteous and respectful.

Qiao Zhiyi was momentarily startled. How did he know she was going to the hospital?

"No need, I'll take a taxi up ahead."

"The Young Master wouldn't want you to waste his time," Zhou Zheng said, his gentle words carrying a threatening undertone.

Qiao Zhiyi looked at the back seat of the car, unable to see anyone, but she felt his presence.

Reluctantly and without alternatives, she reached for the passenger door, but it wouldn't open.

"Young Madam, please sit in the back," Zhou Zheng blocked her way.

Qiao Zhiyi opened the rear door, and sure enough, she saw Shi Jingzhou, who appeared to be asleep.

She closed the car door, keeping as far away from him as possible, clinging to the window. She was terrified of disturbing the man next to her.

The car stopped at the entrance of the hospital. She gingerly, yet quickly, pushed the door open.

Her wrist was grabbed.

She fell backward, crashing into Shi Jingzhou's arms.

Before she could sit up, her right hand was pulled over, and a diamond ring was slid onto her ring finger.

She had taken off the ring the night before, not expecting him to find out.

"Not wearing your ring, are you trying to attract admirers?" Shi Jingzhou glared at her coldly.

Qiao Zhiyi quickly explained, "I forgot."

"Next time I find you've forgotten, I'll chop off your fingers."

The threat made Qiao Zhiyi's hands twitch in fear.

This person is moody and too difficult to get along with.

"Did you hear that?" Shi Jingzhou was impatient.

"I heard it."

Before the divorce, she wanted to make sure she was physically unharmed.

Shi Jingzhou let go of her, his face displaying some weariness and not looking very good, "I'll wait for you here."

Zhiyi's heart leapt. "No need. You go about your business, don't mind me."

Shi Jingzhou pinched his brow, glancing at her faintly.

With just one look, Zhiyi closed her mouth.

He meant he would wait here for her.

Zhiyi went to the hospital, feeling the pressure and holding her breath.

Wang Shulan looked much better than before; when she saw Zhiyi, her eyes smiled, then glanced behind her, "Where is he?"

Zhiyi knew who she was asking about, "He's busy."

Wang Shulan looked at the closed door, her expression serious, "Your aunt visited me yesterday and mentioned your marriage. I found something odd in her words."

"Zhiyi, tell me the truth, how did you suddenly marry that man? I remember you once told me over the phone that you liked someone named... Han Ling."

Zhiyi's face changed slightly, "Mom, I don't like him anymore."

"Is it you who doesn't like him or he who doesn't like you?" Wang Shulan was anxious, "Zhiyi, marriage is a woman's second reincarnation. Whether rich or poor, what's most important is mutual affection. I felt you and Shi Jingzhou were mismatched when I met him last, and I didn't see much love between you."

"It's not like our era now; modern relationships and marriages should be based on love. Forcing it is just muddling through life; it won't last and will be painful."

Wang Shulan spoke earnestly, feeling uneasy since she last saw her daughter.

Zhiyi guiltily started peeling an apple, "How could I marry someone I don't love? Mom, don't overthink it, just focus on getting better."

"Your aunt told me that you married an ugly man and asked me, as mother-in-law, not to despise him. If he's considered ugly, then what does someone who's handsome look like?"

Wang Shulan stared intensely at Zhiyi, her tone turning heavy, "Zhiyi, tell me honestly, what have you done outside? Exactly who is this man?"

Under pressure, Zhiyi clenched her fists, her lips trembling slightly.

"Have you been messing around? How many times have I told you, even if I die, I want you to live cleanly!" Seeing that Zhiyi wasn't speaking, Wang Shulan assumed she must have done something shameful.

Picking up a pillow, she threw it at Zhiyi with a cry, "I raised you to stand up for yourself, not to compromise for my sake. I just want my child to be clean and above reproach in whatever she does. If you kids don't settle down, how can I face your father when I'm gone, huh?"

As she spoke, Wang Shulan began to cry.

Seeing her cry, Zhiyi couldn't help but shed tears too.

She walked over and hugged Wang Shulan tightly, "Mom, I haven't done anything shameful… Can you please trust me?"

"How can I trust you? Would your aunt lie to me?" Wang Shulan pushed her away, wiping her tears, "Tell me the truth, who did you really marry? Was it voluntary? Is it legal?"

Zhiyi, looking into her mother's red eyes, felt extreme hatred for Qiao Shengli and Jiang Wenying.

As much as she hated them, it was her only choice.

After weighing the pros and cons, she saw no room to refuse.

"Yes. It was voluntary, it was legal." Zhiyi took a deep breath, biting her lip to calm herself down, "He may be ugly, but it's not natural. He's kind-hearted and responsible. He wore a mask that day because he didn't want to scare you. Mom, I'm not at all aggrieved, as long as he's good to me and to you, that's enough for this life."

Zhiyi fought back tears, her voice shaking uncontrollably, "Mom, don't listen to Aunt's nonsense, I'm really doing well now. I understand what I'm doing. Some people may look good, but their hearts are ugly. I'll prove to you, Mom, I will be very happy, very happy indeed."

Seeing her daughter's determined eyes, Wang Shulan felt somewhat reassured.

Although her daughter looked fragile, she was actually resolute.

"As long as you clearly know what you are doing, that's good. You're right, nowadays there are too many wolves in sheep's clothing. It's fine if he's ugly, as long as he's a good person. Tell him we're family; Mom doesn't mind his looks. I have no other demands; I just hope he will always be good to you."

Wang Shulan grasped her hand earnestly, "Zhiyi, your father cherished you most when he was alive. He always said that he didn't care about the partner's family or appearance; his only requirement was that he be good to you. You need to be happy to let your father rest in peace, understand?"

Unable to hold back her tears any longer, Zhiyi began to cry again.

She nodded vigorously.