Chapter 04

The Arcanic Academy of Alykarn, nestled in a kingdom steeped in ancient magic, was dedicated to arcane mysteries. Its imposing architecture reflected its scholarly ambitions. The colossal library housed seven sections open to all researchers. It was an oasis of erudition for unraveling mystical arts.

Hidden within was a clandestine enclave for esteemed academicians. Amid shelves burdened with enigmatic grimoires, elites pursued arcane studies in solitude. Raybarn was a familiar figure here, a trailblazer in these hallowed halls.

Naegissa, draped in elite attire, held court in the private sanctuary. Her presence was captivating, her fur cascading like obsidian with silver stripes. Her intellect and love for research had propelled her to elite ranks at twenty-four cycles.

But behind her prowess lurked an enigmatic persona. Naegissa's icy demeanor and concealed one-eyed visage unsettled many. Her perceived superiority deterred collaboration despite her expertise.

Engrossed in a tome on taming magical signatures, Naegissa sensed intrusive mystical energy. Her gaze shifted to another high-ranking academician entering the library, met with calculated indifference.

The intruder, undaunted by Naegissa's apparent apathy, nudged her playfully and inquired, "Hey! What are you reading?"

Though her body language exuded an air of indifference, her words belied a different sentiment. One unacquainted with their history might have construed their interaction as two strangers, but there was an undercurrent of camaraderie between them.

Naegissa, unmoved by the interruption, replied, "Hey. I'm reading the energy locator material you told me about. What are you doing here?"

The other academician, feigning offense, gasped melodramatically. Naegissa's response was a withering eye roll, a testament to her irritation. "You hurt me, Nae. You hurt me," her companion sighed.

Naegissa's retort was devoid of warmth, "Oh please. Answer the question."

"I'm here to spend some time with my best friend in the whole of Equestera."

"You mean your only friend." Naegissa's words were laced with frost, but a concealed smile betrayed the affection she held for her companion.

"If you keep being like that, you'll never find love, Nae!"

Their exchange dissolved into shared laughter, a notion as preposterous as Naegissa entertaining romantic feelings for another alicorn. Her convictions lay elsewhere, in the pursuit of higher knowledge, not in frivolous friendships or amorous entanglements.

After the laughter abated, her Pythonian friend transitioned to a weightier matter. "Have you heard about what's going on with this weird spirit and the magical signature it has?"

Where her friend bubbled with enthusiasm, Naegissa remained cool and distant. "Why exactly are you not as intrigued by this as I am?" her companion inquired.

"Because it's not uncommon to encounter new spirits," Naegissa replied dispassionately. "They come and go, and sooner or later, we'll understand how to deal with them."

"This time is different, and you know it. You don't want to be a part of that?"

"I'm not concerned. We'll manage, as we always do."

The Pythonian leaned closer, her voice now laden with genuine concern. "Are you really okay?"

Naegissa stared at her quizzically, her emotions a turbulent sea. "Why did you ask that? I'm perfectly fine."

"You don't sound fine. There's something potentially destructive happening, and you don't want to be a part of it at all?"

"Yes. Exactly."

Unperturbed, her friend took a bold step and brushed Naegissa's book aside. Irritation flickered in her eyes, but her friend was undeterred. "Why did you do that?"

"I need to talk to you about something important, and you're distracted."

"Fine. What is it?"

With a deep breath, her friend began, her voice filled with empathy. She extended a wing toward Naegissa, offering a comforting gesture. "I know it's not easy because your parents disappeared at the exact same time that we saw the last 'new discovery.' I'm really sorry about that."

At the mention of her parents, Naegissa's gaze snapped to her friend, a mixture of alarm and bewilderment etched on her features. She was not accustomed to anyone remembering her family's mysterious vanishing act. Her thoughts swirled, emotions clashed, and it was difficult to pinpoint one prevailing feeling. Frustration, irritation, and surprise all vied for dominance.

Undeterred, her friend pressed on, her voice softening. "I want you to know that I'm here for you."

Naegissa's resolve began to waver, but her friend's next words restored it in an instant. "I think if you try to involve yourself in this research, you can get some sort of closure from it."

Her friend's encouragement met with Naegissa's skepticism. "What answers could I possibly get?"

"You never know."

"Fine. I'll think about it."

Though her reply was devoid of warmth, her friend knew not to push further. She had known Naegissa for cycles and understood that she was a delicate balance of conflicting emotions. Push too hard, and Naegissa might explode, an outcome none desired.

With Naegissa now lost in her thoughts, her friend departed, leaving her to contemplate in silence. "Okay, I guess I'll see you around," her friend offered, but Naegissa's silence was her only response.

Alone once more, Naegissa gazed at the ceiling, a single tear tracing a path down her cheek. She attempted to mask her emotions, to portray a façade of indifference, but beneath that veneer, a maelstrom of feelings churned.

In a soft, self-directed murmur, she questioned the uncanny awareness her friend had displayed, "How on Equestera did she know? How does she remember?"

As the Pythonian departed the library through a magic circle serving as a portal—creation of the King of Sand, she bore a heavy burden of concern deep within her soul. Standing on the threshold, she closed her eyes and silently willed Naegissa to follow. But her plea was met with silence, and so she steeled herself and moved forward. Her affection for Naegissa was profound, akin to sharing in her friend's pain. She could feel the weight in Naegissa's chest, yet it was a formidable task when the one in need refused to acknowledge their own vulnerability.

In a bid to dispel the disquieting conversation, the academician embarked on a stroll outside the Arcanic Academy, a rare indulgence she reserved for moments of intense stress. The access to the library, being inside the AAA building, her path led her into the bustling city of Alykarn.

With each step, the respect she garnered from fellow alicorns was palpable. They recognized her, both by her rank and her attire, and greeted her with reverence. The ever-present wind played with her translucent veil, and she reciprocated the salutations with a joyful demeanor, even if her veil proved to be an unruly companion.

Beyond the Academy's gate, she finally freed herself from the confinements of her veil, tucking it away as she ventured deeper into Alykarn. She meandered through the city's lively streets, skillfully avoiding the stream of passing alicorns. In her path, she encountered familiar faces, old friends from her days before joining the AAA, and each interaction was marked by warm smiles.

Taking a detour, she navigated through the bustling Alykarn market, not for purchases but to immerse herself in the vivacity of the place. Her idea of clearing her thoughts was unconventional; it involved traversing teeming streets and engaging with the citizens. This unusual practice endeared her to the people, and her genuine rapport with them made it all the more enjoyable.

At her favorite fruit vendor's stall, she paused to greet Garya, an elderly alicorn who had known her for cycles. The bond between them ran deep, akin to a grandmother-granddaughter relationship. "Greetings, Garya."

"Oh, my beautiful daughter! It's been too long. You spend a lot of time cooped up in that Academy of yours," Garya exclaimed.

"I was walking past and just decided to say hello. How's the market today?"

Garya gestured at her nearly empty baskets, except for a single apple. "You can have the last fruit, my child. It has been such a good day."

With a smile, she accepted the gift and bid farewell to Garya. She continued toward the gates of Alykarn, her thoughts never far from Naegissa. She longed to see her friend free from her self-imposed solitude, yet she knew that only Naegissa's own choices could grant her release.

The grandeur of Alykarn's architecture did little to distract her from her contemplations. As the capital of Pythonia, the city reflected the power and opulence of the kingdom. Its edifices, while not the most advanced in all of Equestera, were still a marvel to behold, second only to the architectural wonders of Saburia, the desert realm.

A solitary thoroughfare threaded through the heart of the city, flanked by imposing structures. The city's design emphasized unity, with buildings huddled closely together. Although it may have seemed crowded to some, the bustling streets were a testament to the city's vibrancy.

As she continued her journey, a communication crystal materialized before her, bearing a message. She learned that she had been assigned the duty of welcoming a visiting researcher to the Academy, a task that was fortuitously in line with her current route. She reached the city gates and informed the guards, awaiting the arrival of the researchers she was meant to greet.

It wasn't long before she spotted them approaching. Raybarn and Feyn had disembarked from the public transport to Alykarn, engaged in a spirited conversation about the state of magic in Equestera. Raybarn recognized her as the academician he was to meet due to her distinctive attire, and he hastened over to greet her, bowing his head in the customary fashion. Feyn, emulating his father's actions, joined in the gesture.

"Greetings, academician. I am Raybarn of Fulmenia, and I was summoned to help with an investigation and observation," Raybarn said.

She acknowledged him with a warm smile, "Yes, I am familiar with your work, Raybarn. I hope that I can learn a lot from you if you would let me."

"By all means. I would be incredibly honored to teach such a revered member of the Academy," Raybarn replied.

They exchanged smiles, and her attention turned to Feyn. "I was told it was only you that would be coming. Did you think that the situation requires an extra mind?"

Raybarn, a bit uncertain, replied, "Oh, not at all. This is my son, Feyn; I brought him here so he would have some experience. Not to worry, I've taught him for cycles, and he's proven a very good student."

"That's alright. The more, the merrier. Please come with me. Let me show you around our Pythonia for a bit."

With Raybarn and Feyn in tow, she led them on a tour of the city, introducing them to various landmarks and trusted market vendors. The trio enjoyed each other's company, and as they approached the end of their journey, she revealed, "Your quarters will be at the Academy, both of you. Your meals will also be taken care of. In fact, your first meal is ready and waiting for you."

Raybarn expressed his gratitude, and she turned her attention to the reserved Feyn. "How's learning under such a respected and well-known researcher going?" she inquired.

Feyn hesitated but eventually responded, "It's going very well, thank you."

Noticing his reticence, she chuckled, recalling her similar interactions with Naegissa. Though, the shy Fulmenian asked, "What's your name, academician?"

"Oh, pardon my manners. I was so happy to receive you both that I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Nerath!"