Part 02 – Masha’s first mission - Chapter 05

The Fulmenian Guild Inn, nestled in the heart of the majestic Aemna, the capital, stood as a paragon of alicorn education, revered across all of Equestera. For those who embarked on the journey within its hallowed halls, it was a sanctuary of learning and the crucible for those aspiring to become Protectors.

That Guild had wisely enlisted the expertise of some of the most esteemed retired Protectors to serve as mentors for the new recruits. These seasoned mentors imparted their wisdom, forged through countless cycles of experience in the field. Although it remained unspoken, there lingered an unceasing rivalry between Aemna and its counterpart, the illustrious Thaaldin, capital of Virtusia.

Hidden away in one of the most inaccessible corners of the city, the road leading to the Inn was heavily guarded. The Fulmenian Forests, charged with electrifying energy, sheltered an environment that was as perilous as it was enthralling. The trees, adorned with leaves, crackled with an electric charge, casting an ominous aura over the surrounding roads.

Over the cycles, countless alicorns had nearly met their doom in these woods, their bodies scorched by the unforgiving power of the trees. Even the most physically robust would crumble under the electric onslaught unless they were adequately trained to navigate this perilous terrain. The first time young Leyla ventured into the forest en route to the Guild Inn, she emerged battered and bruised. A massive bruise marred one of her wings, and her leg had been shattered, a testament to the sheer ferocity of the arboreal electric force.

Yet fortune smiled upon her that day. A skilled Amethyst-ranked Protector, well-versed in the art of handling thunderous energy, happened to be taking a stroll. He swiftly erected a protective magical shield around her and administered aid to ease her pain, ultimately delivering her into the capable paws of the Inn's healers.

In the ensuing cycles, Leyla's strength grew to the point where she could nonchalantly traverse the electric-charged groves. As the Third Paladin of Equestera, her visits to the Aemna Inn were infrequent, dictated by her duty as a Protector. However, whenever she had the opportunity, she made a pilgrimage to the place where her journey began, a humble tribute to her roots.

Aemna's Inn, like its sister Guilds, was a sprawling complex of various establishments. Though dwarfed by the grandeur of the AAA's compound, as no other building could rival the Academy in terms of sheer scale and prestige. To distinguish itself from the Academy, Aemna's Inn endeavored to craft a unique atmosphere for its patrons.

The compound boasted an array of stalls that offered diverse culinary delights from every corner of Equestera. For alicorns hailing from distant lands or those seeking to savor the myriad flavors of the realm, this was a haven of gastronomy. Throughout her time at the Inn, Leyla made a point to indulge in dishes from various Equesteran regions, a personal culinary journey beyond the confines of Fulmenia.

The Inn also featured a keep where alicorns could unwind, bond, and cultivate strong relationships. Such camaraderie was imperative, for in the world of Protectors, alliances and partnerships could be the difference between life and death. The Inn's architects had shrewdly designed the structures to foster these vital connections.

Leyla, wanting to closely oversee her daughter Masha's journey as a Protector, decided to accompany her to the Guild Inn. Her maternal instincts compelled her to ensure Masha's safety. She understood that the world held threats, both seen and unseen, that could prey on new Protectors. Yet, her guise was also a tactical necessity; revealing herself as the Third Paladin could invite unwanted attention, both friend and foe.

A dark blue cloak adorned with intricate yellow embroidery billowed behind Leyla, shrouding her figure in mystery. The matching mask, fitted snugly over her muzzle, concealed her features, leaving only her piercing eyes visible. Masha, her ears flattened in confusion, gazed at her mother's covert attire, curiosity evident in her feline-like movements.

"Mom, why are you dressed like this? You're utterly unrecognizable," Masha queried, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"That's precisely the point, my dear," Leyla replied, her voice gentle yet firm, a soothing melody amidst the light buzzing sounds from the surrounding trees. "I need to remain incognito."

"Even from Dad?" Masha persisted, her wings twitching with uncertainty.

"What do you mean?" Leyla's ears perked up, a hint of amusement coloring her tone

"I'm certain Dad wouldn't recognize you right now," Masha mused, a playful glint in her eyes.

Leyla chuckled softly, her laughter carrying a comforting warmth as she playfully nudged Masha with her shoulder. The impact, gentle yet firm, almost toppled her daughter, a testament to Leyla's strength. "Well, a Paladin strolling into the heart of the Guild Inn would be no trivial matter," Leyla explained, her voice laced with a hint of mischief. "I aim to attract as little attention as possible. In Aemna, I seldom enter without my disguise unless it's purely official business."

"Why not? You became a Protector here," Masha questioned, her curiosity piqued by her mother's explanation.

"And that's precisely why I don't wish them to know it's me, especially now that you're joining," Leyla replied, her gaze softening with maternal concern.

"You're concerned about me, and that's understandable. But, Mom, you're the Third Paladin. No one in their right mind would dare harm your family," Masha reassured, her voice tinged with admiration for her mother's esteemed position.

In response, Leyla's lips curled into a knowing smile, and her eyes held a twinkle that spoke volumes. A maternal look, laden with the weight of experience, was cast upon her daughter. It was a look that conveyed the unspoken truth that Masha still had much to glean about the intricate tapestry of Equestera. The world held secrets yet to be unveiled, and the seasoned Protector was determined to guide her offspring through its enigmatic corridors.

As they ventured forth, they walked in companionable silence, the sound of their footsteps in rhythm with their heartbeats. Equestera's beauty surrounded them, nature's symphony playing out in the rustling leaves and distant spiritcalls. Each footfall marked a step into a future brimming with promise and uncertainty.

It was Leyla who broke the tranquil silence, her voice a soothing whisper in the calmness of the moment. "By the way, my dear, today, you are the star of the show. You embark on the inaugural leg of your journey to become a Protector. Let us not divert our attention from your path."

Masha recognized the wisdom in her mother's words. She didn't covet the spotlight; her admiration and love for Leyla ran deep. Yet the prospect of her mother overshadowing her own achievements on this crucial day would have left a bitter taste in her mouth. Their shared bond was unbreakable, but today was her day, and she was prepared to seize it with both paws.

"You're right, Mom," she replied, a quiet determination in her voice. "I'd prefer not to have all eyes on you while I take my first steps as a Protector."

With Masha's sentiment echoing her own, Leyla harked back to the days of early instruction, and the memory wrapped her heart in warmth. She watched as her daughter had transformed from a wide-eyed innocent into a mature, capable young alicorn. As they walked side by side, her thoughts occasionally drifted to the blissful simplicity of those early days when Masha's perspective was painted with the colors of hope.

Such innocence, she mused, was a consequence of their sheltered existence. The darkness of the world had been kept at bay, and the complexities of the larger world had yet to mar her children's souls. This innocence stemmed from their limited exposure to the world's intricacies, safeguarded by parental love.

However, with every cycle that passed, Leyla became more aware of the impending need to acquaint her offspring with the world's harsh realities. She knew the price of naiveté in a realm fraught with dangers concealed in the most unlikely of corners. The time had come to inoculate her children against the world's malevolence.

Raybarn had taken up the mantle of introducing Feyn to the shadows of magic. The young alicorn was steadily learning the intricacies of forbidden spells and their sinister consequences. This knowledge was essential for a future researcher who needed to discern between good and evil.

Simultaneously, Leyla was nurturing Masha's understanding of the various magical energies she would encounter as a Protector. Although her daughter hadn't yet faced the full brunt of the malevolence lurking in Equestera, she possessed a clear sense of the challenges that awaited her in the field.

As Leyla ruminated on her children's gradual exposure to the shadows of the world, she found herself overcome with gratitude for their growth. Masha, in particular, had blossomed in ways that filled her heart with pride. The lessons, strolls, and conversations shared with her daughter were among the cherished moments that she missed when duty called her away as a Paladin.

Masha's excitement about becoming a Protector was palpable, but she harbored apprehensions about the impending changes in her life. This journey would distance her from her mother, reducing the opportunities for talks, walks, and lessons, a prospect she wasn't quite ready to confront. These thoughts carved lines of concern on her face, etching away the small smile she had worn moments earlier.

Unbeknownst to Masha, her turmoil did not go unnoticed. Leyla sensed the shifting currents of her daughter's emotions and halted in her tracks. Masha, lost in the whirlpool of her thoughts, continued walking until her mother's voice called her back to reality.

"Masha?" Her mother asked, seemingly worried. "What's troubling you? We've longed for this day, and it has finally arrived."

"That's the issue, Mom," Masha confessed, her eyes clouded by tears. Leyla moved closer, and they shared an intimate moment, their heads touching as an emblem of comfort and affection.

Her mother, ever understanding, probed further. "Explain. What weighs on your heart?"

Masha, her voice trembling with vulnerability, confessed her fears. "When I enter the Inn, I'll have even less time with you, and that terrifies me."

Leyla had once grappled with the same distance from her family when she embarked on her path as a Paladin. Her eyes held an empathetic understanding. "I know precisely how you feel. When I became a Paladin, it drew me further from you three. You were my world, and the separation was a painful rift."

Masha's curiosity led her to inquire about her parents' experience. "How did you and Dad handle it?"

Leyla's response bore a blend of wisdom and warmth. "It took time, my dear. We learned to adjust. Whenever there was an opportunity, we seized it and spent precious moments together. We navigated the challenges, making the best of the situation. Even in my absence as a Paladin, I strived to be there for you and Feyn when duty permitted."

Masha, bolstered by her mother's example, felt her resolve strengthen. If Leyla could make the separation work, she could too. Her sorrow transformed into resolute determination, and Leyla smiled, her eyes full of pride for her daughter's strength of spirit.

As the imposing doors of the Inn loomed on the horizon, their destination lay before them. Masha and Leyla engaged in playful banter, a shared moment of levity before embarking on this pivotal juncture.

Upon reaching the threshold, Masha cast a reverent gaze upon the grand doors. Beyond them lay the genesis of her new life as a Protector, a life she embraced with fierce determination. With her characteristic mix of determination and good-natured teasing, she turned to her mother, her words brimming with aspiration.

"Mom, I shall surpass you and ascend to the position of the First Paladin."

Leyla's laughter filled the air, a sound free from mockery but rich with encouragement. She held unwavering faith in Masha's potential. Knowing her daughter's tenacity, she had no doubt that Masha's declaration held the promise of becoming reality.

"Well, my dear, you still have quite a journey ahead of you."

Masha's confidence shone brightly. The early lessons had fortified her spirit, a trait essential for a Protector. Some spirits, fueled by malevolent magic, could sense fear emanating from a Protector and exploit it. Masha, the Third Paladin's daughter, carried herself with a touch of arrogance, a product of her mother's guidance. She wouldn't allow the world to perceive her family's status.

Masha was set apart from other applicants approaching the Inn. Many of them trudged in with heads bowed and shoulders hunched, radiating an air of defeat and hopelessness. Yet Masha had internalized her mother's teachings, and she walked with her head held high, shoulders squared, and chest out. Her aura radiated unwavering confidence, causing other alicorns to question if she were an applicant or an instructor.

Leyla, a picture of maternal pride, recognized her daughter's unique advantage on this momentous day. The stage was set for Masha to begin her journey, a journey that would define her and her family's legacy.