The Reborn of The Star

"If you could create anything, what would you create? Awaii?"




In an instant I opened my eyes and woke up. For the umpteenth time, I had a nightmare.

I couldn't remember the content of the dream but I knew it was a long one. I yawned and rubbed my pale face. Looking around my very messy room.

I grabbed a medicine lying on the table, then drank it. I also put on a jacket that was hanging on the wall of my room.

"Akh-" I was surprised.

I immediately took off the sleeve of my jacket from my hand that was full of scars from cuts that had not yet healed. The result of various terrible scenarios that I somehow could not remember.

I carefully put the jacket back on and immediately dashed out of my dark room. Passing the garden path towards my favorite place.

A dam.

As usual, I would always stand at the fence of a dam every 5 am. Staring at the sun that slowly shone while waiting for someone. Tightly I held a glass hanger containing the Forget me-not herbarium that I had set aside for him.

Too bad it's foggy today. But I like the atmosphere. Gloomy and cold. Much like me.

I heard footsteps approaching from a distance. My lips slowly lifted. Reflexively, I turned to look at him. He's the one I've been waiting for every morning.

My dear friend, Auvy

I started walking towards her enthusiastically. Maybe a little childish because I walked while jumping with my hands in my jacket pockets.

"Morning, Auvy." I greeted.

But strangely he didn't answer, just stayed silent. How rare.

Although my new friend is a quiet person, it is unusual for him to be this gloomy.

I stood in front of her with my usual smile while waving my hand to greet her.

But she remained silent. Her eyes were dark and empty. Her eyebrows drooped. Her black hair looked tangled. With her lips trembling. Her aura darkened.

"Auvy?" I called him again.

Auvy smiled wryly, "Finally the day has come when I have to do it."

"Huh?" What are you talking about?" I asked him, not understand what he said.

He didn't pay any attention to my question. Instead, he suddenly hugged me tightly. I was immediately shocked. But it felt like something was happening to my body.

My stomach hurt so much. Blood slowly flowed from my mouth and dripped onto my clothes. My whole body felt so cold. Although Auvy's embrace warmed me up a bit.

Weakly I struggled. I looked at the part of my body where the pain I felt came from. And my eyes widened. A long sword pierced my stomach. Lots of blood was pouring out of it.

"W..uvy..?" I asked in surprise with a trembling tone. "Why..?" I continued

Quickly my consciousness began to fade, and my body swayed towards Auvy. "Sorry, Awaii."







Blub blub blub blub.



What...? Why... I feel like I'm drowning. It feels so deep and getting deeper and so oold..

Blub blub blub blub shh~


What... is this?! Where is this?!

When I was only half-conscious, I slowly opened my eyes. There was a puddle of water around me. My chest felt felt so full. The atmosphere slowly became dark and silent. My head also felt so hurt. It felt like something had entered my head―memories.

Memories that came from nowhere appeared in my head. They were all like sparks that appeared and then disappeared.

I saw many people I didn't know appear in my head. A blonde woman. A man with glasses. Someone with crystal blue pupils. And many more.

In an instant I was transported, I was taken to a different dimension again. A darker place. Even scarier. It felt like I was floating in middle of void.

But slowly millions of stars shone one by one. Twinkling, illuminating each other. Now I was teleported into the universe. This was so confusing.

A white, transparent rope suddenly tied my body. I couldn't move. I tried to struggle to free myself. But damn, I couldn't get away at all. It got tighter.

"What is this?! Ugh―" I screamed.

"Finally, you're back." said someone from the darkness.

My head immediately looked up here and there. Looking for where the voice came from. But wherever my eyes explored everything I could see. Still nothing.

"I've been waiting for you to come back, billions of years." She succeeded."

"W-who are you?!" I asked in a firm tone. I still couldn't catch anything. Whose voice is this? Where is this voice coming from?

Suddenly a woman as big as a giant appeared in front of me. She looked at me with a sad expression then cupped whole of my body and then pressed her forehead against mine

"Welcome back to Asteria. My lovely star." She said with her beautiful voice.

I was stunned. She was so beautiful. Her skin was pale white as porcelain. Her eyes were a bright light green with white irises. Her hair was very very long. It was white with green tips. A crown of twigs with flowers adorned her head. Also her white-green dress was so alluring.

"What do you mean...AAAHHHH!!!" Before I could finish my sentence, the rope that bound me immediately came loose and I fell down.

I shocked again because I didn't understand what was happening. A feeling of extreme fear was eating away at me. My eyes looked straight up and slowly widened. The woman was crying. Her tears dripped slowly down her cheeks. She remained floating above me. Not moving an inch.

I don't know why she's feels so familiar. Who is she? But why should I think about that. I still falling.

My screams kept booming, "What the hell is happening?!"

First I was stabbed, then drowned, then met two scary people and now I'm falling into darkness. I know I'm not sane but I'm not crazy. "AAAAAHHHHH!!"

I kept falling until I arrived on a planet. On a strange small island. There were 3 floating plains above it that surrounded it. The floating plains were connected in a giant, very long, transparent pipe. And also giant forest that surrounds the outer side of the island.

"Holly shit!!" I hissed. "Help! HELP!!!" I screamed with all of my might.

Hey! You idiot. Who would help me in a situation like this? I looked down and saw that in a few seconds I would be slammed on the ground and die a horrible death.

My head hurt so much.












"Enough please.."






"I'm tired of everything..."






"Just let me die in Peace.."






I then closed my eyes and choose to surrender to the fate.