Fredella, Chrono, and Clarice

My eyes fell on the cube that fell beside me. I reached out to grab it, but the boy sitting on me hissed sharply like a cat, then snatched the cube from my hand.

"Don't you dare touch my precious cube." He said coldly.

"Well??" I could only grumble to myself.

"Argh, you just disturb my sleeping," he muttered as he ruffled his hair in frustration. After that, he immediately stood up and left, leaving me without any guilt. He walked towards the sidewalk of the main road.

Me, who was annoyed because I didn't accept his treatment, immediately stood up and pulled his hair in a crew-neck style.

"Bro? What the hell?" I snapped while blocking him.

He turned his head with furrowed eyebrows. "Huh? What do you want?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?! YOU SAID WHAT YOU WANT?! You literally almost killed me." I cursed him in my heart, but all that came out was my annoyed expression.

"So?" He didn't care.

He looked at me confused. "If you don't have anything to do, don't bother me." He said flatly before walking back, not caring about me. However, I still followed him.

"Don't follow me," he said without turning around.

Of course I didn't pay attention. I continued to follow him. He started to quicken his pace, and I did the same. When he started running, I ran too.

"Hey, don't follow me! What's your problem?" he exclaimed in annoyance.

I quickened my pace, now really annoyed.

"Ain't no way! After making someone almost die. At least say sorry. Never heard of that word before?" I vented my annoyance while pointing at him.

"Huh? Your way of speaking is really strange. Where are you from?" he asked with a confused expression.

We continued running until we reached the city gate. The sound of vehicles and the hustle and bustle of people behind the walls greeted us.

Passing the row of trees along the sidewalk, the people who saw us looked confused.

This kid looked at me as if he was being chased by a raging bull.

At the fork in the road, I saw two girls walking together. They looked at me in surprise, then looked at each other.

This kid looked increasingly panicked, "Oh shit."

His sweat was pouring down, his steps were getting faster. He seemed afraid of the two girls plus me who chased him tirelessly.

When he suddenly turned onto the main road, I followed him without thinking.

Unfortunately, from the side, a car was speeding towards me. The sound of the horn was deafening, and I panicked.

I tried to back away, but instead tripped and fell.

Oh my gosh! My life was almost gone, and now it's about to be ripped away again?!

Before my body actually hit the asphalt, someone pulled me back. I fell towards the person. The brown classic car swerved, but luckily it didn't hit me.

I swallowed hard. My chest was pounding, my body was shaking. The grip on my waist slowly loosened.

I turned towards the person who was helping me, but he immediately looked away and pulled away before I could see his face. His whole body was covered in a dark blue robe.

"Thank you.." I said quietly, still in a state of shock.

His steps stopped. He turned his head slightly and smiled faintly before walking towards me. I looked down, feeling embarrassed.

He patted my head lightly, making me stunned. When I raised my head to look at him, he had turned away again and was gone, disappearing from my sight.

"What was that..." I muttered softly.

I immediately came to my senses and turned back to the kid I had been chasing. He was already running further away.

"Hey, don't go!" I shouted, chasing him again. We ran to the city center, passing through narrow algae and making a mess.

I look around. If fantasy worlds usually have a medieval theme or something like that, this place is set in the 1970s in Jogjakarta. Many of the buildings have a vintage theme or you could say they are Dutch colonial heritage buildings.

Some people wear kebaya suits or military dresses and don't forget to wear small hats decorated with flowers on each head.

Almost all of their hair is in a bun or short hair that is loose There are white umbrellas with flowers.

It's a very beautiful city. Unfortunately I can't enjoy it now. I must kick him, if not enough then I'll hit his balls. That must be hurt.

The kid bumped into people in the market, overturned the shopping cart, and broke glass bottles. The atmosphere became chaotic.

The security officers started chasing us. Now I'm not only chasing the kid, but I'm also being chased by officers.

"This is all your fault!" I shouted in panic.

"My fault?! Hey, you were the one who started chasing me!" He replied in an annoyed tone.

"Arghh!!" I screamed.

The officers were getting closer. If this keeps up, we'll get caught! The boy suddenly activated something in his shoes.

Mini rockets appeared, and he began to float. Panicked, I immediately hugged his neck, and we shot up into the sky.

"AAAAA!!" I screamed, gripping his neck tightly.

"Let go! Ugh! You're choking me!" he protested, coughing.

"Sorry!" I answered panicked, but I kept gripping it for fear of falling.

We flew over the island. The view below was very beautiful: mountains, forests, grasslands, and small towns.

However, the kid seemed frustrated because I was still hanging around his neck. We finally landed at a station on the floating ground.

He collapsed to the ground, exhausted. "This is all your fault..."

"Your fault! If you didn't sleep on the tree. This wouldn't have happened!" I replied, both panting.

I stood up and looked around. A majestic castle stood in front of us, surrounded by students in wizard-style uniforms.

In the courtyard, a statue of a woman wearing a flower crown stood majestically, with a giant tree behind her. A waterfall flowing from the ground floated above her

I was amazed. "Wow... What is this place?"

The boy started to stand up and walked towards the castle. I followed him from behind. He stopped then turned towards me with an annoyed face.

"You'd better go home. Are you really a kid here?" He throw me away.

"Go away." He hissed, not accepting it.

"You're not a student at Akademia, right?" he continued.

"Academia?" I asked.

I immediately realized. Oh, so Hera said Academia earlier. Then it must be this place.

The boy moved his hands in front of me who was daydreaming.

"Hey! You're listening, right?"

I grinned without caring, "Heh, I'll stay here."

"Huh?! What do you want?" He asked not understanding.

I folded my arms while looking in another direction, "Who are you to chase away my honorable self?"

The boy choked not understanding, "Huh??"

"You are stupid, aren't you?" he continued.

"Oi, Chrono!!" someone suddenly shouted in a very shrill voice.

The boy earlier who called Chrono suddenly had goosebumps. His face was immediately covered in cold sweat as he revealed a panicked expression.

"Oh shit.." He hissed.

I turned to the source of the sound. They were two girls in town earlier. One of the green-haired girls was running, followed by a red-haired girl behind her who looked overwhelmed.

"Fredella!" Called the red-haired girl.

Chrono suddenly shot away. Fredella, immediately directed her hand towards Chrono.

A vine suddenly emerged from the ceramic courtyard and wrapped around Chrono's waist. He pulled the child until he fell in front of the three of us.

Chrono immediately looked at Fredella in panic. Fredella's face turned fierce. More like terryifing. He looked at Chrono with a condescending look.

"Hey, you little trash! Where have been you disappeared? We've been looking for you all over the city!" Fredella pointed at the boy.

Chrono then replied in a lazy tone while trying to get away, "I'm too lazy to work with women! Let me go!"

Fredella, who saw Chrono not responding to her words, exploded even more like an atomic bomb that had just been released.

"Huh? What did you say? You really are an ignorant junior. All men are stupid, aren't they?" said Fredella

The red-haired girl blinked again in panic, "Fredella, please. At least Chrono has been found."

Chrono then rebelled because the plants wrapped around him were getting tighter. "That's it! Let this thing go!" Chrono asked Fredella with puppy eyes.

"Who are you, who dares to order me?" Fredella replied in a cold tone.

Chrono's guts immediately sank.

"Let me go." Chrono asked in a pitiful tone.

I covered my mouth because I wanted to laugh at Chrono's pitiful tone. His voice didn't match his disheveled appearance at all.

His brown hair was styled in a messy way and not combed neatly. He also wore a red headband wrapped around his forehead which held all his messy hair up.

His professor-style clothes were a little shabby. It's like it's never been washed. His pupils were hazel green. If you look closely, it has freckless spots like blackheads. Anyway, he is very eccentric like a delinquent.

"Sorry, but why are you with this bastard?" Fredella turned to me. His annoyed expression was still plastered on his face.

"Oh yea!" I realized.

I immediately ran towards him and punched him, "This kid just fell on me from a tree and almost killed me by being hit by a car. After that he made a fuss in the city and I chased him because I felt furious!"

Chrono was suddenly shocked, "HAH?!"

Hearing this, Fredella immediately went berserk. She immediately freed herself from Clarice's grip which was holding her.

Meanwhile Chrono's face suddenly shrank again. He immediately looked at me with a panicked face. As if to say, "Why did you say that?!"

I met his gaze with an amused grin.

"Chrono. Hasn't the academy always prohibited harm to civilians? Are you planning to make all the witches were burned by the citizen?" Fredella looked annoyed.

Chrono immediately got goosebumps, "No, it was just an accident."

"Excuse me." Fredella said in a cynical tone.

"All men are trash, aren't they." She continued in a very scary tone.

I could only remain silent watching their commotion.

The red-haired girl surrendered. She then got to know me shyly, "I'm sorry. My friend is like this. By the way, I'm Clarice. What's your name?"

"I'm Awaii." I replied smily.

Wow, she's really clumsy. Her face was innocent and her attitude was very shy.

In contrast to Fredella, whose face is fierce and emits a cynical voice. As if she were a form of cynicism itself.

"Thanks for helping us find this bastard. Good thing you went after him." Fredella admitted.

"I understand, being in a group with burdens must be troublesome." I answered resignedly.

I suddenly remembered my group work in class when I was still living in my old world. Almost all of them are burdens.

"Men are really no different from trash rotting in a landfill." Said Fredella again.

"Ahahahaha..." I answered akwardly. I don't want to make things worse.

"So this is it, Violet Academy." My praise.

"Eh? You're not a student of Akademiya." Clarice looked at me surprised.

"No." I answered.

Fredella and Clarice ask me again, "Then how did you come here..?"