CHAPTER 1 - "It hurts. It hurts so bad."


"What do you mean, Chris? I cleared off all the goods that will be coming in today." I reach for my car keys. "I'll be there."

The warehouse, like Chris said is empty. I can't help the laughter that erupts from me.

"Romain" I call out. It is only my brother that can do something so absurd.

Footsteps draw close behind me, and I turn around to meet with an intense force.

I've been up for minutes. This place is alien to me. I scan the scene but there are only two men on site. One is huge and tall, the other, not really. I take it that the huge guy is the boss.

"What the fuck is this?!" I growl.

"Our little prince is awake." The huge man says tapping the other, and both approach.

"You have been keeping us waiting." The other says.

"What do you want?" I say. Patience is a trait I failed to get from my parents.

"You, dead. Is all we want." The huge man says, and I laugh.

"Get on with it then."

"You'd be gone before the ambulance arrives." The little man says. He has a wicked grin which I intend to wipe off soon.

I jerk back to reality from a hard push.

Next, I'm flying off a cliff.

Is this fear? This feeling, it's new to me.

"God!" I say as my back hits the water.

I hear someone panting next to me. My eyes are heavy and it's hard to move them.

"Hey! Wake up!" A voice says. It's feminine. Lol, I hate women.

My cheek stings from a slap. How dare she?

I forcefully break the bond between my lid, and there's a pair of eyes. Hazel.

My brain can barely form a face for the figure before me.

"I called an ambulance. Hold on a bit." She says then turns away to search for something.

My vision gets a bit better. She's on green. A jacket.

I close my eyes for a bit and open them again. On her neck, there's a tattoo. A crescent moon.

Everything feels so light.

"They're here." I hear, faintly. Everywhere is dark, again.


🎵Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you."🎵 I hear as I stir in my sleep.

I had given a stern warning last night - no disturbance. My eyes open to see Amira all hyper with a wide grin on her face. The pillow beside me feels so good, I don't hesitate to send it landing on her face.

"Why don't you ever listen?" I say. The smile on her face turns to a glare. I will not fall for that. But why am I feeling guilty?

"Did you succeed?" Jayla whispers as she peeps into my room. Her eyes scan the room then lands on Amira who has a big pout on her face. "Of course, you didn't." She adds, trying to hold the laugh that struggles to break free.

"It's your 25th birthday, and I was only trying to be nice!" Amira turns to me.

"I know. But I don't need it. I made that clear yesterday." I say back. "You two should leave, I need my sleep. Try surprising me when I wake up on my own." I add reaching out for the duvet and pull it over my head. Yesterday was one hell of a day, I deserve so much rest.

"You wish." Amira says.

I have a date with Drey today. I'm so thrilled about it, I saw it in my dream.

It's quite ironic that I'm the busiest one in the relationship, yet the hopeless romantic.

The yellow cowl neck gown clings to my body like a second skin. It took a few hours to come up with something simple, yet sexy enough for a date. The silver heel matches the purse and my accessories.

Jayla and Amira are focused on the TV. 'Emily In Paris' has had us all hooked from the first day.

"I'm not impressed." Jayla goes first after she looks at me. Sometimes, I feel she actually means those words but there's no way, right?

"I would say the same but oh my! You're stunning." Amira climbs down from the couch and stares at me with a fan girl smile. I twirl.

"You're beautiful. Now run along." Jayla shushes.

I give Amira a peck, and hurry out.

Drey never keeps me waiting. It was so unlike him to not pick me up, and now, I'm waiting?

My phone light is on and I keep checking in but nothing.

"I'm so sorry. I had something to attend to." I hear from behind me then he comes around to sit in front of me.

I wait a few seconds, obviously waiting for him to say something yet nothing followed.

"It's my birthday, Drey." I say, bending my neck a bit. Giving him a 'you should know' look.

"Yeah! Shit! Happy Birthday, baby." He says, then stands up to place a kiss on my lips.

"You're so off," I laugh.

"Well" He trails off. His aura today is so different. We're supposed to be celebrating.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know. I can't do this anymore." He shakes his head, refusing to hold my gaze.

"You can't do what, anymore?" I say, feeling dumb even though I know exactly what he means. I refuse to believe it.

"You and me," he eyes, holding a trace of withdrawal. "It's not working." He adds.

"I'm trying." I whisper. Unable to find my voice at this important time.

"Of course, you are." He almost scoffs.

A drop of rain falls on my hand. Rain? We're inside. It's from my eyes.

I blink really quick. This isn't happening.

"We're supposed to be celebrating my birthday." I whisper again.

"I know. I just had to."

"Today? It had to be today?" The tears come rushing down my cheeks but I dab them really quick.

"Happy birthday, Kendall." He says firmly then walks off.

The feeling in my heart, it's pulling my lungs together. I can't breathe. The tears choke. My mouth opens as I gasp for air.

The screen of my phone lights up.

It's a text from Jayla; "Having fun?" It reads.

I drop my face on the table before me and cry intensely. I cry so hard my body quivers.

I can feel my head about to split but I can't stop the tears.

It hurts. It hurts so bad.