
CHAPTER 4 - The company is hosting a party this weekend. Be my plus one?


A habit I would probably never do away with, is picking up my phone the moment I open my eyes. 

My clients are always in need of urgent dresses, it's exhausting most times.

Let's talk over coffee - text sat pretty on my screen. Another one from Romain.

I rush into the shower and out. Everything looks so disorganized. I might consider Jayla's idea of hiring someone for the clean up. 

Jayla walks into my room as I'm about to walk out.

"Need anything?" I say while picking up my bag and gadgets.

"Not really."

"Move it then."

"Easy. I'm just here for your wardrobe." 

"You might as well help me arrange as compensation." I laugh before leaving the house.

Romain stands leaning on his car with legs crossed right in front of my house. I walk towards him.

"I'll give you a ride."

"I don't remember ordering a cab." 

"Drop the attitude, Kendall. Get in." He says sternly, and I'm a bit taken back by this new side of Romain.

As much as I do not want to be ordered around, I might as well let us have a final talk.


I step inside his car and there's a cup of coffee. I guess the talk will be done here then. Better.

"You look beautiful." He says.

"Thank you. I kind of forgot to check the mirror before stepping out."  I say and he smiles. Glad that I took out a bit of the tension.

The ride is quiet, but I shift from my seat as he parks in front of a restaurant.

"Breakfast?" He says and I nod. We both walk in.

"I really need your help, Ken." He pleads, and for a minute I catch a glimpse of desperation in his eyes.

Romain and desperate in a sentence is very unimaginable.

"There are tons of girls you can use to pull your shit. Why are you being so persistent?"

"Exactly. There are a lot of girls I can pull this with, and my father knows that. With you, it will be different." 

"How different?" 

"Everyone in Paris knows you, Kendall. You're definitely not one to be in a fake relationship. That's a good cover up, already." He pauses to take in my reaction which he didn't get. "I can't believe I have to plead this hard yet I've not gotten a single positive response from you." He says now looking frustrated.

The words seem to lock in on me but I lift my head just in time to see Drey walk in with a pretty blonde lady. Our eyes meet, but he looks away immediately, probably pretending to look for something he didn't even have on.

A pang of jealousy hits me. My emotions are stirring up, and God help me so I don't break down right now. She gets all touchy and clingy with him so I look away. My vision begins to blur out but I can't be caught up being the vulnerable one. Never.

They're both about to walk past our table when I say out loud, "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." With the sweetest fake smile. 

Drey pauses for a second, looks over before getting dragged away by the blonde lady.

Romain on the other hand looks a little bit too excited for a fake relationship.

"Thank you, Ken. Fuck! Thank you." He says like he just won a lottery. Or maybe I'm a prize to hold on to.

The whole morning coffee thing keeps recurring to me. I'm in a fake relationship with Romain Arsenault just because I couldn't keep my jealousy in check? 

Was Drey cheating on me? With a blonde girl? 

I'm restless as I keep swinging the scissors in my hand deep in thoughts. I'm about to drown in a sea of my emotions. I need help.

My phone chimes. It's a message from Romain.

The company is hosting a party this weekend. For shareholders.

Be my plus one? - it reads.

I sigh loudly as I drop my phone on the table in a loud bang. What did I get myself into?

The sound of my phone ringing draws me out of my thoughts. It's Jayla.

"Hey girl." She goes from the other side. I know she's up to no good today.

"Did you get a job?" I ask knowing it's a kill joy to her.

"You just had to turn me off." 

Jayla has a degree in Business Management, and has been an administrative manager for my fashion house - KENDIRA FASHION HOUSE since. I like to call her jobless.

"I'm sorry." I laugh.

"Oh well, for compensation. I'll be obtaining something of yours.

"For a moment I thought you changed."

"I could never even if I tried."

"What is it you want to steal from me this time?"

"The classic designs from your closet." She says and my smile fades a bit. 

"Do your thing, ma'am."

"I love you, bitch!" She squeals and I laugh out loud. 


Jayla moved with me to Paris years ago. I could barely believe my ears when she said she chose Paris for college too.

I felt comforted and more confident about my decision to leave the US. We've been like a nail in a wood since - hard to separate.

Riley had once told me Jayla was living off me, and that is the silliest joke I have ever heard. Jayla's availability in my life is more than enough for me. She is like a support system.

I twirl on my chair, reminiscing on everything that has been going on so far. It feels like my life got messy in less than a week. 

I put a call through to my biggest fan.

"Hey, let's have lunch together. I miss you." I say to Amira. She will be my channel to get rid of my troubles for the day.

"You saw me this morning, Ken."

"I did. I know. Still, I miss you."

"You're unbelievable. I'll be out of class in 20 minutes."

"I'll pick you up." I say before hanging up.

My relationship with Amira isn't all lovey dovey. She's my whole world but we are barely ever expressive about our emotions towards each other - that has always been a Jayla thing. 

Amira is my greatest cheerleader, only at the cost of making designer outfits for her for almost every occasion.

My phone rings. It's a strange number.

"Hello" I say but there seems to be a buzz on the other side.

"Is this Miss Kendall, sister to Amira?"

"Yes, it is." I say, giving more attention.

"Amira just had an attack, we can't seem to find an inhaler in any of her bags." I reach out for my keys only to realize I didn't drive today.


"Hello, ma'am. Are you still on the line?"

"Yes! I am." I pull the drawer beneath my desk and take out an inhaler.

"She's currently at the school clinic but she's in a bad state."

I try to compose myself. My face grows hot as I storm out of my office in a race.

Amira is asthmatic, and over the years her symptoms seem to grow worse. She once stopped responding to inhalers and used only injections for a period of time. The doctor later recommended a stronger inhaler which cost a lot but do I mind? 

I got one for her. One for keeps at home, and kept one with me.

"I need to be somewhere, Riley. I need your car key." I say with a shaky voice.

She hands the key without any hesitation. She can obviously read my body language and I'm sure I'm probably overreacting.

I fiddle with the car key, obviously frustrated, so I let out a deep sigh hitting the wheels with all my strength. It sends a loud honking sound that makes me jerk.

Trying to calm my nerves, I insert the car key and drive out of the parking lot.

Every form of orderliness seem to have left me, I passed the traffic, overtook cars. I almost collide with an incoming vehicle but my reflex takes the best of me and I hit the brakes leading to a screeching stop. 

I lift my head to find out that the other car had come to a halt too.