
Ein took another step back instead, inching closer to the forest. Just a bit more...

"If you catch a stray, it's on you," Dean muttered and aimed. He fired another shot at the cult leader, the bang causing both Hale and Adriel to flinch.

Luck was on Ein's side. Or rather, experience was. Some of Dean's habits hadn't changed in years. His brow would twitch subtly right before he pressed the trigger, which gave Ein time to react.

The second shot flew loose, hitting a tree behind them.

No more words were spoken. Dean barely moved from his spot, eyes locked on Hale, intense with determination.

The ghost winced at the third click of the gun, panic rising. "Ein, let's stop here! I-It's not worth it! Step aside! Please!"

It seemed that he had made up his mind in the favor of running away. However, Ein didn't budge.

The ghost looked around wildly. He picked up a tree branch to throw at Dean.

Another gunshot echoed through the forest.