Nomad Start

"…The money is agreed upon. There is no negotiation. I won't give you a penny more."

"Well, you can take my tools and fix it yourself."

 "No problem, then get out of the way."

 "...The compressor will keep spinning and the car might malfunction."

"Did I ask you to give your opinion?"

The quarrel between the man and woman woke up Bai Rui who was lying in the back seat of the car.

Bai Rui rubbed her eyes for a while. Although her head was dizzy, she still forced herself to

sit up. When she stood up, the blanket on her body slipped off, and she didn't know when

someone covered her with it.

"Hi Bai Rui, sorry to bother you."

In her hazy vision, Bai Rui only saw a woman coming and squatting beside her, asking softly.

After shaking her head, Bai Rui's mind gradually became clear and her vision returned to


The woman squatting in front of her had small ears exposed under her short sky-blue hair,

and two small blue earrings hanging on her right earlobe.

"Bai Rui?"

The other party spoke gently again, and Bai Rui came back to her senses. She met the other

party's serious eyes. Those eyes were the same color as the girl's hair, deep blue as the sea.

"I'm fine, Miss V."

The voice that came out was a pleasant female voice, but because she had just woken up,

her throat was not open yet, so it sounded muffled.

"That's good." The woman named V smiled and tidied up the messy hair stuck to Bai Rui's

forehead before she stood up. "Sit down and rest for a while, and collect your thoughts. We'll

be leaving soon."

"Is it human trafficking, or do you Nomads have a tradition of eloping with your lovers?"

The mechanic didn't expect that there was another person in the back seat of the car. He

was a little surprised. What's even more surprising was that the vagrant was like a female

leopard in front of him, but was so intimate with the girl in the back seat. This contrast made

the mechanic curious.

"That's my partner. Also, shut your stinky mouth, thank you."

V raised her eyebrows and returned to her previous state, as if the girl in front of him just

now was just an illusion.

Sitting in the back seat holding a blanket, Bai Rui gradually recalled everything.

That's right, I traveled to the damn cyberpunk world and became a member of the Bakker

Nomad family. I have always been taken care of by the Nomad V and became her partner.

After the Bakker family decided to join the Snake Nation collectively, I was the only one willing

to leave the family with V, who refused to go along with the Snake Nation, and embarked on

the road to Night City.

Through the rearview mirror in the front seat, Bai Rui saw the familiar appearance of herself

in this life, about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a black jacket and vest, with her

outstretched arms and skin that could not be hidden by the cloth, tender as water. Her black

hair was styled into a short style similar to V's, and she could find V's other earring on her

left ear.

In the mirror, the dark brown eyes were watery and still a little dazed as if she had just woken


Sighing, Bai Rui couldn't believe that she, a grown man, had become a woman in this life, and

not only had to endure so much abuse, following V around like a little wife.

Even though she has tried hard to imitate V and dress herself up as a cool TomBoy, it is of no

use. She still looks so soft and cute, not like a TomBoy. Instead, she looks like an innocent

girl who can act badly. She is not cool at all.

No wonder the repairman subconsciously thought that she was abducted by V.

I started the ignition once and the car shook a few times before going silent.

She tried again, started the engine for the second time, and with a roar, the engine of this

old red car finally roared again.

"Haha, you are quite capable, but the question is how long can it last?" The mechanic raised

his eyebrows. He didn't expect that she could start the engine for V. But he didn't say

anything more and came up to close the hood.

"As long as we can get to Night City, I'll think of other ways when we get there." V shrugged,

not caring. She was in a hurry to complete the transaction and had no time to delay.

"Bai Rui, are you feeling better?" V looked at Bai Rui through the interior mirror.

"No problem, Sister V, I'm awake." Bai Rui sat down and fastened her seat belt obediently.

"Well, let's go meet the client first, is that ok?"

"Jack Welles." Bai Rui murmured the client's name.

"Yeah, just hearing the name sounds silly, most likely he's just another naive unlucky guy who

wants to make a living from smuggling." V said nonchalantly, straightening the cat head

ornament on the platform.

Seeing V like this, Bai Rui subconsciously wanted to laugh. Just kidding, that's not what you

said in the Delamain taxi after escaping from the Ganbi Building. I wonder who said

something like "Jack, you are the real big shot" in a crying voice.

Jack Welles.

Bai Rui recalled the scenes of life and death in the game.

This scene really shocked her at the time, but this time, as a variable, she would not let such

a tragedy happen again, she promised.

After all, she is now V's partner and a good "sister" who has been through life and death

together. Her skills are not as soft as she looks, and she has enough confidence to reverse

the original tragedy.

V was fiddling with the radio pager at this time, trying to contact their clients, but after

several attempts at adjustment, there was only a crackling sound, and it was obvious that

the signal was not good.

"Hua La La~"

The half-closed rolling door of the workshop was pulled up by a pair of strong hands, and a

sheriff-like figure wearing a cowboy hat and a uniform walked in.

"Hey, Mike, I didn't know you had guests here." Having said that, his eyes never left V's red

SUV when he came in. His actions betrayed him. He came here just for V, the Nomad.

In front of the sheriff, the repairman became stiff and raised his hands to show that it had

nothing to do with him. "I've only been here a few hours. I...I thought they greeted you."

"They? Interesting."

"Don't panic, Mike, let's discuss this."

Having said this, the sheriff put his hands on his hips and walked straight towards V, looking

very arrogant.

Here comes the troublemaker.

Seeing this, V thought that the other party was probably here to make things difficult for her.

"Pah." The sheriff spat at the wall and looked at V in the driver's seat with complete disgust.

"Don't you know you should greet the sheriff before coming to town? Tell him...what you're

doing here, even if it's just to have a cup of coffee."

Just like in the plot, troublemakers are here.

Bai Rui subconsciously put her hand on her waist, where her revolver was. Although she was

young, she was very skilled at handling firearms.

With just a pistol, she could knock the other person's proud hat off in just a blink of an eye.

Even though the other person seemed to be a good gunman, it couldn't change this fact.

"Also, what does the girl behind you do? Is she in the same profession as you?"

Looking past the V, the sheriff saw Bai Rui in the back seat. She was completely fair and

clean, without any prosthetics on her body. This was not what a Wild Nomad should look like.

Thinking of this, he frowned and had a bad guess in his mind.

"We won't cause any trouble, we'll leave now."

V spoke up, drawing the Sheriff's attention back.

"That's not what I'm asking you, is it?" the sheriff interrupted. "You better tell me about that

girl, or I'll have you hanged on a telephone pole."

It could be human trafficking, or smuggling. Thinking of this, the sheriff's hand has slowly

reached for his gun. He is going to get serious.

"Hey, I'm her partner, we're in the same group!" Bai Rui quickly spoke up when she saw that

the current situation had changed because of her. "Partners, you know? They're the kind that

go through life and death together."

"We're in the same group, haha." After hearing Bai Rui's explanation, the sheriff hesitated for

a few seconds, but at least he didn't draw his gun, because he found that there was no sign

of tension or intimidation on Bai Rui's face, and it didn't seem like she was being forced.

"What the hell is wrong with the world nowadays, half-grown children are hanging out with

stray dogs, together with them, ugh."

Bai Rui finally realized what was happening when the sheriff looked at her with a look of


It seemed that her appearance was too deceptive. The sheriff probably thought that she was

an ignorant girl who was seduced away by a few sweet words from a "thug" like V.

"Forget it." The sheriff put his hands on the roof of the car and looked back at V. "My name is

Andrew Jones. You may have heard of me. I was in the special forces during the last war.

Have you heard of Silver Shoguns?"

The sheriff's arrogance really deserved a beating. V wanted to say something bad to him,

but when she thought of Bai Rui sitting in the back, she endured it and just held the steering

wheel without saying a word.

"You're not very easy to talk to, are you?"

The sheriff nodded, took a few steps beside the car, turned around, and put one foot on the


"Is this a tramp's car? Ha! I thought..."

"I'll leave after I fix the car. I don't plan to stay here any longer." V gritted her teeth,

suppressed her dissatisfaction and compromised.

"That's right. You'd better not stay any longer, because I get really angry when I see stray

dogs." The sheriff raised his hand as if he was shooing away a fly. "Where is the family


"No clan members, no clan, just the two of us."

"I don't believe it. Nomads always come in groups." The sheriff shook his head and looked at

V with suspicion.

"My Clan is all gone, so we're going to Night City."

This is certainly not the reason.

In fact, they were on their way to transport smuggled goods to Night City with their client

Jack Welles.

After a tense conversation, the sheriff lost his patience and told them to drive away

immediately. He didn't want these two vagrants to stay in the town under his jurisdiction for

too long.

"...By the way, listen to my advice, girl. Get off at a suitable place. Don't be with this kind of

scumbag. Night City is not a paradise on earth. Be careful that your partner will sell you to a

nightclub for money."

The sheriff's final advice to Bai Rui shattered and dissipated in the violent roar of the engine,

leaving only a few echoes that echoed in the small car.

The sun was shining brightly outside the car window, and the wasteland was endless. Bai Rui

felt more cheerful, and the oppressive feeling she had previously felt in the workshop was

swept away. However, V, who was driving in the front, had a tense face and looked a little


"...Bai Rui, maybe I shouldn't have brought you out."

You see, the sheriff's words were not completely useless. At least now V, who was sitting in

the driver's seat, felt heavy in her heart, wondering if it was too irresponsible of her to bring

Bai Rui out like this.

"Sister V..." Bai Rui turned her head, but V's gaze in the rearview mirror was avoiding her.

"What are you talking about? We have always been together in every operation... and Sister

V has been taking care of me since I was a child. I would rather follow Sister V than my


"So Sister V, don't care what others say. I always believe in you."

Putting her hand on V's shoulder, V can feel Bai Rui's warmth and the sincerity of her words.

Her expression was sincere, but Bai Rui was thinking in her heart, are you kidding me, if I

don't follow you, how can I continue to hold on to your towering thigh?

Is V an ordinary person? She is known as the Cybertron Psychopath in the world. She is a

person who can fight Arasaka Tower alone. Even if she has a system, she may not be able to

defeat V.

In the dangerous Night City, where is safer than under the protection of V?

"Really? Bai Rui, so that's how it is, haha, this feeling..." However, V was very happy. Bai Rui's

sweet words instantly pierced her heart and made her laugh so happily that she couldn't


Holding the steering wheel, she smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed, and her cheeks were

flushed with a strange blush.

"Ms. V?"

"Yes!" V swept away her previous twists and turns, now happy like a fool, answering with full

energy in her voice.

"Didn't you say earlier that you were going to the antenna tower to contact the customer by


"Of course." V answered affirmatively with a smile.

"But we seem to have missed it." Bai Rui said with an unbearable tone as the antenna tower

was left behind the car and gradually moved away.

"Ah!?" A sudden brake caused the car's parts to make a clanging noise, and V herself almost

fell headfirst onto the steering wheel.