Jack Welles

The old off-road vehicle stopped under the antenna tower. V went up to the top of the tower

to find a signal, while Bai Rui stayed in the car.

The hot wind hit my body, adding to my boredom. As far as the eye could see, there was a

desolate scene, all shining golden under the sun.

The wasteland is not called the Badlands for nothing.

Large-scale development and over-mining have turned large tracts of land into barren

wastelands with no grass growing on it. There is no way to find an unpolluted spring or a cornstalk growing out of the ground.

Water and food are precious resources on this land.

Those rebels who were unwilling to rot in the city formed families of wanderers, wandering in the wilderness like jackals, fighting each other for these resources that were never in short supply when the sky was still blue.

Bai Rui and V's former Bakker Clan was one of them, but everything is in the past. They left the family and prepared to enter Night City to start a new life.

"...Hey, have you figured out where the person is, Miss V?"

V climbed over the wall and returned to the car.

Bai Rui handed over the half-drunk bottle of mineral water in her hand. V took the water bottle and gulped it down, then she let out a refreshed cry.

"Of course, there's nothing I can't do, McCoy helped me find it. It's in an abandoned hut. We'll go there now."

V smiled confidently, with some beads of sweat on her face. Her facial features were covered with a halo in the sunlight, making her look particularly attractive.

Bai Rui watched all this with a smile.

In the past, she would have been distracted by the fact that their behavior was equivalent to an indirect kiss, but now, she and V were so familiar with each other that they had become desensitized to this kind of thing.

If she gets red in the face just by drinking water together, she will faint when she sleeps in the arms of the well-built V at night.

However, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to conquer V.

Who wouldn't be moved when seeing such a beautiful girl in front of you? But Bai Rui had an obsession that prevented her from taking action against V.

That was that she could never be tough in front of V and could not muster the so-called dignity of a man.

After all, when she first came here, she was a helpless little cabbage. It was all thanks to V who brought her by her side, took care of her like an older sister, and taught her how to shoot and how to drive, and that she was not kicked into the wilderness to die by the Nomads that did not support idle people.

In this way, Bai Rui always felt that she was the weaker one and it was difficult for her to express her feelings to V.

Of course, this is just one of the reasons.

More importantly, this is V.

The short hair, vest and mermaid line make her look very aggressive at first glance.

If the two of them really got together, Bai Rui would have every reason to worry that she would be the one being suppressed.

Everything else can be compromised, except this.

Whenever Bai Rui thought of that scene during her self-generation, she would quickly cross it out and reject it.

She was able to hold her ground even after being reincarnated as a woman because of her "manliness" to endure humiliation. If she were to be pinned down like a woman, she would feel that something important would be taken away from her forever, and she would be afraid that her body and mind would be completely transformed into a woman's.

So, this is the only thing that doesn't work.

If you want to seduce V, you must become a legend in Night City and a big shot, then you can use a strong attitude to seduce V and turn your godsister into a real godsister.

V, who was driving, could never have imagined that her "sweet sister" behind her was desperately thinking about how to pout.

The red off-road vehicle traveled along the desolate road. Low hills, clusters of cactus forests and bushes passed by quickly. Only a few abandoned tin houses occasionally bore witness to the arrival of human beings here.

However, wind and sand, like time, will erode everything, and everything will be unrecognizable under its influence, just like these abandoned houses, which are still whimpering in the dry air, while their owners, probably, have long since dried to death in some dry ditch, or are in the prosperous Night City far away, rotting, twisting, and eventually dying from gunshot wounds or drug overdose.

After the car turned into a side road, the abandoned house that V mentioned appeared before our eyes. The two got out of the car, closed the door, and walked into the house one after the other.

You may not believe it, but Bai Rui plays the role of a quick shooter in the duo with V. She can shoot through six people's heads in three seconds with her modified revolver. Therefore, some negotiation venues, especially negotiations that are destined to fail, are good places for her to play her role.

For example, now, the gun is in her pocket and she can pull it out in 0.2 seconds to open the skull of the negotiating partner.

However, this is what she said. After all, Bai Rui knew that the person inside was Jack, V's future good brother.

Bai Rui's skills were certainly not given by God, but were given to her by the system.

"...I'm so poor that I almost have to farm. Ah, you guys are here to see me, right?"

After entering the house, the view was dark at first, and then the two could see clearly that Xiong was lying on the sofa and the tall man was leaning on the box with his feet.

It was the first time that Bai Rui saw Jack alive with her own eyes. She meant, she saw Jack in real life.

He is tall and strong, and he tries hard to act sophisticated and even a little silly in front of us two, but Bai Rui knows that this big guy has a big heart, half of which is filled with passion and the other half is filled with family and friends. He is absolutely kind, the kind of person who is willing to take a bullet for his brothers.

"I heard you have some goods that you want me to transport?"

V was always the one who was responsible for negotiations. After all, Bai Rui's soft and tender appearance had nothing to do with words like majesty and chivalry.

"Well, in our place... we have to have a heart-to-heart talk before discussing business. It's a custom... or a courtesy, right? Do you understand?"

V crossed his arms and grinned,

"You take rules very seriously."

"You've got to have some backbone, brother, I mean sister. When everything else is taken away from you, at least you still have this."

The heavy-bodied man Jack is obviously a man of integrity.

"Okay, let's start with you."

V shrugged, taking it easy.

Jack raised his pistol with pride on his face,

"Night City natives all bleed the blood of Heywood."

Haywood is a great place with many talented people, but like other neighborhoods, it is full of gangs and vendettas. If you look carefully on the road, you will find that there are several corpses in the gloomy alleys every day. They are either gang members or some fools who carry too much money on them.

"I've never been to Night City. It doesn't mean anything to me."

V was obviously not interested. To her, it was just an unfamiliar place name.

Jack scratched his face and decided to put it another way.

"Then imagine there is a place where everyone is like brothers and sisters, or distant cousins, at least."

"Ha, I think I understand. We don't have to like each other that much, but we are all family."

V and Bai Rui both laughed. Speaking of family, who can compare to the Nomads? Apart from the family members, there is the wilderness. Occasionally there is an outsider who is either a bandit or a mentally ill person. In this case, it is hard not to see your family.

"Yeah, that's what Haywood is like, plus, everybody brings guns."

Damn, V even started to wonder if there is a family of Nomads in Night City.

Nomads carry guns when they sleep. In the wilderness where supplies are scarce, the gun in your hand is your real grandfather. Without him, just prepare mugwort.

"Put it this way. We have a Heywood, too."

"Then I think we two will be a good match."

Jack was also a little surprised. Hearing this, does it mean that in the wilderness, just like in the city, you have to use guns to get things done?

"It's the three of us."

V put her arm around Bai Rui's shoulder and said.

"Hey, little...sister, do you want to come with us too?"

Jack didn't see it clearly at first, but after V let Bai Rui see her appearance clearly, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Let's put it this way, among the street guys he had seen, there were many women, and even the Mox gang in the city was mostly made up of women. But this was the first time he had seen someone with a baby face doing smuggling.

"Hey, don't underestimate her. She can open six eyes on a person in less than a second."

"Okay, okay."

Jack was a little skeptical, but he didn't ask any more questions. After all, with the advanced technology of prosthetic cosmetic surgery, it is indeed a bit careless to judge a person's age based on their face alone.

"Mmm, goods."

Jack kicked the box over.

"What's inside?" V folded her hands, looked at the long box, and began to guess what was inside.

"If you don't know, you can sleep well. So I don't know, which is a good thing."

Jack raised an eyebrow, obviously, he knew the rules.

"Don't you know what we're smuggling? These things were stolen from the company."

But V didn't buy it. She sounded a little surprised. As someone who had engaged in smuggling before, she knew that different things carried different risks. Transporting a few stowaways into the city and transporting five tubes of radioactive nuclear materials into the city were two different things.


Jack didn't care.

"Haha...some idiot lost it, and another idiot saw it, and it kept happening, and now it's here. What's it called? The butterfly effect, I think."

While the two were talking, Bai Rui squatted down and glanced at the packaging outside the box.

"No problem, Miss V. The outer shell of the box is made of polyurethane polymer plastic. This plastic has good thermal insulation properties and is often used to store and transport items that need to be refrigerated or frozen, mostly human organs or living organisms."

Having played the game before, she naturally knew that it contained expensive living lizards. But Bai Rui was not talking nonsense or bragging. Now, she could identify almost all man made objects and make them with the right tools. If there was a garbage dump, she could make an Optimus Prime for you.

"Oh my God, your companion is a chemist or a materials scientist?"

Jack exclaimed in surprise. He obviously didn't expect Bai Rui to have this skill.

"It's just a little trick!" Bai Rui raised her eyebrows and looked a little proud.

"Also, my name is Bai Rui, hello, Jack!"

Jack has well-developed muscles, but his brain is not made of muscles. In fact, he is quite sensitive inside and can tell who is sincere and who is pretending.

And now, he knew that Bai Rui in front of him was not being polite, but was really enthusiastic towards him, the kind that came from the heart, much more enthusiastic than V who was a little wary next to him, as if they were old friends.

However, when this feeling came up, Jack smiled self-deprecatingly. They had just met, so how could they be old friends? But he still stretched out his hand.

"Jack Wells." Jack smiled innocently and held Bai Rui's hand. "Bai Rui, sweet strawberry, what a suitable name for you, sister."

"Okay, let's get down to business first and load the stuff into the car."

Less than a second after their hands were held, V, who was holding her hand at the side, stepped in between them and interrupted them.