Life and Death Race

The three of them stopped in a car at the border security checkpoint. The experienced V was responsible for answering inquiries and interrogations, leaving the anxious Jack and Bai Rui in the car.

The engine was humming, and Jack gripped the steering wheel, ready to drive away if anything went wrong.

To be honest, his previous experience was all fake. This was his first time doing smuggling work, and he was now extremely nervous.

But Jack didn't know that his clumsy disguise had long been seen through by V and Bai Rui, but now, he couldn't even pretend anymore.

Sitting in the car, with fully armed border guards swaying in front of him, Jack was shaking his legs anxiously. He had never felt that the wait was so long.

"...Sister Bai Rui, don't worry, everything will be fine."

He was obviously extremely nervous, but he was still pretending to comfort Bai Rui. Bai Rui, who was cleaning her gun in the back seat, couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

"Jack, if your legs wouldn't shake so badly, I'd believe you."

After replying, Bai Rui ignored Jack and concentrated on cleaning her gun. She knew that there would be a fierce gun battle soon.

"Uh, sorry, sorry." Jack was obviously embarrassed to be exposed by the cute girl. He scratched his face awkwardly and stopped shaking his legs. "What a bad habit."

"Wow, this gun is so cool, did you buy it?" Turning around, Jack couldn't help but exclaim when he saw the revolver in Bai Rui's hand.

The long revolver is almost as long as Bai Rui's forearm, and with its cold metallic feel, when held by Bai Rui, it has a kind of contrasting beauty like that of a beauty and the beast.

"I modified it." Without moving her eyes, Bai Rui concentrated on wiping the parts of the gun one by one and then reassembling them. "Prelude, you know it's quite easy to use. I modified it, but now it may be called 'Vitamin B'."

As for the Prelude, Jack certainly knew about a revolver with a recoil as strong as its power, but street mercenaries like them didn't like to use it because it was too loud and had too strong a recoil, and coupled with the ancestral method of a revolver with six bullets per round, its continuous firing ability was not good either.

In short, anyone who uses this kind of pistol on the street is either a ruthless person or a fool.

The girl in front of him doesn't look like a fool. Could she be a ruthless person? Jack made a face, but still couldn't detect any aura of an expert from Bai Rui.

Looking at the gun again, it is very exquisite. The outer shell is painted with bright purple paint, and the word "VB" is specially painted in yellow paint in the middle of the barrel.

"Vitamin B, is this the origin of the gun's name?" Since he had nothing else to do, Jack became curious about Bai Rui's gun.

"Yes and no." Bai Rui pursed her lips, assembled the gun, and turned the cylinder. "It's V and me, Bai Rui, do you understand?"

So that's it, Jack suddenly realized.

"Damn, you two have a really good relationship." Jack gave a thumbs up.

In Jack's opinion, it was so cool to have the initials of both of their names printed on the gun. It was a treatment that only close buddies could get. Excited, Jack asked again.

"By the way, girl, you and V, are you a couple, or partners or something like that?" Jack had seen how V had been caring for Bai Rui along the way, so he just asked casually at this time, but he noticed that Bai Rui's hand holding the gun paused.

"Hey, I just asked casually. I apologize if I offended you." Looking at Bai Rui's stiff face, Jack realized that he seemed to have asked a question that he shouldn't have asked, so he immediately raised his hand to apologize.

"No, I..."

"Hey, what are you two talking about?"

Seeing Jack's expression of "I'm curious but I don't ask", Bai Rui was about to explain anxiously, but V's voice came and interrupted the two of them.

Sitting in the passenger seat and closing the door, V looked at the two of them with a little curiosity.

"Haha, nothing, we were just talking about Bai Rui's gun."

Jack laughed it off.

"Okay, no problem, but we have to go quickly." V ​​looked at the iron bars lowered in front of herself and raised her chin.

"No problem!" Jack stepped on the accelerator and the old car roared out of the border station.

"V, you don't look good." Bai Rui grabbed the front seat pillow and asked knowingly.

"I have a bad feeling." V looked worried after getting in the car, and the sky was getting darker outside, giving people an indescribable feeling of depression.

"Oh... do you often have this feeling?" Seeing V and Bai Rui so depressed, Jack, who was holding the steering wheel, felt more and more uneasy.

I saw him looking around vigilantly, as if some monster would jump out from the nearby garbage dump.

"Go ahead, Jack, just go ahead." V didn't know how to comfort him, so she said casually.

Bai Rui at the back naturally knew what would happen. If the border station sold them out, a large group of military technology agents would come and attack them soon.

But she couldn't say it out loud. The feeling was suffocating her, like watching a train rushing off a cliff.

Her black eyes reflected some light in the dim light, and she stared at the road stretching into the distance.

Holding the gun, the safety is off and ready to shoot at any time.

"Someone is coming this way, and he doesn't look like a good person."

In the dim evening, several bulletproof SUVs drove towards us from the opposite lane, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Something's wrong, run away, Jack!"

The enemy came as expected. Bai Rui spoke first, and her knuckles turned white as she gripped the gun.

Several SUVs blocked the road with sirens blaring.

"Hurry, turn and go the other way!" V pointed at the bushes nearby and spoke urgently.

"Hold on tight!" Jack yelled hastily, turned the steering wheel sharply, and rushed down the slope.

There was a flat ground at the bottom of the slope, with greenhouse-like buildings located there. Jack, in a panic, rushed straight into the empty buildings.

"They're following us!"

Several black SUVs were chasing them from behind, setting off electronic alarms for them to surrender. At the same time, company agents in black were leaning out of the cars and shooting.

"Snap! Snap! Snap!"

The gunfire brought with it the colorful lights around it, forming colorful tassels that dazzled people.

In such an emergency situation, Bai Rui and V leaned out of the car window at the same time and fired back with guns.

"Jack, hold the car!"

"no problem!"

Vehicles shuttled through the narrow aisles between buildings, and the roar of their engines almost drowned out everything else.


A few stray bullets grazed the roof of the car, sending out a few sparks, but Bai Rui, who leaned out, was not afraid.

Having been with V for so long, she is a qualified mercenary.

Holding up the "Vitamin B" in her hand, Bai Rui looked at the vehicle chasing them with cold eyes.

"Snap! Snap!"

Crisp gunshots rang out twice in a row, and the sparks from the muzzle blurred Bai Rui's face.

One shot blew off the gunman's skull, and the second shot shattered the bulletproof glass and smashed the driver's chest into a bloody mess.

The driver died, the bulletproof car lost control, crashed into the shed and exploded with a loud bang.

The rising heat wave quickly caught up with and hit Bai Rui's face. Her hair fluttered, and her fair face was particularly dazzling under the flames rising into the sky. Her stern expression was a stark contrast to her usual softness, and she looked like a sacred Valkyrie.

V, who was leaning out from the front seat, was stunned for a moment when she saw Bai Rui like this.

"Damn it, V, you guys are not bragging, Bai Rui, you are really fucking awesome!"

Jack couldn't help but swear. Just now, he glanced at the rearview mirror and saw the moment when Bai Rui showed her power.

Two shots, one killed each, and knocked down a car in the process. Damn, what kind of awesome teammates are these?

"Bullnose, I'm getting excited!" Jack shouted excitedly amid the crackling gunfight. The steering wheel in his hands twisted and deformed like a dough, and he drove the car like a swimming snake, swinging left and right in the narrow alleys, shaking off the cars following behind them.

Bai Rui and V were still shooting. The crisp gunshots came one after another, almost connected into one, forming a chaotic and wild melody.

Unlike Bai Rui who almost never missed her shot, V inherited the old street style, which is absolutely fast and relatively accurate. The revolver in her hand was almost turned into an automatic rifle, and she shot backwards like splashing water.

Then she quickly reloaded and fired another round.

As a result, the cars following behind either crashed into the roadside or were hit in the fuel tanks and exploded. The roar and flames almost shook the sky, even more intense than the live performance of the Wu Shi band.

Finally, after turning into an alley, there were no cars chasing them.

The car roared into an abandoned garage, crashing into the shelves, with wrenches and empty cans scattered all over the floor.

"Estos hijos de puta (These sons of bitches)!"

Jack cursed incomprehensible words, got out of the car and slammed down the rolling door.

"Shit! I almost got screwed! Is smuggling so exciting? Can't we just follow the plan!"

V, who had just gotten off the car, couldn't help but retort, "If you think this is my fault, just say it!"

"You still don't understand, do you?" Jack asked, pacing anxiously.

"Border security made a report to the company, saying that we took their goods." The experienced V has figured out the reason.

"This guy is going to mess with us like this?" Hearing this, Jack became even more furious. "He's making fun of us? Aren't they afraid that we'll come after him?"

"He took a gamble! He felt that we didn't have a Clan to back us up, and he made the right bet!" V was furious when he mentioned this.

"What the fuck is going on..." Jack shook his head irritably, feeling extremely angry and having no place to vent it.

What else could he do? Fight back to the border security checkpoint? Damn, there were at least three fully armed companies there. Going there would be a death wish.

"I was just wondering what you were going to ask. The goods have been delivered, and the matter is settled. Please give us the reward immediately, and we can part ways now."

V didn't care. She had wanted to settle this deal a long time ago. If for no other reason, she found that Bai Rui seemed a little too friendly to the big man in front of her, so friendly that she felt it was a little abnormal.

Bai Rui is still immature and cannot have anything to do with such rogue mercenaries. No relationship at all is acceptable. She does not need to make friends with such people.

Thinking this way, V forgot that she was also a mercenary.

But when it comes to the reward, Jack, who was originally indignant, froze and even felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, let me be frank with you - I'm short on money, and I don't have any money to give you right now. I'll pay you as soon as I get the money for transporting this batch of company garbage." Jack said guiltily.

"Huh? You think I'll just wait here obediently, right?" V almost laughed out of anger. If it weren't for the sound of her teeth grinding, Jack would have thought that nothing was wrong.

"V, calm down." Bai Rui put her hand on V's arm and comforted her. "We are fighting side by side, so let's listen to this guy's plan first."

Jack looked at Bai Rui's move and smiled apologetically.

"...Actually, I didn't plan to give you any money at all." Jack leaned against the roller blind, crossed his arms, and said awkwardly. "I wanted to just slip away after crossing the border, but..."

Jack scratched his nose. "But you two are quite honest."

His eyes and words became softer, which was really a bit embarrassing for this big guy.

"Shit, I should have known that." V slapped her forehead in annoyance.

"Thank you for telling the truth." Bai Rui nodded.

"Oh, thanks!" Jack shrugged.

"So what do we do next?"

Now that they have escaped the pursuers, what should this group of people do next?

"Of course, we should open the treasure chest and see what's inside." Jack opened the trunk and motioned V to start. "Open the treasure chest."

"I wonder how your customers will react when they see the package is opened." V looked at the box with a frown.

"Screw the clients. One day, you will have to work on your own. No commissions or middlemen. Besides, if you want to find a new client, you have to know what to sell them."

Bai Rui also nodded at V to show her agreement.

Seeing that both agreed, V shrugged and reached for the box.

To be honest, she was also a little curious about what was in the box.

"I'm going, Arasaka!"

As soon as they touched the touch screen, the Arasaka logo popped up, startling the two.

"Arasaka Company, we're in for a tough fight." Jack said excitedly. "Maybe we'll make a fortune this time."

Jack took the initiative to lift the lid.

White cold air came out, bringing a cool feeling, and the box opened.

"No mames! A real iguana, looks like a species from the Lesser Antilles!" Jack exclaimed in surprise.

"Lesser Antil--what?" V was still a little confused.

"It seems to have become extinct thirty years ago. It lived in the Lesser Antilles." Jack introduced like an expert, looking at the sleeping lizard from head to toe with admiration.

Bai Rui poked the lizard curiously, only to feel its cold touch. "Can this be sold for a good price?"

"Of course, rich people like things that money can't buy." V ​​nodded affirmatively.

"That's right, this trip was not in vain." Jack laughed, as if he had already seen the stacked bills.

The three decided to divide up the upcoming huge sum of money.

"By the way, have you decided what you want to do in Night City?"

Jack asked with a smile, looking at the two and there was no longer any barrier between them.

"Well, why do you ask?" V felt a little strange.

"Because I see you have no money and no work, but you have plenty of time. Besides, you can't live without friends in Night City."

"But don't worry, I'll help you find a job. You can earn a living no matter what you do. It's important to have someone to support you when things go wrong - like family. Maybe you can find some in this city."

"Thank you, I appreciate it." These were V's sincere words. After the heart-to-heart talk just now, her impression of this big guy had changed a lot.

"Add me in." Bai Rui put her arm around V's shoulder.

"Of course, the sharpshooter, and the master of materials science."

"We three are so compatible, we should not waste the opportunity to work"

The three were about to bump fists when the lizard in the box jumped onto V's arm and crawled out.

"Jack, you know, you're not such a jerk." V rarely smiled in front of outsiders.

The tense beauty's smile was very charming. Even though Bai Rui saw her every day, she couldn't help but be stunned by her amazement.



Before she could come to her senses, Bai Rui was held by V's other hand. The three of them bumped fists and then laughed out loud at the same time.

The three people who were destined to come together, the wheel of history turns at this moment, heading towards a different future.