Arnold Shows His Power

"Are you fucking deaf? Didn't you hear that?"

At the front desk of the Lizzie's Bar, a dozen punk girls in various outfits were standing guard against Arnold with guns and baseball bats, seemingly with no intention of letting him leave.

"Speak!" A big lady wearing a leather jacket with steel spikes was particularly hospitable, and the muzzle of a walnut-sized shotgun was against Arnold's forehead.

"Kinetic shotgun, M 2038 Tactician, manufactured by Constitution Military Industries, a cheap self-defense weapon." Arnold read out the scan results coldly.

"What?" Before the big sister had time to wonder, a huge force came the next second, and the shotgun was snatched away by Arnold and held in his hand. This time, the black muzzle of the gun turned towards the big sister herself.

"I go!"


Arnold suddenly jumped up, and the eyes of the punk girls around him widened. There was a sound of bolts being pulled, and all the guns were aimed at Arnold.

Facing the threats from everyone, Arnold didn't even move his face. He just pointed the gun at the exposed belly of the leader girl and signaled her to speak.

"Let him go." The muzzle of the gun rubbed against the skin of her lower abdomen, and a cool feeling came over her. Cold sweat dripped from her forehead.

Everyone looked at each other, then hesitated and made way for Arnold.

Arnold didn't take a step forward, but stretched out his hand to the big sister.

Thinking that this silent big guy wanted to take her hostage, the eldest sister gritted her teeth in anger and looked at Arnold with eyes that were almost spitting fire.

His big hand reached out for the other's plump chest. Just when the girls around him were blushing with anger, thinking that Arnold was going to humiliate the big sister, Arnold's hand suddenly pulled out the sunglasses hanging from the chest pocket of his jacket.

Arnold swung out the temples of his glasses, put on his sunglasses, and strode away with the gun in hand. Everyone was so stunned that they forgot to stop him.

"Damn it!" The big sister didn't curse until Arnold walked out the door.

"Sister, should we go after him?" the younger sisters asked nervously, fearing that their elder sister would vent their anger on them.

"Forget it, let's just consider it bad luck today and offend such an evil star." The big sister took a few deep breaths and finally waved her hand to give up. "Besides, it was Lauren's bastards who broke the rules and brought guns into the place first, so let this evil star go for once."

First, there was a burst of urgent alarms, and then a girl with dyed hair rushed in, "Big sister, it's bad, that tall guy stole your motorcycle."

"Fuck!" The big sister screamed in shock and anger and ran out to take a look, only to see that Arnold had already roared away on her heavy motorcycle, leaving only his back.

"Fuck it!" The leader of the Mox Gang, who had her gun robbed and her motorcycle lost, was stomping her feet frantically.

A few streets away, V's old red car stopped at the entrance of the alley.

"Damn it, Jack, teach them a lesson!"

V, who was trapped in love just now, is now a very irritable mercenary. She suddenly opened the hood of the car and threw a gun to Jack.

"That's right, V, give them something to eat!" Jack took the gun, picked up a few magazines and put them on his waist.

While talking, V unfastened the safety pin on the modified Saratoga she got from Bai Rui that morning and put it around her waist.

"Same old, blast away the way!" She handed a string of grenades to Jack, and then stuffed every pocket of her body with grenades as big as melons. It seemed that the two of them were going to fight for real.

"Fuck, who the hell are you!?"

A thug from the Sixth Street Gang who heard the noise in the alley came out with his gun in hand to check, only to run into two men fully armed.

"Da da da~!!!"

Without saying a word, Jack shot two or three minions to the ground with a few shots.

"Enemy attack!"

Inside the alley, there were several shouts, the sound of gun bolts being pulled, the sound of running, and the loud noises of explosions. In front of the road, Jack and V smiled at each other, pointed their guns, and rushed into the alley.

Ten minutes later, behind V's red car, Arnold stepped on the footrest and got off the motorcycle.

Bai Rui sighed. These two guys were running so fast that it was almost impossible to catch up with them.

The sound of gunfire and the explosion of grenades came from the alley. Bai Rui was worried. It turned out that they came here to participate in the daily activity of "Freedom, Beauty and Justice, Gunfight Every Day". She guessed that the two had some urgent business.

Most likely it's a mission or revenge. Anyway, shooting is a daily routine for mercenaries, and the reasons are varied.

However, Bai Rui still planned to help them. He took the shotgun from the motorcycle, and Arnold, wearing sunglasses and all black, walked into the alley like a ruthless killer.

There was a small open space two corners behind the alley, with a few scrapped cars parked and overgrown with weeds. The Six Street Gang had been planning to do a deal here, but they didn't expect that two killers, V and Jack, would show up and catch them off guard.

"Thump, thump, thump, thump~!!!"

"Fuck it, all of you go to hell!"

V poked her head out from behind the broken wall, the Saratoga submachine gun in her hand spewing flames, making the Sixth Street Gang on the opposite side unable to raise their heads.

"Fuck, where did this crazy woman come from!"

"You bastard, we can't fight back at all!"

Bullets hit the ground all around like water, splashing up mud. The Sixth Street Gang, armed with guns and cannons, was suppressed by just a V.

"I need to reload!"

Even though Bai Rui had modified the extended magazine, the submachine gun was not a machine gun with a belt after all, and it quickly used up all the bullets.

"Hot dogs are coming!" Jack and V have been cooperating very well. Before V finished speaking, Jack had already thrown three or four fragmentation grenades and rolled to the feet of the Sixth Street Gang hiding behind the wrecked car.

"Fuc..." The Six Street Gang members who were behind the car looking at the fallen grenade didn't even finish saying the word "fuck" before there were several explosions in succession. The burst of flames blew away several junked cars and the Six Street Gang members.

"Let's go!"

"Wait, V!"

"Da da da da da~!"

V was about to break through the wall with one foot and rush out when she was pulled back by Jack who looked anxious. The next second, dull machine gun fire rang out and bullets rained down on them. The broken wall that served as a shelter and several concrete pillars at the back began to shatter into pieces and were soon riddled with holes.

"Come out, you bastard! I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

Behind the fireworks of the grenade explosion, a big man from the Sixth Street Gang wearing a bulletproof vest walked out. He was holding a machine gun weighing more than 30 kilograms with an ammunition belt in his hand, and he was tearing apart everything he saw like a devil.

"Damn, V, this isn't a solution! The wall is about to be broken through!" In the dim light, Jack huddled under the wall holding a gun, his forehead covered in sweat.

"Fuck!" The ground and pillars were broken into pieces and dust was flying everywhere. V was leaning against the wall with her gun in hand, feeling anxious.

"The other party has reloaded, fire!" The bullet chain was empty, and a crisp sound of bolt hitting was heard. V was overjoyed, and she rolled on the ground, moved to a pillar, and pulled the trigger at the big man from the Sixth Street Gang.

"Thump, thump, thump~!"

The sound of steel balls hitting each other was heard from the submachine gun, and sparks appeared on the big man's body.

"Ahaha, it's useless, useless!" The big man laughed wildly and didn't take the bullets seriously at all. They were all blocked by the bulletproof plates under his clothes, and none of them penetrated into the big man's body.

During the process, the big man replaced the ammunition belt.

"Fuck!" V only had time to yell and hide behind a pillar. The next second, a barrage of bullets came pouring down, hitting the pillar and making it make a loud noise. The fragments flew everywhere, and the steel bars inside were clearly visible.

"Damn, V, wait, I'm here to save you!" Seeing V trapped on the pillar, Jack became very anxious and was ready to open fire to rescue V.

"Boss Cole, the machine gun is ready!" On the exposed platform on the second floor of the building behind the big man, several Sixth Street Gang gunmen holding operating panels shouted in surprise. Then, two machine guns on the left and right were started at the same time, with the muzzles pointed in Jack's direction.

"Da da da da da~!"

The machine gun fire was even more powerful, blocking everything wherever it passed. Jack, who was just about to stick his head out, was forced back by the fierce fire and could no longer raise his head.

"Fuck!" Jack was extremely anxious, but there was nothing he could do. At this moment, the two of them were suppressed by three machine guns. If there was no other way, they could only wait to die.

The walls and pillars of the bunker were damaged so badly that the steel bars were exposed. There was no doubt that in less than half a minute, the bullets would penetrate the bunker and turn the two of them into a pile of meat.

The situation of the two people was so dangerous that it could not be worse.

"Huh?" On the second-floor platform, several Sixth Street Gang gunmen who were excitedly preparing to watch their enemy being torn into pieces heard footsteps coming from behind them.

"Wh..." Before he could finish the word who, a dull gunshot was heard and a big hole was blown in his head.

"There are enemies!" Several gunmen were frightened by this scene and raised their guns to shoot behind them.

But the person who came was faster than them.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang~!!!"

The flashes of gunfire came one after another, illuminating Arnold's stern face behind sunglasses. He stood at the stairs like an iron tower, firing rhythmically from the shotgun in his hand, knocking the gunmen to the ground one by one.

When the last gunman fell to the ground, the shotgun bullets were just used up.

Dropping his gun, Arnold walked to the machine gun without any hesitation.

The automatic turret is an easy-to-use and cheap self-defense weapon for homes and companies. It has certain anti-hacking capabilities, but it is meaningless to Arnold. After all, Bai Rui did not install a hacker chip for him. However, he has a faster way.

Arnold punched through the control panel and pulled out a spark-filled circuit, and the machine gun instantly went silent. He did the same with the second one. Within ten seconds, both machine guns were completely silent.

"Fuck, these useless guys, why did the machine gun stop?" There was no more sound of machine guns behind them, which confused the Six Street Gang guys, and Jack and V who were hiding behind the bunker were also confused.

Could it be that the opponent's machine gun short-circuited?

They could only guess like this. It couldn't be that Sixth Street locked them up at this moment when they were about to be doomed?

However, the opportunity for a counterattack had arrived. Jack and V were grateful for having escaped death, and they held their guns to attack the man with the machine gun.

The machine gun ran out of ammunition again. The Sixth Street Gang guy cursed his useless teammates while loading the ammunition belt. He thought the machine gun behind him was jammed and those idiots were fixing it.

But he didn't want to either. Could it be possible for two machine guns to jam at the same time?

However, he never had the chance to question it again.

At this moment, Arnold stood on the edge of the second floor, looking at the idiot below who was still changing bullets, and suddenly he felt an irresistible urge in his heart. After all, who would refuse a beautiful landing kill after a hard day's work?

Arnold did it right away. He leaped up, and his body weighing more than 300 pounds fell down like a cannonball under the action of gravity, leaving a trail of afterimages.

In the silence of the ceasefire, the machine gunner was still changing magazines when he suddenly felt a sense of crisis above his head. He looked up subconsciously and saw a black shadow falling straight down, landing on his body. He was stunned and was about to raise his gun.

There was a loud bang, flames exploded, and the ground seemed to be shaking, forcing Jack and V, who had just stuck their heads out, to quickly hide back in the wall.

When the dust from the explosion cleared, the two men hesitantly stuck their heads out. Where the machine gun man had stood before, there was only a tall man in a black leather jacket standing. As for the big man, he had disappeared without a trace, or rather, he was everywhere.

"I'll be back."

There were spots of blood on Arnold's face. Under the suspicious gazes of Jack and V, he retracted the gun barrel with smoke coming out of his arm and said something incoherent.

Jack and V looked at each other, neither of them could understand what this inexplicable man in front of them meant. Seeing their puzzled expressions, Bai Rui behind the scenes said, you don't understand the romance of the times.