Flesh Factory

Two months later.

Japanese Street.

Underground Parking Lot.

"The girl we're looking for is probably in this building." Jack leaned back and relaxed in the driver's seat. In the dim light, the cross earrings glowed faintly.

"The bastards who kidnapped her are probably all here. Keep your ears open and your eyes sharp. V, Bai Rui."

"Rescue people... We rarely take on such missions." Bai Rui took out her service gun in the back seat, "Vitamin B" - professional treatment, so that you will never need vitamin B supplements again in your life.

"Wakako said the reward this time is very considerable. That's how we mercenaries are. Others pay the money and we do the work. That's all." Jack spread his hands and didn't care.

"Did Wakako tell you any clues about this business?"

V, the co-pilot, looked around for any surveillance cameras that might be in the way.

"'I'm not your mother. It's not difficult to take money from people and help them get rid of their misfortunes.' That's what she said." Jack shook his head and imitated Wakako's impatient look perfectly.

"Haha, that's Wakako's temper." Bai Rui grinned.

"In that case, let's just come on." V nodded at Jack and Bai Rui, opened the door and got out of the car.

"Elevatoris this way." Jack tilted his head, holding two pistols, and strode to the front.

The three of them walked through the empty and dim parking lot, turned a corner, and came to the elevator.

After Bai Rui finally entered, V pressed the button, the elevator door closed, and slowly rose.

"The target is Sandra Dorsett. A few hours ago, the target's biological monitoring signal was lost. It is suspected that she was kidnapped." The hacker T-bug then accessed the communication channel of the three people, and a clear female voice rang in their ears.

"The target may be dead. Not sure if you are too late." T-bug said indifferently, as if she didn't care about the success or failure of the mission at all.

"We won't be late, Bug - yes, it's us. Even if you are participating remotely, you are in the same group as us." Jack launched his usual friendly offensive.

"We are not in the same group." However, Jack's friendship magic seemed to have failed. Bug still had a cold face and didn't even lift her eyelids.

"Hey, bug, be a little friendlier." Bai Rui said into the headset - as she had not undergone any intracranial modification, she could only communicate through external headphones.

"Want friendly, encouraging people? You can call the counseling hotline."

Bug didn't appreciate it, and Jack spread his hands towards the two of them, expressing his helplessness.

The elevator door opened and three people walked out one after another.

A shabby corridor, empty cans everywhere, and ugly graffiti on the walls.

"It's so noisy." The three of them walked carefully in the corridor. Deafening music came from the corridor, as if someone was throwing a cheap party. Bai Rui frowned as she couldn't stand it.

"Look for room 1237." Bug's voice sounded like a ghost. "The target should be inside, but I can't see her biological signal..."

"I hope we're not too late. Oh, I hate this kind of life-and-death business the most. Let's try to hack the door open." This mission really made Bug feel uncomfortable, and she couldn't even maintain herusual calmness.

"Hans, is that you?" The old door on the side opened, and a haggard old woman leaned out. She obviously mistook their movements for someone else. V waved her hand and asked her to go back into the house.

Seeing the three people with guns, the old woman quickly closed the door. This is the sensitivity that a Night City resident should have.

"Found it." V saw the number 1237 on the door on one side.

Bai Rui and Jack stood on both sides of the door with guns raised. V's eyes glowed blue and her mind hacked into the building's monitoring system. The door was quickly cracked open.

"Keep a low profile." Jack led the way in with two guns raised.

In the room behind the door, the music was deafening, drowning out all other sounds. When the three men walked through the messy room and came to a side room, even though they were battle-hardened mercenaries, they still felt their stomachs churning when they saw the scene in front of them.

An unknown female corpse was lying on the operating chair, her prostheses and internal organs had been stripped away, leaving only a red skin and a flattened head.

Several male corpses were hanging on a bracket nearby, with the prosthetic spines on their backs half pulled out, like a centipede crawling out from under the skin. The basin underneath was filled with blood and organ fragments, and the floor was covered with bloodstains and footprints.

The horrifying scene accompanied by a pungent smell hit Bai Rui, and she almost vomited. She didn't expect that the scenes in the game would be so exciting when transferred to reality.

She knew who was responsible for this, the scavengers who made a living by reselling second-hand prosthetics. She trembled all over, unable to believe that people could be so cruel to their own kind.

These scavengers are truly beasts in human skin.

However, as someone who had seen dead people after all, Bai Rui quickly suppressed her body's reaction and did not let the two people beside her notice anything unusual.

"Damn, are we late? Is it her? Is she the one we are looking for? V? Bai Rui?" Jack spoke anxiously and walked quickly forward to check the female corpse.

"Sandra Dorsett... a second-tier member of the company. We're looking for a rich girl..."

"Look, this is a black market replica of Zeta Tech. A typical knockoff."

V was very calm. She glanced at the female corpse. The prosthetic parts that had not been stripped off her body looked very cheap. It was obvious at a glance that she could not be the target of the mission.

"Let's keep looking." V continued walking.

V just opened the door a crack, but Jack behind her pulled her back.

"V, hey, look up, there's someone up ahead."

V carefully opened the door, and sure enough, there was a scavenger with his back to them, shirtless, covered in tattoos, and holding a gun in his hand. However, the harsh music they played to cover up the screams of the victims has now become their own death rope.

V was seen bending over and sneaking up behind the scavenger, standing up and strangling the scavenger's neck. She then used both hands to twist the neck with a snap. Her movements were so quick and clean that the scavenger didn't even have time to scream.

After stuffing the scavenger's body into a box nearby, V waved to Jack and the others, indicating that it was safe.

Amid the harsh music, the three of them walked hunched over in a crooked room filled with bloody prosthetics and garbage that could easily fall to the ground if they were not careful.

"Don't be distracted, someone is coming, and they will soon find you."

Just as Jack and his companions turned two corners, a bug reminder sounded in the communication channel.

"These idiots are kidney-cutting bastards." Jack cursed and quickly hid beside the cabinet in front. The two followed him. The next second, three scavengers came in from the wide room outside, chatting and laughing, and did not notice them.

"Don't be impatient. Make sure you are sure before you strike." Jack held the gun and looked vigilantly at the three scavengers who were looking for something with their backs to them.

"One each, pick the one closest to you." Jack swallowed and nodded at the two of them.

The three of them stuck their butts out and moved silently towards the scavenger like three lurking cougars.

Bai Rui put the gun in front of her waistband so that she could shoot at the first moment if anything went wrong. She moved extremely cautiously and kept her eyes fixed on her target.

Just kidding, you have to be careful. Her strength is only eight points, which is not as good as V and Jack next to her who are strong enough to fight bulls.

The scavenger was still searching for something on the table, maybe a client list, or maybe the information on the next victim, but who cared? Bai Rui swallowed her saliva, and leaped up like a cheetah. Her two arms popped out like whips and tightly strangled the scavenger's neck.

Bai Rui could feel the surging in the other person's throat and the Hertzian breathing sound, but even so, Bai Rui showed no mercy. She exerted force with both hands and with a click, the cartilage in the other person's neck was instantly broken.

"Well done, Bai Rui." On the side, Jack and V easily took care of the enemy and gave Bai Rui a thumbs up.

"Okay, we're out of breath, but there are still a lot of people in the room outside. We'd better sneak in."

Turning around and leaving the room, sunlight poured into the spacious room through the blinds. There were at least a dozen scavengers inside, sitting or standing there chatting.

The three of them did not dare to be careless. They followed the position marked for them by the bug on the holographic screen in front of them. With the help of various sundries and desks as a barrier, they walked along the wall around the wide room to a dim small room amid the sound of harsh electronic music.

As they got closer to the target, the three became more careful, suppressing their breathing and footsteps to the minimum.


Just after passing a small corridor, a sudden sound gave V, the leader, goose bumps all over her body. At the side, a scavenger leader saw that the person coming was not his subordinate, and his eyes widened immediately.

"Damn it, where did it come from..." The leader reached out and grabbed the machine gun on the desk.

V was shocked when she saw this. The room was small and they would definitely be dead if the other party got the machine gun.

Her body moved subconsciously, and V hit the tall leader on the chin with the butt of her gun, causing him to stagger.

At this time, Jack behind her also saw the machine gun on the table, and immediately reached out to knock the machine gun down, preventing the leader from reaching it.

However, the leader was tall and strong, and when he saw that he couldn't get the gun, he pushed V away with one hand and was about to push the door open and run out to warn his subordinates. Because the music was too loud, the people in the large room outside the house could not hear what was happening inside.

Seeing this, Jack and V were extremely anxious, but they did not dare to shoot for fear of alerting the dozen scavengers outside the house.

Just as the leader's hand was about to reach the door handle, Jack and V gritted their teeth and prepared to fight to the death and shoot, but there was a dull puff, and half of the leader's head was blown off, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

Turning their head, they saw Bai Rui in the aisle breathing heavily, her chest heaving violently, and her hand holding "Vitamin B" shaking.

"I brought a silencer with me, maybe I'll need it." Bai Rui's face was pale and beads of sweat were on her face. She looked at Jack and V and forced a smile. It was a very close call just now, and it almost turned into a face-to-face fight.

"Bai Rui, well done." V hugged Bai Rui regardless of the dead body. Jack also wiped the sweat off his forehead, looking like he had survived a disaster. "It was almost over, Bai Rui, thanks to you for being there."

"The target's final location is locked behind the door. You should be able to see it when you push the door." Bug's voice was still so calm and plain.

"Bug, you really have no empathy." Jack let out a long sigh, then tilted his head to signal V and the others to follow.

"Well, let's finish this mission quickly." In front of the coordinates, Jack opened the door and walked in. "This, fuck..."

As the three of them entered the room, they froze on the spot. Even Jack and V couldn't help it and almost vomited because of the scene inside.