Bai Rui's Crisis

"Chao, Chao, Chao Lijian, all the pleasure, from whole foods." The TV advertisement shouted exaggeratedly, and finally, a big logo popped up. "3.3 times the required daily recommended Vitamin intake!"

"… Damn, Jack, you'd better have something important to tell me if you're calling me now!" Inside the house, sunlight shone through the window. In front, V, wearing a vest, was walking irritably with an unhappy look on her face, as if someone had ruined something good for her.

This was the first scene Bai Rui saw when she came to her senses.

Blinking her moist eyes, Bai Rui wanted to move, but hier hands and legs were so soft that she felt numb the moment she tried to exert any strength, and she couldn't move at all.

My shoulders felt cold, and I looked down. I saw that my coat and T-shirt had been taken off at some point and were hanging on the table. Now I was only wearing a short vest. No wonder I felt cold.

Her pants were wet, but she was still in good condition and her belt was not untied. Bai Rui's mind was confused now, but she felt relieved as if something bad had not reached the final step.

"Okay, okay, just stay there!" V hung up the phone.

"Hi, baby, are you okay?" Turning around, V put away her previous unhappiness, smiled brightly, walked to Bai Rui, and bent down to help her tidy up the hair stuck to her face, her movements were full of tenderness.

Bai Rui, baby, what a rhyme, she has wanted to shout that for a long time.

Bai Rui, whose mind was still in a mess, didn't notice the change in address. She blinked her eyes before she recognized that the person in front of her was V. But before she could say anything, V had already helped her put on her clothes.

She put on a T-shirt, a jacket, and finally ended with a sweet kiss. Bai Rui didn't react at all and didn't even offer any resistance.

"Let's go to Old Vic first." V licked her wet lips, her eyes full of lust that Bai Rui couldn't understand. "Let's continue what we did just now after we come back."

Whatever V said now was hazy in Bai Rui's ears and she couldn't hear it clearly. She only heard that she was leaving. Out of subconscious dependence, Bai Rui grabbed V's hand as she was about to turn around.

"V, my legs are weak and I can't walk~" Her voice was soft and tearful, with a blush on her face and innocent eyes. V's breath became heavier instantly, and the emotions that she had suppressed with great difficulty almost came over her again.

"It's okay, I'll support you." Seeing Bai Rui trying in vain to stand up, but sitting back down because her legs were weak, V felt her heart being hit. She knew she couldn't stay any longer. If she stayed any longer, she would have to stand Jack up and stay at home the whole day.

"…What happened to Bai Rui? Is she sick?"

"…She just didn't sleep well. Just let her wake up in the car."

Bai Rui was helped to sit in the back seat and a blanket was considerately covered on her.

Then there was the humming sound of the vehicle moving. The two people in front were talking, but Bai Rui couldn't hear it clearly. She felt like she was drunk or dreaming. Everything was hazy and she couldn't remember anything. She just leaned in the back seat in a daze.

It wasn't until the car stopped that Bai Rui regained her consciousness.

Depend on!!!!!

The moment her consciousness completely returned to Bai Rui, she almost cursed out loud in excitement.

What happened before? She was almost eaten up!

If Jack hadn't called V, I would probably have woken up naked in bed, with V probably still smoking a cigarette leisurely beside me.

No no no!!!

Bai Rui shook her head, trying to get rid of all the shameful memories. She would never admit that a grown man like her was so easily taken down by V.

What does it matter what I look like on the sofa, with my hands and feet weak, letting V do whatever she wants to me. Isn't that a complete 0, the softest kind at that?

Is this what a grown man should do? Is this what a grown man should be like? You should be ashamed, Bai Rui!

For a moment, Bai Rui felt that her masculinity was greatly challenged by the man named V.

Bai Rui stared at V in front of her, her eyes seemed to be spitting fire, and her mouth was puffed up with anger, echoing the rage in her heart.

You have to stand up, Bai Rui, and show V your masculinity. Even if you're just playing that kind of game, you have to be the one on top.

She made up her mind that the previous time didn't count. If Bai Rui wanted to start over, she wouldn't be able to do it. She couldn't handle a V. Although V looked very aggressive and stronger than her, no matter what, it was Acup versus Bcup, and the advantage was on her.

"What, are you sober now, baby?" The car had stopped at the entrance of the alley of Misty's fortune-telling shop without them knowing. V opened the door and looked at Bai Rui, whose face was flushed with anger, and couldn't help but tease her.

"My name is Bai Rui, Bai Rui, understand?" Bai Rui gritted her teeth. She was furious when she saw V's pretty face, especially the faint smile on the corner of her mouth, which was a mockery of her. "Not some bullshit baby!"

"Yeah, whatever you like." V shrugged indifferently, not wanting to argue with Bai Rui about these meaningless names. Anyway, she had done almost everything she needed to do, and now it was time to smooth Bai Rui's hair. She had enough patience for this. "Then let me help you get out of the car, Bai Rui!"

"None of your business!" Bai Rui lifted the blanket and got out of the car, angrily slapping away V's outstretched hand.

"Ouch." Although she was stubborn, as soon as Bai Rui's feet touched the ground, it felt like she was stepping on cotton. Her legs went weak and she almost fell to the ground.

"See, I told you you can't do it." V had expected this outcome, so she reached out and hugged Bai Rui, who was falling down, to prevent her from falling flat on her face.

"None of your business!" Bai Rui was frightened when someone hugged her waist and her face turned pale. Just now on the sofa, she was hugged by V and did whatever she wanted. This really brought back bad memories for her.

With a red face, she reluctantly pushed V away and staggered towards Misty's shop on her trembling legs.

"Hey, V, what's wrong with you two? Aren't you usually so friendly with each other?" Jack was lying on the roof of the car, watching the whole process of V and Bai Rui's strange interaction. He was a little confused as to why these two people were so abnormal today.

"Jack, this is all thanks to you." Seeing Jack looking confused as to what was going on, V said sarcastically with her hands folded.

"If it weren't for your phone call, I would have washed the sheets by now."

"Washing the sheets? What does that mean?" Jack was about to ask in detail, but V had already turned and walked towards Misty's shop, so no one could give him an answer.

"Wash the sheets?" Jack scratched his head, still thinking about the riddle V left for him.

According to the conventions of human logic, when you encounter a word you don't understand, you should first think about its color. This time, Jack seemed to have understood it.

"Damn, that can't be what you mean!" Jack widened his eyes, somewhat unbelieving.