Prosthetic Transformation

"Hi, Bai Rui, what's wrong with you?" Misty in the store saw Bai Rui come in and was about to walk out of the counter to greet her, but then she saw Bai Rui limping in, holding her leg, and she immediately spoke out of curiosity.

"I, I..." Bai Rui struggled to sit on the leather chair in the store. When she heard Misty's question, her face blushed and she didn't know how to explain.

"Hi, Misty, good morning!" Jack and V walked in and helped Bai Rui solve the situation.

"V, Jack." Misty turned and waved at them. "By the way, V Dr. Victor can see you now."

"Okay, I'll go right away." V ​​nodded.

"Then I'll wait for you here. Misty and I need to have a private chat." Jack said this, but his gossipy heart was burning with curiosity. His eyes kept moving between the awkward Bai Rui and V as if he was enjoying the show.

"Do you want to go together?" V stretched out her hand as she passed by Bai Rui.

"Hmph." Bai Rui turned her head away and ignored V.

She was now very angry, and what she was thinking was to use cold violence against her to let her know that she was not so easy to control.

Of course, for V, this was just her girlfriend being upset.

"Then I'll go by myself. You have to wait for me here obediently." She touched Bai Rui's head lovingly, and before Bai Rui could react and make a sound of anger, she swiftly slipped out of the back door, leaving only her voice echoing at the door.

Bai Rui was so angry that she could only sit back in her seat reluctantly.

Covering her face, Bai Rui could only sulk by herself.

She didn't even know where V learned all these tricks from.

Since this morning, V seemed like a different person. She no longer concealed her intentions at all, and looked at herself intently, as if she was afraid that others might not see through her.

Who is she? She is a top-notch hero, a real man who is determined to become a legend in Night City, a strong man. How could she be taken down by a little cool sister V? It is impossible, absolutely impossible.

Just thinking about it in her heart was not enough, Bai Rui stomped her feet on the floor again, pretending that it was V's annoying face below.

Only after doing all this did Bai Rui manage to cheer up.

It's so quiet. Didn't just V left? Where's Misty? Why is no one talking?

At this moment, Bai Rui realized something was wrong and raised her head, hier gaze happened to meet two pairs of fiery and gossipy eyes.

Jack and Misty, one leaning on one side of the counter and the other on the other side, both of them looking at me with gossipy expressions, just like spectators.

Shit, I wonder if these two saw everything I did just now.

Staring with her eyes wide open, Bai Rui suddenly felt a great sense of shame rising in her heart, and her face suddenly became flushed.

"Hehe, haha, Bai Rui, actually we didn't see anything, right, Misty." Seeing Bai Rui like this, the two of them understand that the girl was shy, and they hurriedly tried to smooth things over.

"Yeah, yeah, Jack and I were just talking about, um, what were we talking about." Misty was also trying hard to hide her auntie smile.

"By the way, speaking of Night City's most powerful middleman, Dexter Deshawn, he has assigned us a big job..."

Jack and Misty were still performing clumsily, but Bai Rui could no longer suppress the shame in her heart. Finally, after hesitating for a while, she suddenly covered her face, pushed open the back door, and hid like a little girl.

  "I, I'm going to go see how Old Vic is doing."

She lowered her head covered her face and ran away in one go. Looking at Bai Rui's shy appearance running away, Misty and Jack smiled at each other.

"By the way, are you really not going to remind Bai Rui? There's still a kiss mark on her neck." Misty covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes full of smiles.

"Hey, no thanks." Jack smiled and waved his hand, "When we first got together, we played a lot more."

V and Bai Rui, who are still playing chase and escape, don't know that this pair is the heavyweights.

Victor's clinic is in the basement in the alley behind Misty's shop. Just turn left when you go out.

As I stepped out of the door, I saw several gentlemen lying on the ground in the dilapidated alley, smoking and intoxicated, as well as a few homeless old men wearing cheap cigarettes, drooling and grinning lasciviously on a tattered mat.

Night City is like this, it always shows its worst side to ruin the good mood that has finally started.

However, looking at the familiar decadent and depraved scene on the street, Bai Rui felt a little calmer.

Yes, she is a mercenary who makes a living in this rotten city, determined to become a legendary urban troublemaker, a heinous criminal in the eyes of the NCPD. In this city, she can sleep with whoever she wants.

How could she be defeated by a small V? It's ridiculous. Thinking of this, Bai Rui regained her confidence as a man from her profession and strode into Old Vic's clinic.

As I walked down the stairs, I heard the conversation between V and Old Vic inside.

"...Dexter Deshawn. Jack said he got a job from him. He was very mysterious and wanted an interview. I have to go there soon." I knew it was V from the clear female voice.

"Oh? Dexter DeShawn. Well, he's quite famous, but I guess you haven't gotten the money yet." Old Vic's voice was vicissitudes and steady, just like those middle-aged protagonists with glorious pasts in American TV dramas, his eyes full of stories.

"Oh, by the way, Old Vic." V suddenly raised her voice as if she heard a voice behind her. "I want to decorate some new things, and I want something serious. Strengthen the field of vision, and replace the arm, preferably a completely mechanical one!"

Victor looked at V and raised his eyebrows, but didn't even move a finger, because he knew that V said these things just to tease him.

Of course, he wasn't the one being amused, but he was still happy to watch the show.

"You dare!" Sure enough, before V finished speaking, Bai Rui's angry voice came immediately.

Bai Rui took two steps at a time and walked up the stairs angrily until she arrived in front of the two people.

"You promised me that you would not put on any more prosthetics!" V looked at Bai Rui with a teasing look on her face, and Bai Rui was so angry that she bared her teeth like a little wild cat.

She had just calmed down three seconds ago, but this rogue V broke her defense again. She was so angry that she wanted to bite her.

Looking at the anxious Bai Rui, V folded her hands and said teasingly, "Oh, I thought you forgot."

Looking at V's rogue appearance, Bai Rui finally realized that she had been fooled again.

Bai Rui, a 1.80-meter-tall man, was so angry that her face turned red and her neck became thick. She pointed at V and stammered, too anxious to speak.

"Okay, okay, sorry, Bai Rui, I was just kidding." Seeing that Bai Rui was really anxious, the 1.72-meter-tall V quickly put his arm around Bai Rui's shoulders and held her head in his arms to comfort her.

This time, Bai Rui did not rush to push V away but grabbed the corner of V's clothes, full of fear.

Although she came to the cyberpunk world, Bai Rui has never liked prosthetics and she herself has not installed any prosthetics on her body.

Because she has always had this kind of worry.

Cutting off one's intact organs and replacing them with cold machines is like a part of the person, or a part of the soul will leave the body along with the bloody flesh that is cut off, and the person will no longer be the same person.

It would be fine if one or two prosthetic bodies were replaced for the purpose of treating an incurable disease, but in this cyberpunk world, replacing prosthetic bodies is not a means of curing a disease, but something as casual as changing a mobile phone case or a piece of clothing. People replace themselves with prosthetic bodies when they feel like it, destroying their original bodies into pieces.

To Bai Rui, it was horrifying that her original body was despised and even rejected, and treated like a toy. She could not accept it at all.

Some people replace an arm today and a leg tomorrow. The more exaggerated ones are like Adam Smasher. In the end, only half of the head is left that he was born with. In the end, can we still say that this person is the same person as before?

When Bai Rui thought that V might have this possibility, she found it unacceptable. To her, the smell, temperature, and touch of V's skin were all part of V as a person.

If V's whole body was replaced with a cold machine, and she couldn't feel the other person's warmth or hear her heartbeat even when hugged, would she still be able to look at V with the same eyes as before?

Just like in the continuous transformation operations, the original V will die piece by piece, until finally, only a cold machine with V's memory is left.

Just imagining this, Bai Rui felt a great fear in her heart.