Ramen Gal (Koemi POV)

A/N: This is the prologue before the events of the story begins, mainly focusing on Koemi's introduction, how she got word about the restaurant, and a brief introduction to Kazuki, our main character. 

The sun is setting over the city, casting a warm golden glow that softens the harsh lines of the streets. High school students are walking onto the sidewalks, their chatters fill the air. But among them, I stood out— not just because of my bright, stylish clothes and perfectly manicured nails, but because of my confident stride and the easy smiles I share with everyone I pass. My name is Koemi Watanabe, the granddaughter of Takeshi Watanabe. Being your usual gal, popular and effortlessly charming, likable by nearly everyone at school.

As I waved goodbye to my friends and began to walk home, I felt a familiar buzz of my phone in my pocket. I pull it out and see my mom's name on the screen. Answering it, I am greeted by her familiar voice, tingling with excitement. 

"Koemi, are you ready?" she asked me.

I pause. Curiosity crosses. "For what, mom?"

But before she could answer, my attention was drawn to a familiar figure sitting on a park bench outside the school. He has earbuds in, listening to music, as it looks like he's napping. Next to him is a sports bag. Although I have known him since we first saw each other in our first year in high school. It is very strange for me to discover, from now, that he's trying to keep his body in shape despite no one in his school caring about him.

"Hey, Koemi?" Mom's voice brought back the conversation. 

"Ah, sorry. I saw something that got me distracted…" I continue to walk, crossing the park that leads to an alleyway to my house.

Mom sighs, but her excitement quickly returns. "It's about the restaurant, remember?"

"We need to talk about you taking control of it."

I stop in my tracks, her words sinking into me. "Woah? Right now?"

"I will tell you more details after we arrive at the restaurant."

As I approach the restaurant, a mix of excitement and nerves turns in my stomach. This is going to change everything. The restaurant has always been a part of my family's legacy, and now it is my turn to step up. 

When I arrive, a moving truck is parking outside, and I see mom waiting by the restaurant's entrance. Dress in an elegant outfit that hints at her background in a fashion agency, she stands out with her confident, poise demeanor. Her stylish clothes and impeccable grooming showcase her well-known presence. Her face is alight with anticipation, and her eyes sparkle as she catches sight of me.

She greets me with a warm hug. "Komi, you have to do this, there is no other way around it. Me… Your grandfather, everyone… We believe in you."

I hesitate, the magnitude of this task ahead is weighing on me. "I still couldn't believe Grandpa was gone. His passing was so abrupt, when I started high school…"

Mom nods sympathetically. "I understand sweetie. Grandpa left a note for you. I won't tell you what it says, but I think you should read it when you have a chance."

After our conversation, she gave me a quick tour of the restaurant. She shows me the stairs, inside the kitchen, leading to the apartment above. "This will be your new home," she tells me with a smile. "You'll be able to find all your belongings up there."

I shake my head, frustration bubbling up. "But, Mom, this is too much! How am I supposed to handle everything? I'm not ready for this!"

She places a gentle hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me. "Koemi, I know it feels overwhelming, but you're strong. This restaurant was Grandpa's pride, and he believed in you."

"But what if I mess up? What if I can't do it?" I protest. The weight of responsibility is crushing, and the thought of failing is terrifying. 

My mom pulls me into a hug, her voice soft but firm. "We're all here to support you, and Grandpa trusted you with this because he knew you could do it. Trust yourself as much as he did."

I pull away slightly, still uncertain, but her unwavering belief in me gives me a small glimmer of hope. "I'll try… But I'm scared, Mom." 

She smiles gently, wiping a tear from my cheek. "It's okay to be scared. But I promise you, you'll make him proud."

Her words settle over me, a new resolve begins to take root. Maybe… Just maybe, I can do this. 

As mom left the restaurant with the moving truck, I looked out the window, feeling a mix of anxiety and determination. Just then, Tetsu, my loyal pet dog, pops his head out of my backpack. He gives me a comforting nudge, helping me get ready for this next chapter in my life.

As I enter the restaurant's kitchen, once again, with Tetsu now by my side, the reality of the task ahead begins to settle in. The kitchen, familiar from my visits as a child, seems to feel larger and daunting as it is now my responsibility to take care of it. I begin to look for the cleaning supplies, determined to get the restaurant ready for tomorrow.

As I begin searching through the cupboards and drawers, my eyes land on a small yellow note stuck to the fridge. Curious as I am, I reach for it and begin to read it. The words, though simple, carry a weight that makes my heart ache. Grandpa Takeshi's voice seems to echo in my mind, filled with warmth and encouragement.

While reading, thoroughly, I could feel tears flowing down my eyes as I read this heartfelt message. It was like Grandpa was still here, asking me how I'm doing. This realization of his absence and this new responsibility I'm now carrying is overwhelming.

As I continue reading, the note starts mentioning Kazuki. My tears flow faster as confusion and sadness mingle within me. Why did Grandpa Takeshi mention him? We have barely had a meaningful interaction since I first saw him in high school. In fact, I always see him as a weird kid— someone who seems to get nervous every time we interact. I couldn't deny that I have a certain dislike for him, but he always seems out of place in my world. 

But seeing his name here, connected with Grandpa's final words, feels unreal. Grandpa has always been a wise person; why would he include Kazuki in this note? My heart aches as I try to piece together the meaning behind this. It feels strange and almost wrong to see his name here, and I can't shake the feeling that there is something I'm missing. 

I feel a pang of guilt mixed with my confusion. There's no way this is real. Grandpa's words seem to speak to a deep connection that I can't quite gasp, and it left me feeling lost and uncertain. 

Tetsu, sensing my distress, nuzzles my leg. His warmth is a small comfort to this storm of emotions. I wipe my tears, trying to steady my breathing. I glance at Tetsu, who's looking up at me with his sparkling with joy

 "Do you know something I don't?" I whisper, feeling more lost than ever.

Tetsu barks softly, as if to reassure me, but his response did little to ease the heaviness in my heart.

As I took a deep breath, I shook off my overwhelming feelings and turned my attention to the tasks at hand. There is still so much to do before the restaurant reopens tomorrow. I focused on cleaning the tables, determined to push through the confusion and to honor Grandpa Takeshi's legacy in the best way I could.