Under New Management (Kazuki POV)

It is midnight in this small town, and the street is very quiet as streetlamps illuminate the surroundings. I'm still in my school uniform, carrying a large sports bag to my house. I'm Kazuki Nakamura, a high school senior known by everyone at my school for being a socially distant otaku. As I usually prefer the company of my manga collection over people.

Despite my otaku lifestyle, I still find time to stay in shape. My large sports bag, that is filled with gear from my latest training session, hangs heavily from my shoulder. While most of my peers assume I'm just another shut-in, I make a point by exercising regularly. It's a discipline I've developed over the years, partly because of a crush I've had since my first year of high school. Though I'd never admit it, staying fit was my way of feeling more confident in myself. 

But tonight, everything is about to change.

As I walk home from the evening tennis practice at my school, the cold night air feels refreshing as it hits my skin. The sound of my footsteps echoes softly on these empty streets, providing a soothing backdrop to my thoughts. Today left me very tired, but the quiet noises left a welcome contrast. 

I pass by a pop-up restaurant stand, where people are laughing and enjoying their meals. Hearing the sounds of enjoyment reminds me of this restaurant where my family and I used to go to every chance we got. The way the food was always served with rich and comforting flavors— it was like a warm hug for my taste buds. The old man who ran the place was more than just a cook; he was family to me. His food was always a highlight, each dish prepared with care and served with a warm smile.

As I continue down the alleyway, a familiar sight of this old restaurant comes into view. I slow down my pace, looking at the long blue flag hanging outside, covering the restaurant's name. Although my expression remains calm, the sparkles in my eyes betray my true nature and reveal a child-like anticipation for this beloved restaurant from my childhood, ever since my family took me there. This place was a sanctuary for me, a place where I felt a sense of belonging for most of my time as a child. 

My eyes follow the flag, which reads "Under New Management," as the wind picks up, revealing the restaurant name: Shokudo Furusato. As I begin to smile, I notice a girl through the lit window, cleaning the table. She looks familiar, but I can't quite tell if that is really her.

I wasn't sure. It looks like she just came out from school, just like me. Could she be hired to be a part of the team for the grand reopening of the restaurant? I move closer to the window, careful not to intrude on their privacy. As I press my face to the window, I spot a puppy trotting around the restaurant.

The puppy, a fluffy bundle of energy with a coat of light brown fur, moves with an adorably wobbly gait. His ears perk up with each new sound, and his tail wags energetically, leaving a small trail of excitement. His dark, expressive eyes dart around, seemingly taking in every detail of his surroundings with curious enthusiasm. Now and then, he lets out an eager bark, his tiny paws patting playfully at the floor as he explores. 

He looks towards a young woman who is almost finishing with cleaning the table. She's focused on her task, her movements are quick and efficient. Her outfit is casual but appealing, reflecting a confident air as she works. As she bends down to wipe the table, the puppy approaches her with a cheerful bark. She looks down, her face lights up with a warm smile as she gently pats him on the head. Their interaction is endearing, and I can't help but be drawn in by the unfolding before me.

The girl's movement is captivating; she moves with a grace that contrasts the bustling energy of the restaurant as she cleans the tables. Her casual confidence and the way she interacts with the playful puppy create a scene full of warmth and charm. I find myself unable to tear my gaze away, captivated by her, inviting an atmosphere of the restaurant. 

I notice that our eyes meet. The girl's gaze locks onto mine, and at that moment, time seems to stretch. I feel a sudden jolt of panic as the realization hits me— she caught me. My heart races, pounding loudly in my chest, each beat echoing in my ears. My face flushes with heat, and I stand there, frozen, caught between the urge to run and the desire to face the consequences. 

I instinctively try to appear nonchalant, but it's too late. The girl and her puppy start moving towards the entrance, and my chances of escaping are rapidly dwindling. I'm left with no choice but to keep my gaze fixed on the restaurant sign, trying to compose myself as my mind races with thoughts on how to handle an unexpected situation like this. 

My heart begins to race as I realize I'm in deep trouble; my time to escape is already too late. The door opens, and the girl steps out, her warm smile fading into mild surprise as she spots me standing there. I take a good look at her... This girl... Is my crush from school. The same girl who's been occupying my thoughts for so long is now standing right in front of me, working at my beloved restaurant. My mind races with confusion and disbelief. Why is she here, in the place I hold so dear? This question echoes in my mind as I try to process the sight before me

"Isn't this Kazuki?" Her voice rings out with a mix of surprise and recognition.

"AHH!" I yelp

My voice barely squeaks as my mind is scrambling for an excuse. Panic surges through me as I realize I've been caught in a very awkward position.

"Woah, already jumping to conclusion," she says, her tone light and reassuring. "I won't do anything bad to you. Don't worry!" A gentle smile spreads across her face, though it serves to amplify my nervousness.

She pauses for a moment, her gaze lingering on me. I can feel her eyes studying me, making my heart race even faster. The way she stares at me, with a mix of curiosity and concern, only worsening my anxiety. 

"So you're here for the restaurant. Right?" She asks, curiosity.

"Yeah…" I stutter, forcing a laugh in a desperate attempt to appear casual. I scratch the back of my head, trying to hide how flustered I am, but then she drops the bombshell. 

"Well… Starting tomorrow! I, Koemi Watanabe, will take the place of Grandpa and become the manager of his restaurant!" She announces with a flourish.

WAIT?! Koemi—the most popular girl in our school—is Mr. Watanabe's granddaughter?

My head begins to spin as the revelation skins in. This news adds another weight to my already exhausted mind. I can feel myself tilting around me as I struggle to stay upright.

"Kazuki, are you okay?" Koemi's voice sounds distant and concerned.

Before I can respond, my legs start to give away. My entire body collapses, and I feel a strong pair of arms catching me. Koemi holds me up with her strength and her puppy helping her alongside as his tiny paws are supporting my lower body. Together, they manage to drag me inside the restaurant. 

Inside, the puppy's enthusiastic barks fill the air, a stark contrast to my fading consciousness. I hear Mom's voice calling out to me, her words blending together as my vision starts to blur. My eyes grow heavy, and despite her best efforts to wake me, everything around me slowly fades to black.

Koemi's voice fades as my conscious ebbs away, but I catch glimpses of the restaurant's charm— an inviting blend of warmth and tradition that was once a significant part of my childhood. As my consciousness slips away, my mind drifts back to those cherished moments spent here…