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Kazuki's special (Kazuki POV)

I remember my childhood, as I heard the chime jingling softly as my parents and I walked into Shokudo Furusto. The comforting scent of the miso soup greets us. My father, Hiroshi Nakamura, and my mother, Miyuki Nakamura, settle at their usual seats at the counter where Takeshi Watanabe, approaching in his 60's, is busy preparing dishes. 

"Good evening, Mr. Watanabe!" My father greeted him with a smile.

"Ah, isn't this Hiroshi with his family again! Good evening to you too!" Takeshi replied warmly. "What will you all be having tonight?" 

"Give us the usual, please," my dad requested, "Miso soup with extra pork."

"Coming right up!" Takeshi said, as he turned on the heat. 

While Takeshi is preparing our order, he shifts his eyes to me. He noticed the unease in my mood, and he offered me a friendly smile. 

"Kazuki, are you alright? Is school doing too much on you?" He asked me with genuine concern on his face. 

I shake my head, refusing to give him an answer, my thoughts tangled with self-doubt and frustration. Today wasn't good at all. My mother gently nudged me, her eyes encouraging me to open up. 

"Please, Kazuki. Maybe Mr. Watanabe can help you with your issue." She suggested. 

I looked up at him, took a deep breath, and began to open up. 

"I feel like nobody in school is like me. I think I'm a failure!" I confessed, the weight of my words becomes heavy on my shoulders.

Takeshi's smile softened as he listened. He leaned in, turning serious but gentle. "Kazuki. There's something I have to tell you. I'm not going to be around this long and when that time comes, you'll have to face things on your own. I won't be here to help you." He tells me, his words showing a different side to his usual cheerful demeanor. 

My heart sank after hearing it, as a lump formed in my throat. A wave of sadness washed over me. He noticed my distress and quickly tried to change the mood. "But… You're a strong kid, Kazuki. Ever since your parents told me about you, I have seen your courage as you go through the tough spots in life. I believe in you," he encourages me. "What about this— I'll make the 'Kazuki Special.' As long as it makes you smile, deal?"

"Hooray!" I exclaim, feeling a bit more hopeful despite the heaviness of the conversation.

Watching Takeshi cook helped lighten my mood, seeing his precise movement put me in awe. 

"You know, Kazuki, for being a customer. I see a lot in you. That's why I think you'd be a great fit here! You just need to start believing in yourself." 

I watch him, letting it sink in me. "Wow really! You think so?" 

"Yeah," Takeshi tells me, his eyes twinkling.

He points out to this young girl, similar age as me, has long hair, and is silent just like me. Carefully cutting the onions with a sharp knife. "I don't think you two has met up, but that's my granddaughter"

"She is fantastic, despite her age! I have plans for her when she grows up one day!" He tells me, with excitement. 

I didn't know that Grandpa Takeshi has a granddaughter, although I see her everyday lurking in the kitchen, hiding. 

Takeshi calls her gently. "Come here for a moment." The call made her walk up to him. 

"Could you bring this to Kazuki?" he asks, handing her a small plate with a smile. "And maybe try to introduce yourself." 

She nodded and quietly walked up to me, her eyes full of curiosity. She handed me the plate, telling me in a soft voice, "This is for you…" 

She began to run back to the kitchen before I could make my introduction to her. "Thank you?" I said, confused. 

I didn't realize how shy she was, but it doesn't matter. My excitement about eating my own order quickly replaced my curiosity. Seeing the miso soup with extra pork, the grilled dish, and a small dish of pickled vegetables made my mouth water, calling on me to start digging in. 

The aroma is similar to the one from my dream. Could this really be the "Kazuki Special"? My eyes are about to open up. 

"Is that the 'Kazuki Special'?" I mumble groggily, still half-asleep. "Give it to me…" 

Koemi, who has been anxiously watching over me, let out a relieved laugh. 

"Well, it looks like you're finally waking up!" she said, her voice filled with warmth. 

Her puppy hops on the table and nudges a steaming bowl of food towards me. The rich, savory smell fills my senses, and my stomach rumbles in response. 

I began to open my eyes, I still felt more tired than I was before. I manage or lift my head and take a grasp at Koemi's face, her cheeks slightly flushed as she chuckles. Her pet is sitting on the table beside her, his tail wagging enthusiastically. 

"Did I… Did I just pass out?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You did…" Koemi replied.

Realizing, this wave of embarrassment washes over me. I never felt ashamed of causing such a scene. Her puppy, sensing my discomfort, decides to sit on my lap, offering a small measure of comfort. I begin to sit up, taking in the surroundings. I'm currently in a cozy booth at the restaurant. This familiar, homey atmosphere brings a rush of nostalgia. 

This place, with its warm lighting and comforting scents, felt like a fragment of my past, a piece of my childhood that I haven't been realizing that I miss so much until now. The restaurant has always been a refuge to me. A place where I always go to have my worries of school fade away. And now, it felt even more significant with Koemi and this adorable pet here. 

"I'm sorry for causing all of this trouble," I shout, trembling with humiliation. "I didn't really mean to be such a bother. Please forgive me!" 

"It's fine!" Koemi tells me, smiling. "You've been through a lot today. Just eat up and relax. This is the first time I've got to cook since I took over this restaurant today, and I want to experience it with you." 

As I took a bite of the grilled fish, the flavors brought a wave of nostalgia and comfort. It's like Takeshi cooked this meal for me, as everything just felt right again. Despite this confusion, there is something reassuring about being here, in this place, with these two. 

As I savor the soup, my mind begins to wonder. Why is Koemi going out of her way to offer me this food instead of leaving me outside, as hungry as I was? This kindness she shows me left me surprised, especially given these circumstances. Is she doing this to prepare herself, or is there something else she's hiding from me? 

"This is how Takeshi used to cook when I visit him every day." I said, feeling a sense of calm wash over me. 

"Why… Thank you." Koemi replies, her cheeks pink with a mix of pride and embarrassment. "I used to work with Grandpa when I was little. So he's been getting me ready for this day…" 

"So you're that little girl I saw in my dreams?" I exclaimed, my curiosity surged. 

"Uhm…" She hesitated, her eyes dropping to the floor. "I'm not sure what you mean. But Grandpa has taught me a lot, that's for sure!" 

"I see…" 

We both sat silently as I finished eating. I notice Koemi looking nervous, fidgeting with her hands, struggling to ask me something. Her puppy starts barking to encourage her, as if urging her to go ahead.

"Hey…" Koemi began, her voice hesitant. 

"Hm?" I prompted, sensing that she has something important to tell me.

"I was thinking…" Koemi trails off, her eyes darting nervously.

"Can you please help me out?" She shouts, her voice is trembling. 

Looking at her eyes shows lots of concern, as if she is going to be on the verge of tears. My own anxiety begins to flare up as I await her next words.

"Help with what?" I asked, my concern helping.

"Well… There's going to be a lot of people tomorrow, and I get really nervous when there's a crowd of people that aren't from our school." She explained it to me. 

"I would be gladly help you out." I replied, eager to assist.

Koemi's face lit up with a genuine smile, though I noticed a quick, sneaky glance towards her pet. The puppy seems to be into something with her, his twinkling with mischief.

"Hey?" I mumble, glancing at her pet, who's been very focused on her.

Koemi quickly tries to divert my attention. "Oh! My bad! You want to know who this puppy is?"

"Umm… I think so…?" I replied, puzzled by her sudden shift in topic.

Ignoring my response, she picks up her pet, who is still smiling despite everything. "Mom told me he's very strong." she said proudly.

"His name is Tetsu!" Koemi exclaims with enthusiasm. 

"Woof!" Tetsu barks, confirming her statement.

After I finished my meal, I grabbed my sports bag and started to walk out of the restaurant. But as I begin to head out, Koemi approaches me with a warm smile. "Hey, thank you for agreeing to help out tomorrow! It made my job easier now!" 

"No problem. I'm looking forward to it, too." I said, feeling a little more relaxed. 

"Amazing! I'll need you to be here around fifteen o'clock. I'll be in the back of the restaurant after school, waiting for you, okay?" 

"Alright, we'll meet again." I replied, giving her a nod. 

I gave Tetsu a pet and waved goodbye to Koemi before I started walking to my house. As I walked, I began to realize something…

I'm bad at talking to a crowd of people, too…