WebNovelRamen Gal19.05%

Start of the grand reopening (Kazuki POV)

I glance at my phone as my heart pounding as I sprint down the street towards Shokudo Furusato. The time moved closer to "15:00," (3 PM) and I could almost feel the weight of my promise of Koemi pressing on my shoulders.

When I finally reach the back entrance, I halt, catching my breath. I finally saw Koemi again. Her outfit today is flawless, a perfect blend of casual clothing that somehow manages to look effortless. The way her hair is styled and the light in her eyes makes her look vibrant and relaxed. Her stance is confident, yet there is a hint of nervous anticipation in her posture. I wiped the sweat from my forehead, panting, couldn't help but think…

"You're late," Koemi tells me, her tone a blend of frustration and playfulness. "One second late."

Jokingly, I added, "more like, on time?"

Koemi rolls her eyes with a playful smirk. "Fine, you win. You're here now. Let's get things ready for today."

"Everyone's here, but where is Tetsu at?" I was concerned.

I hear a distant bark similar to Tetsu inside her backpack. She opens it and pulls him out of her backpack. The little puppy wiggled out of her backpack and was able to see me again.

I reach out to pet Tetsu, feeling his warm and soft fur, between my fingers. "I'm glad he's doing well, but… How did he manage to stay hidden in your backpack all day? Wouldn't it be uncomfortable for him?"

Koemi chuckled, scratching Tetsu behind his ears. "Didn't I tell you last night? He's a strong little guy. Plus, I made sure to leave the top halfway open so he could poke his head out to breathe if he wanted to."

I can't help but wonder at his ability to endure in the cramped space in Koemi's backpack. Despite my concern, he seems happy and energetic, as if every day is a new adventure for him.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask, turning my attention back to Koemi.

Her eyes lit up with determination. "We have a lot to do before the grand reopening. I'll guide you around the restaurant and get you ready for today."

She led me through the back door of the restaurant into a bustling kitchen, filled with the aroma of food and the clatter of preparation. The atmosphere is alive with excitement and anticipation.

As we walk through the kitchen, my eyes scan the room, taking in the organized chaos. Pots are simmering, the pans are sizzling, and I can already tell that she has already prepared a lot for the grand reopening. While she's giving me a tour of the kitchen, a bright yellow note caught my eye, stuck to the fridge. I tried to read it, but before I could make out what I saw, Koemi ushered me forward, and the note disappeared from my view.

We left the kitchen and Koemi guided me to a small area for me. "Here's your station," she tells me, gesturing to a spot with an apron, a notepad, and a small stack of order tickets.

I adjust my apron, noticing how it fits snugly. "This is not too bad," I said, and Tetsu, who's sitting near me, wags his tail in agreement.

"So, what's Tetsu's role in this?" I ask Koemi, glancing down at the cheerful puppy.

Koemi grins. "He's helping out with carrying the dishes to the customers while keeping an eye on things. I think he'll do a good job with it."

I nodded, trying to imagine Tetsu carrying more than one plates on top of his back. "I see…"

"So, when will we open the restaurant?"

"About an hour from now," Koemi replies, checking the time on her phone. "We still got lots of time to do some prep work around the restaurant, it should be fine. Don't worry!"

As Koemi left. I took a deep breath, trying to shake off my nerves. My anticipation is building, but I can feel a surge of determination. I glance at Koemi and Tetsu in the kitchen, both busy getting ready for today too.

"I'm ready, Grandpa Takeshi." I tell myself. I adjust my apron one last time and take another deep breath, ready to tackle the evening ahead.

Both me and Koemi stand by the window, looking at the long line of people eagerly waiting for the restaurant to open again. Getting to see so many familiar faces and new ones fills me with both excitement and anxiety.

"I didn't know so many people would come." I told Koemi.

Koemi nods, her eyes shining with determination. "Yeah, it is about to be a busy night. Ready?"

I nod back, my nerves turning into a fierce determination. "Ready."

After opening, the restaurant is abuzz with the lively chatter of customers, the clinking of glasses, and the mouth watering aroma of fresh cooked food. The grand reopening is in, and already half of the tables are occupied. 

I plaster on a cheerful smile as I move from table to table, taking orders with a shaky pen and notepad in hand. "Welcome! What can I get for you today?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady as I greet a group of familiar faces.

One customer, an elderly woman who's been a regular since the restaurant first opened, looks at me with a warm smile. "Ah… You must be one of Grandpa Takeshi's relatives, right?"

I force a smile, a fake laugh escaping my lips. "Haha, sadly not. Just friends of the family." I replied, immediately moving to the next table to avoid any further questions.

I continue to move from table to table, maintaining my positive demeanor despite the occasional stumbles. Likewise, I couldn't help but notice how everyone's mood seems to lift when Tetsu appears with their food. It's like a little piece of magic in this midst of chaos.

"Here's your order." I said, setting down a piece of sushi in front of a young couple. They thanked me warmly, as I move to the next table.

As I approached another table, a female customer caught my eye. "You're doing an amazing job," she tells me, her tone encouraging me.

"Thanks," I reply, feeling a bit more confident. "Just trying my best keeping up with all the orders."

I glanced back towards the kitchen and saw Koemi, moving with a mix of excitement and nervous energy. She is running the restaurant by herself, and it is clear she is putting in the effort.

After seeing Koemi's hard work. It also makes me want to push myself even harder. With this new renewed determination, I straighten myself up and move to the next table, with more confidence than I was before. 

I approach a table where a middle-aged woman is waiting. I place a steaming plate of gyoza in front of her and offer a friendly smile.

"Here you go," I said, setting down the dish. "I hope you enjoy it!"

The woman looks up at me with a twinkle in her eye but a mischievous grin. "Are you and the young lady in the kitchen… Married?"

I blink, caught off guard by the question. My cheeks flush a deep red as I stammer, "Oh, uh, no! We're not married. We just happen to work together. I, uh, don't think I'm quite at that stage yet…"

The lady laughed along with me, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Well, you never know," she tells me with a wink. "A little romance can make things even better. Trust me, if you want to win someone's heart, just be genuine and show them how much they mean to you! A simple gesture, a heartfelt word— can make a difference."

I blink, taking in her words. "This means a lot, thank you. I'll keep that in mind."

"You should," she said, giving me a knowing look. "Now, go on and keep up the good work!"

"Thanks!" I reply with a grin, feeling even more confident.

As I finish my shift, I glance at the kitchen again, where Koemi is still working tirelessly. I admire her dedication and wonder how she would feel about me. The day has been hectic, but seeing her work so hard makes me appreciate her even more.

I take a moment to pet Tetsu, who has been a delightful presence throughout the day. "Good job, Tetsu." I tell him, ruffling his fur. He wags his tail happily.

Watching Tetsu's unwavering energy gives me a renewed sense of purpose. I watch him trot around the restaurant, his enthusiasm contagious. Seeing everyone—Koemi and Tetsu—working so hard reminds me of the importance of every small effort.

As the evening approaches, I feel a growing sense of confidence. This day has been challenging, but it's also made me more determined. I can't wait to see what the rest of the evening will bring.