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End of grand reopening (koemi POV)

A/N: This is in Koemi's POV, to continue the plot points of prologue

In the kitchen, I am balancing this excitement with the nervous energy I am currently having. This marks my first day running this restaurant, and seeing it nearly pack to capacity is both amazing but very overwhelming for me. My heart races as I manage this busy kitchen, as I make sure each dish meets the high standards set by Grandpa.

"Alright, Tetsu, here's another one." I said, carefully placing a steaming bowl of Chinese noodles on a tray. Tetsu's tail starts wagging excitedly, he seems to understand his role perfectly.

As I watch Tetsu navigate through a crowd in the restaurant with ease. I couldn't help but let my mind race with thoughts. What if I mess up? Can I even keep up with the orders? Despite my anxiety, I force myself to continue moving between the stove and the prep counter.

When Tetsu returns with an empty tray, I begin to smile. "Good job, Tetsu!" I praise him, scratching behind his ears.

I quickly prepare another order, a plate of assorted oden, my hands move with efficiency. As I work, my eyes drift to the dining area where Kazuki is taking orders, trying his hardest. Seeing him there gives me a surge of determination.

Tetsu nudged my leg, with his nose, telling me to send him off with another order. I smile at my puppy's enthusiasm, as my thoughts drift back to how I'd seen Kazuki quietly working on his project after school. His dedication always impresses me, although I find it weird. It is the way to make sure his work has that quality, which makes me feel more resolved.

I shook off the distraction and tried to focus on the task at hand. There's still so much to go through, but seeing Kazuki working so hard made me feel more determined to keep going, to make today a success. 

As the night begins and the activity in the restaurant starts to slow down. The dining area is now easy for me to manage, as a sense of calm creeps in. While I was cutting the chashu pork, I noticed my grandma, Hana Watanabe, waiting for me.

"Grandma Watanabe!" I exclaimed, surprised to see her today. "What will you be having today?"

She gave me a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Ah, I came to check up on you after I heard you reopened the restaurant."

"But since you're busy with the chashu pork… Could you cook me a bowl of miso soup?"

I nodded, setting the knife down to start preparing her miso soup. As I began working, I couldn't help but glance over at Grandma, who seemed lost in her own thoughts. 

"Sweetie," Grandma began softly, "watching you cook reminds of what your grandfather used to tell me… Cooking is like painting— each dish is like a canvas, and every ingredient is its own stroke of the brush."

I smiled hearing her wisdom, feeling a lump in my throat as I handed her the bowl of miso soup. "I remember him telling me that when I was little. His passion for cooking made him who he was."

As she takes a sip of the soup, she sighs constantly. "Your style of cooking reminds me so much of him. He always said you have that natural talent. I see so much in you, Koemi."

I felt this mixture of pride and sadness. "Grandma, the note…" 

"I read it last night, and I couldn't stop thinking about it… Why did he mention Kazuki?" 

Grandma took another sip of the soup and continued. "Your grandfather happens to appreciate Kazuki's dedication and saw him as someone with value. When his health started to decline, he wasn't able to see Kazuki able to grow up to where he could be a part of his restaurant…" 

I looked back at Kazuki, who was still taking orders. "I understand…"

Grandma smiled, nodding. "Koemi, you're doing an amazing job. Please remember, sometimes the answers come when you least expect them to. If you have a chance, please show Kazuki the note too. He might understand it better than you do, too." 

I nodded, "I will, grandma, I will…" 

Grandma's eyes soften. "You know. I'm glad I can see him again, now helping along with you too. I just hope that you two can build a connection after today. Just like how grandpa did when he first saw him as a kid…" 

Grandma then adds, "Now for you taking ownership, there are some legalities to sort out. Because you're 17, the ownership has to be under my name until you're officially of age."

As I'm about to respond, Kazuki walks up to us, looking surprised. "Grandma Watanabe?" he asks, shocked to see her after many years.

My grandma smiles at him. "You have grown a lot, Kazuki. Koemi has told me a lot about you, isn't that right, Koemi?"

I nervously laughed, feeling a bit flustered. "Yeah… I have name-dropped you a few times…"

Kazuki rubs the back of his neck, looking a bit sheepish. "It is good to see you again, Grandma Watanabe."

Her eye's twinkled. "It is good to see you too, Kazuki. Takeshi always spoke highly of you."

His expression softened, touched by her words. "Thank you, it means a lot to me."

Just as the conversation begins to settle, Kazuki's expression changes to one of his concerns. "Koemi. The reason I'm here is that we've got a situation in the dining area. There's a customer who dresses as a Michelin Man mascot, being rude and picky about the food."

I sigh, knowing moments like these are going to happen. "So, what is going on?"

"He's been complaining about everything and threatening to give us a one star," Kazuki explains. "Like he did with other people's restaurants."

My grandma looks thoughtful, helping out Kazuki. "Kazuki. Think about what Grandpa Takeshi would have done in this situation?"

Kazuki pauses, thinking about her question. "Well… Grandpa would have treated his restaurant like his own family… He would never let anyone disrespect his staff or other customers…"

My grandma nods in approval. "Exactly. You should try to stand your ground and tell that rude customer that you're in charge!"

Kazuki's determination is evident. "Thank you, I'll try my best."

As he begins to turn to face the customer, I place my hand on his shoulder. "Why not handle this together?"

He gives me a grateful smile, and we both walk to the dining area, where the customer is causing a disturbance.

"Hello sir," I begin, trying to keep my voice steady. "I understand there's an issue with your meal?"

The customer turned his annoyed gaze towards us. "This food is subpar, and this waiter is even worse. I demand better!"

Kazuki steps forward, his voice calm but firm. "Well, I'm sorry you have to feel that way, but we have worked hard to provide you the best service. If there's something you'd like to address, we'll be more than happy to listen."

The customer sneered. "I don't need a lecture from a teenager."

I notice Kazuki's patience wearing thin, but he still manages to stay composed. "If you continue to be disrespectful, I will have to ask you to leave…"

The customer's eyes become narrow, but before he could respond, Tetsu appears by Kazuki's side. The sight of the loyal dog seems to soften the customer's attitude, but barely.

Kazuki takes a deep breath and then proceeds to nod at me. I step forward, my voice firm. "It's time for you to leave."

"You can't be serious!" his face turning red with anger.

"Leave, or we will have to escort you out," Kazuki said, leaving no room for argument.

As the customer grumbles and is not moving. Both me and Kazuki each grab one of his arms, while Tetsu begins to angrily bark at him.

With some effort, we begin to guide the customer towards the door. He was continuously struggling, but as we both hold firm, with Tetsu walking ahead, ensuring the path is clear.

Once we reach the door, the customer gives up and allows us to push him outside. "This isn't over!" he shouts as the door closes behind him.

"That was intense." I begin looking at Kazuki.

He nods, a small smile forms on his lips. "We handle it well."

As Tetsu returns, I can only smile as I give him a gentle pat. "Good job, Tetsu!"

"Yeah, you're a lifesaver, buddy." he nods in agreement, watching me admire Tetsu.

It is closing time, and both me and Kazuki are cleaning the restaurant. While I'm wiping down the tables while Kazuki helps take out the trash. Tetsu is trotting around happily, proud of his hard work today.

"Good job today, Tetsu!" I cheer, scratching behind his ears as he wags his tail happily.

As I finish cleaning the table, I decide to check the kitchen to make sure all the appliances are turned off. When I enter the kitchen, I see Kazuki standing there, frozen, holding a small yellow note in his hand. Tears are streaming down his face.

As I carefully look at him, my heart begins to sink. Of all places and times, it has to be here, with him finding the note. I approach him cautiously, unsure of what to say or do.

"Kazuki…" I said softly, reaching out to touch his shoulder. He still hadn't responded, his eyes locking on the note, overwhelmed by its contents. It is the same notes from when I first entered the restaurant, last night. The one I have the chance to explain.

"Kazuki, are you okay?" I ask him gently, though I already know his answer. The weight of the note is heavy in the air between us.

He slowly turns to me, his voice broken with emotion. "This note…" 

As I start breaking down while describing the note, my eyes well up with tears as I recall its contents…