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The note (Kazuki POV)

As I sit down in one of the dining booths, the same spot where Koemi put me after I fainted last night. A glass of water is placed in front of me, a silent companion to my troubling thoughts. Koemi sits across from me, watching carefully as I try to collect myself. 

"You don't understand Koemi," I told her, as my voice shook. "When I started reading it…" 

Koemi nods, her eyes listening to me with unshed tears. "I understand… I understand how much he meant to you… I'm sorry you have to find it like this…"

Her eyes remind me as we both fall into silence, struggling to continue the conversation. I took a glance at the window, watching the wave breeze and the clouds moving closer. I begin to think about what Grandpa Takeshi told me when I was a kid, about overcoming this pain. 

As I look back at Koemi, her eyes are still fixed on the note, her lips moving slowly as she rereads with me being here now. Her expression shifts, a mix of sadness and understanding dawning on her face. 

The note read: 

"Dear Koemi,

If you're reading this, it means I'm no longer with you. But please understand that I'm still watching over you every day. You have always been the heart of this place, bringing this warmth and creativity into everything you do. The restaurant is now yours to run.

Ever since your parents introduced you to me, I have been seeing you develop as you have always been a good helping hand for me. I believe in your ability to continue our legacy, as you have the heart to make everything in this restaurant flourish.

Before I end this note. I want to talk about this young man, who is the same age as you, who has been visiting my restaurant ever since he was a toddler. He has always been my favorite customer, as he has always been looking up to me as his mentor. His name is Kazuki, he's just like you, and I hope you can meet him yourself if you manage to see him in the restaurant. If you do, I recommend making him the 'Kazuki Special' as I have named it after him. I feel that you two could understand each other better than I did. 

I hope you understand me, and help continue to make this restaurant thrive. 

Love, Grandpa Takeshi." 

As she finished reading, she looked up at me, her eyes tearing up. "So… You're…" She said softly. "Grandpa… Is putting his trust…"

I slowly nod, feeling a sense of purpose settle over me. "Listen, Koemi… I want to make grandpa proud. I don't want to disappoint both of you guys."

Her face was tearing up, as if I made a promise to her. This new weight of responsibilities I'm putting in now, I wish that Koemi can accept…

A moment of silence passed between us, heavy with the weight of our new responsibilities. But in this silence, there is a sense of unity, a friendship beginning to take shape. 

I looked down, tears flowing down my face as I felt embarrassed. "Koemi… Do you think you want me to work here? Or do you think you still can do this by yourself?" 

Koemi nods, her own smile breaking through her sadness. "Kazuki… Let's make a truce. Promise me this…"

"We will do this together… For Grandpa…" 

As I wiped my tears, and extended my hand across the table, our fingers intertwined, sealing a promise to each other. "Deal," I said, feeling a sense of calm and determination.

We continue to sit in the booth silently, the storm is beginning to rage outside. I watch as the sky outside is like a canvas turning gray, I could hear the raindrops hit against the window. Koemi notices as she begins to glance at the window.

"I didn't expect tonight to be raining…" She said softly.

I nodded, feeling a sense of unease. "It seems to be getting heavier too…"

As the storm slowly intensified, the droplets turned into a steady rhythm. I took a glance outside again, seeing the puddles forming on the ground, Koemi's eyes following mine.

"Do you want to go back home like this?" she asks. "I feel you should stay here for tonight." 

I hesitate but begin to nod. "I appreciate it…" 

As the rain continues to rage on. We reached the entrance to her apartment complex, which is positioned above the restaurant. Koemi led me up the narrow staircase that emerged from the back of the restaurant's kitchen. 

As we enter her apartment, I begin to notice how cozy and well-kept it is. Her interior is inviting, with soft lighting and neatly arranged furniture. It is a stark contrast to the rain outside.

"This place is amazing," I said, looking around in awe. "I didn't expect it to be like this."

Koemi smiles, her earlier tears give way to a comforting warmth. "Thanks. It's not much, but this is my new home now…"

As I continue to explore, I notice a bookshelf that contains her manga collection and a few figurines displayed around. "Wait, you collect shōnen manga and figurines too?" I ask, my eyes express at her taste.

Koemi's face turns bright red, nervously. "Y-yeah, you found my secret. I try my hardest to keep it hidden at school, but I guess you're the first to find it about it…"

As I surge in excitement. "You're an otaku too? That's amazing!"

Koemi laughs nervously. "Please don't tell anyone… It'll be embarrassing…"

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me," I promise her, feeling a newfound connection with her. "You have good taste! I see you're into shōnen too. I love shōnen."

As Koemi led me into her bedroom, I couldn't help but wonder where I'd be sleeping. I begin to wonder if I'm going to sleep on her futon.

As I feel a surge of excitement again, Koemi points me to a small closet, where another futon is tucked away. My heart's a little "So, I'm… Sleeping in here?"

Koemi nods. "Sorry… I don't have a guest room. I hope this is fine for you."

I give a rueful smile, hiding my disappointment. "It's fine…"

As Koemi left me to get ready for bed, Tetsu, who's been hiding in the closet, came bounding into the closet, his tail wagging energetically. Seeing him away lightens my mood a bit.

As I settled myself on this futon, I couldn't help but feel disappointment. I thought about earlier that night— the emotions, the confession. Is it all too soon? Did Koemi truly mean everything she said?

I sigh, my thoughts spiraling into a cloud of self-doubt. "Does she really want me around, or is it just the moment that forces her to say it?"

Just then, Tetsu snuggled up beside me, offering silent comfort. I look at the dog, feeling a bit happy from his small gesture.

"You think everything is going to be alright?" I whisper, asking Tetsu.

The rain continues to pour outside, a reminder from the storm has brought me to this moment. As I shut my eyes, Tetsu's warm presence provides a small but significant comfort amidst the uncertainty.