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Backfire (Kazuki POV)

As I sit in front of Mr. Tanaka's desk, I could feel my pulse in my ears, each beat like a drum. The silence is suffocating, daring to not even look up. Koemi sits beside me, usually still. Her typical carefree behavior has vanished, replace by something almost like she is concern. 

Mr. Tanaka leans back in his chair, his eyes boring into us. I couldn't even read his expression, but the tension in the room is making my skin crawl. I just knew we are in deep trouble. 

"So," he began, his voice calm but carrying lots of weight. "You two are expecting me to say something bad… Well…" 

My stomach drops. There it is— that moment I'd been dreading. I could already picture the chaotic mess of our presentation, Koemi's wild storytelling, and my awkward silence, contributing nothing. I brace myself for the worst. 

As I glance at Koemi. She is shifting slightly in her seat, biting her lips— a clear sign she wasn't as confident as usual.

Mr. Tanaka continues, the tones suddenly softer, "I must say… It is one of the best presentations I've ever seen." 

Did I just hear that correctly? I turned my head to Koemi, who is now looking at Mr. Tanaka with wide eyes, her shock giving way to a bright smile in her face. 

"Why! Thank you!" Koemi burst, her voice full of relief and pride. "I knew our hard work will pay off!" 

As I am unable to wrap my head around this sudden praise. This wasn't what I expected… At all! 

Koemi, now back to state, continues with her usual confidence. "Glad you liked it! I thought my storytelling really brought the whole thing together!" 

Mr. Tanaka's words just happen to not sit right with me. I knew what we'd done isn't conventional, I wasn't even sure it is that good to be praise for. I felt this urge to speak up, but this anxiety is bubbling up inside me as I tried to understand.

"Really?!" I started, my voice a little shaky but firm enough. "If you were this impress with what we did… Why did you seem so disappointed at first? I mean, we could tell from the start that you weren't happy when we first walked in. I don't blame you if you want to scold us, this is my fault!"

Koemi looked at me, surprise that I'd voiced my thoughts rather than be silent. She glances at Mr. Tanaka, who leans back in his chair, considering my voice.

He begins to sigh, leaning forwards again with his hands folded on the desk. "Kazuki, Koemi… Yes, I was upset that the presentation is just off, and from my history of teaching, it wasn't what I expect to happen. I wasn't even sure if you two have understood the importance of what you are even presenting or if you're trying to put in a circus…"

He pauses, looking at both of us. "But I continue to listen and watch, I realize that you, Koemi, have made up with your creativity. That Rakugo performance, is unique. And Kazuki, the fact you just stand there and let her just stand there takes lots of courage." 

He continues, "I seem to disappoint, it is because I wasn't sure how I want to say it to you guys. I was caught off guard by how different your approach was. But as I continue thinking about it, I was wrong."

Koemi's eyes brighten as she caught on to what he is saying. "So…. We did well because we're different?" 

Mr. Tanaka slowly nods. "It wasn't what I expect, but it worked out. That's why I wanted to talk to you both, privately. To make sure you understood that while it wasn't perfect, it is memorable."

He adds, "Koemi. I know your grandfather, Takeshi, as he's a good friend of mine before I became a teacher. He's proud of you, and I can see why…"

Koemi's smile grows, and I can see the pride in her eyes. But for me, I'm having a mix of emotions. We really pull this off, somehow…

As we approach the restaurant, the weight of everything that happens today settles heavily on my shoulders. It has been an hour late since the shift started. Koemi walk beside me, but I couldn't bring myself in. My mind is racing with thoughts of what happened and how I felt I let her down. 

When we enter the kitchen, I slump into the floor, feeling drained. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was a burden to Koemi, letting her carry most of the while I just stood there, smiling awkwardly. It is embarrassing, and the more I thought about it, the worse I felt. 

Koemi set her backpack down and approach me. "Hey… Are you okay?" she asks, feeling concern about me. Tetsu, pops out, walking up to me with his curious eyes. 

I sigh, unable to meet her gaze. "I just… I feel like I mess up…" I admit. "You did all the work, and I just stood there like an idiot. I'm sorry for being a burden, Koemi."

For a moment, she didn't say anything. Then she took a deep breath, as she spoke, her voice steady. "Kazuki, I'm happy that you decided to work with me… That mean more to me than anything!" 

I look up at her, surprised. "Really?"

She smiles, as I felt a bit of tension ease away. "I do! You're not a burden to me, Kazuki. You're my teammate. And today, we did something amazing together. I couldn't have done it without you!" 

Her words took me by surprise. I haven't been expecting her to feel that day, and for a moment. I just stare at her, trying to process what she said. Slowly, a small smile crept onto my face. "Thanks. I'm glad to be too…"

As I begin to stand up, a thought cross my mind. "Hey… Why not we keep the restaurant close for today," I suggest to her, feeling exhausted from today. "We've been through a lot, and I think it is best for us to just relax and recharge for tomorrow." 

Koemi look at me, her usual spark dim by the day's event. She seems to consider it for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. We did enough for this week, so we should rest."

A small smile tugs at the corner of my mouth as an idea pops into my head. "Want to binge-watch this new anime that just came out? I heard it's wonderful."

Koemi's eyes light up again, a flicker of her usual energy returning. "Sure! That sounds like a good plan!"

As we head upstairs, Tetsu joins us, helping to sense the change in the mood. As he curls up between us as I begin to start the first episode.

The stress of the project, the awkwardness of the presentation, all of it melts away as I get distract by what is playing on the screen. What I just today is that life is really take turns, on time you don't expect it to. You just got to keep your head up and continue…