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Welcome Back Grandma (Kazuki POV)

The morning light is already streaming through the curtains of Koemi's room as I drowsily wake up, still half-sleep. The warmth of the futon is a reminder for this long day ahead. Rubbing my eyes, trying to shake myself off as I slowly got up, folding the blanket neatly.

As I made my way downstairs, not fully awake yet, and not ready for the scene that is awaiting me. As I went down to the kitchen, I saw that the restaurant is already buzzing with activity— far more than I expected for being this early.

Koemi is behind the counter, her movement quick but slightly frantic, and there were customers already seating at the counter, enjoying their meals. Tetsu is moving around, trying to help in his own way, but he seems a little overwhelm by the morning rush.

"Good morning, Kazuki!" Koemi's broke through my sleepy haze, bright but clearly under strain. "Looks like the morning shift started with you, sorry…"

I blinked in surprise, still trying to process everything. "Wow… didn't expect it to be this busy." 

Koemi chuckle, but tiring. "Yeah. You should get ready." 

I hurry, as I went upstairs to change into my work clothes, and by the time I return to the kitchen. I was more alert, ready to help out.

As I step into the dining area, the customers greet me with their cheerful voices, welcoming me back as if I'd left for a couple of days. Tetsu wag his tail eagerly, his excitement contagious. 

I bent down to give Tetsu a quick pet, my mind settling into the rhythm of the day. "Good morning, Tetsu," I said, feeling a little more awake. He barked softly, his tail thumping against the floor.

As I begin looking around, I realize that today, like every other day, is going to be another busy one. With that thought in mind, I took a deep breath as I help out Koemi, ready to tackle whatever challenges the restaurant had in store. 

The pace of the morning rush begin to slow down as the last few customers finishing their meals, leaving the restaurant quiet, the bustling energy now replaces by a sense of calm. I could finally catch my breath, and the fatigue of the morning starts to settle in.

I slump into a chair in the dining area, feeling the weight of the busy morning pressing down on me. Tetsu, who's equally worm out, flop down inside me, his tail wagging lazily as a rotating fan sent a cool breeze to our way.

As I lean back, trying to relax, Koemi appear out of the kitchen with a bento box in hand, offering it to me with a tired but warm smile. "Here, Kazuki. I made this for you." She said, her voice softer now as the rush is over. 

I took the bento box, surprised. "Wow, thanks." I replied, opening up to reveal the neatly arrange meal. The sight of it made me realize just how hungry I was. 

Koemi sat across from me, her expression a mix of exhaustion and relief. "I thought today would be a quiet day," she said with a small laugh. "But then a group of business-men show up out of nowhere. But I'm glad that you were able to help out. It's hard to keep up on my own." 

I smile, taking a bite. "I'm glad I woke up just in time." 

She gives a small laugh, though it's clear she is tired. "Well, yeah, but we manage. Thanks to you."

As I'm eating, Koemi leans forwarded slightly, but this time with an irritated look. "You know, Kazuki, you've got a terrible sense of timing. You always show up just when there's chaos!" 

I blink, taken aback by the sudden raise in her voice. "Ah, sorry… I didn't think it would get this busy so early…" 

She sighs, crossing her arms as she looks away. "I was running around this morning and Tetsu got overwhelmed! While you're snoozing!" 

I set down the bento box, felting bad. "I'm really sorry, Koemi. I didn't mean to leave you hanging!" 

She huffs, clearly not satisfied with my apology. "Kazuki! If you're going to live and work in this restaurant, you need to be reliable. I can't just run this place by myself, especially on mornings like this."

I nod, feeling bad. "You're right. I promise it won't happen again!" 

She glares at me for a moment as she accepts it. "It's just… Having to manage this place is important… I need to know that I can count on you." 

I smile, trying to ease the tension. "You can, Koemi. I'll try my best to be there for you, okay?" 

She rolls her eyes, a faint blush colors her cheek. "Yeah, you better be! I'm not going to let you off the hook that easily!" 

Just as the tension between us starts to ease, the sound of footsteps approaching make us both look up. It is Grandma Takeshi, who has enters the restaurant, her sharp eyes taking in the scene with a knowing smile.

"Ah, there you two are," she says, her voice full of warmth. "I see you've managed to survive the morning rush!" 

Koemi stood up, looking surprise to see her grandma again. "Uh… Grandma? What are you doing here!"

Grandma Takeshi chuckles, her gaze shifting between the two of us. "I wanted to check up on you two."

She steps closer, her expression turning more serious. "You two did well today, but after seeing what happen. It is clear that you're not quite ready to handle everything on your own, as there's still so much to learn!" 

Her eyes land on me, as I felt a sudden wave of nervousness. "And Kazuki! If you're going to keep working here, it's time you learned more than just serving. You need to start cooking, too. That way, you and Koemi can work more efficiently together!" 

Cooking is something I never really consider when I first work with, but now that she's mentioned it, I realize how much I could help Koemi now.

Grandma Takeshi's gaze softens as she notices my apprehension. "Don't worry, Kazuki. I'll be there to teach you. You'll figure it out."

Koemi, trying to lighten the mood. "See? You'll be fine. Plus, I could use some help in the kitchen anyway."

I manage to make a smile, though my nerves are still buzzing. "I'll give it my best shot."

Grandma Takeshi nods, satisfied. "Good. Tomorrow morning, we'll begin our training. I'll be waiting for all of you in the kitchen."

With that, she turns to leave, but not before giving Koemi a gentle pat on the shoulder. "And you, Komi, make sure you're ready, too. As I think there's always room to improve."

Koemi laughs, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Yes, Grandma…"

As she walks out, the room fails into a comfortable silence. I glance at Koemi, who's trying not to laugh at how our conversation got interrupted.

"Well," she says with a grin, "looks like tomorrow's going to be interesting."

I chuckle, feeling a bit in ease. "Yeah, it will be. But I'll try not to mess up too much."

Koemi smiles, her expression a mix of amusement and encouragement. "Don't worry. I'll be there to help you out."

Just then, Tetsu, who has been quietly lounging nearby, suddenly perks up. He lets out a small bark and nudges Koemi's leg with his nose, his tail wagging eagerly.

Koemi looks down at him, her grin widening. "Hey, Tetsu? Are you okay?"

Tetsu barks again, more insistent this time, and then trots over to the door, looking back at us expectantly.

I can't but laugh. "I guess he's telling us he's had enough of the indoors."

Koemi stands up, stretching her arms. "I think he got the right idea. We could all use some fresh air after this morning."

I nod, finishing the last bite of my bento. "Alright, let's take him for a walk."

Koemi grabs Tetsu's leash, as she clips it onto his collar, I can't help but felt good for today. Despite a rocky start, things seems to have settled into a rhythm that is right…

As we begin to head outsides, the sun is already lowering, casting a warm glow over the streets. With Tetsu leading the way, it's like the morning's rush is just a distant memory, replaced by the promise of a peaceful evening.