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Training Day (Kazuki POV)

The morning light barely filters through the kitchen curtains, casting soft, gray shadows across the room. The clock on the wall still reading as midnight. Both Koemi and I are leaning against the counter, eyes half-closed, trying to process why we're awake at such an ungodly hour. 

"This is cruel…" Koemi mumbles, rubbing her eyes. "Why do we have to do this when the sun isn't even up yet?" 

I nod in agreement, struggling to keep my head from dropping onto the counter. "I woke up because of Tetsu growling at me!" 

Grandma Takeshi, standing in front of us, a knowing smile on her face. "You two look like a pair of lovebirds who stayed up making love!" She says, teasing us. 

Koemi's eyes shoot open, a blush quickly spreading across her cheeks. "W-What? No, we're not!" she stammers, looking flustered.

I felt my face heat up as well, quickly waving my hands in defense. "But! I wouldn't do that to Grandpa Takeshi—err… I mean!" I trail off, realizing how awkward I sound.

"Oh, don't worry, Kazuki. I'm just teasing you both! But it's good to see you two developed such good chemistry after just a week together." She smiles, amused. 

Koemi and I exchange, our face still flushed, but the teasing seems to have woken us up more effectively than any alarm cook could have. The embarrassment lingers in the air, but it's soften by the comfort of familiarity. 

Grandma Takeshi claps her hands together, bringing us back to the task at hand. "Now, now! Today, we're going to switch things up. Koemi, you'll take over Kazuki's role as a waiter, and Kazuki, you'll step into the kitchen as a cook." 

Koemi's earlier embarrassment is quickly replaced with surprise. "What? I'm used to cooking, not taking people's order!" 

I blink in confusion, realizing. "Wait! I'm cooking? I don't know a single recipe!" 

Grandma Takashi waves off our complaints with a firm hand. "Exactly! You both need to understand the other's role. Koemi, you need to know what it's like to deal with customers, and Kazuki, you need to learn how to handle the kitchen. You can't work together if you don't understand each other."

Koemi groans, not thrill about the idea. "This is going to be a disaster…" 

"I'm about to burn down the restaurant…" Nodding, nervously thinking. 

Grandma Takeshi smiles, a mixture of patience and firmness. "You both will do fine. Now, get ready! We'll try to start with the basics, and by the end of the day, it'll click!"

With that, Koemi is now wearing my apron and a notepad while I take a look at all of her kitchen utilities she has lying around. We both took a deep breath, exchanging one last took of mutual dread before handing to our new roles. 

The morning shift begins as I watch over the kitchen's opening, as Koemi walks over to the first customer, her shoulders sightly slumps, moving with a certain stiffness that she doesn't usually have. I can tell she's not enjoying this. Her usual energetic vibe is gone, replace with a moody smile that barely reaches her eyes. It's like watching someone fit into a role that doesn't suit them.

She exchanges a few words with the customer, her body language giving away her frustration. I can't hear what she's saying, but it's obvious that she's not thrilled about taking orders. After a moment, she turns and make her way back to the kitchen, her steps a little quickly, almost like she's eager to be done with this part.

As she enters the kitchen, she looks at me, her expression annoyed. "The customer ordered the usual, miso soup."

"So, are you sure about this?" Asking if I'm sure about taking this.

I nod, trying to keep my own nerves in check. "Yeah…"

As the words come out, despite how limited I am. I feel, determined on not messing this up, it's just miso soup. I can do this! 

As I step up to the stove, I feel a presence beside me. I glance over and see Grandma Takeshi standing there, watching me with her usual sharp, yet kind, eyes. 

"First time making miso soup, huh?" she asks me. 

I nod, swallowing myself. "Yeah… I have tried it many times, but, you know… Don't know how he made one…" 

She chuckles softly. "Don't worry, Kazuki. It's all about the balance. Just take it slowly!" 

With her guidance, I start by filling the pot with water and adding the dashi granules. Grandma Takeshi watches closely but doesn't interfere, letting me work through each step. Her helping make it more calming, as I start to feel a bit more at ease. 

"Now, the miso paste," she instructs gently. I scoop out a spoonful and begin mixing it into the broth, careful to dissolve it thoroughly. I glance over at Koemi, who's now leaning against the counter, her arms cross as she waits, nervously watching me, wondering about how this is going to turn out.

"Don't overthink it," Grandma Takeshi tells me, reading my mind. "Just trust yourself."

I add in the seaweed, giving the soup a final stir. Smelling the scent of the miso is familiar, comforting even, as I feel a spark of confidence. I really can do this… 

"Looks good," Grandma Takeshi giving me an approval. "Now, let's finish it up by throwing in the green onions." 

I sprinkle in the chopped green onions into the pot, watching it float to the surface. I carefully pour the miso soup into a bowl, making sure to not spill a single drop. 

As I hand the bowl to Koemi, giving her a small nod of confirmation. She takes the bowl with steady hands, as she delivers the order to the waiting customer. 

As I watch her go, I felt nervous as this is just my first order I made. But because of her help, I manage to get through, but today is far from over.

The kitchen falls into a temporary quiet as I wait for Koemi to return with the results. I'm still trying to process everything when suddenly, she bursts back into the kitchen, with a bright smile lighting up her face.

"You did it!" She exclaims, her earlier frustration completely gone. "The customer loved it!" 

A wave of relief washes over me as her words hit me. I can't help but smile.

"I did?" I ask, almost not believing it.

Koemi nods enthusiastically. "Yes! I knew you could do it!" 

I feel a new sense of confidence take root. My anxiety that I had been gnawing at me all morning begin to fade away, replacing with a growing belief that maybe, just maybe, I can actually do this.

Grandma Takeshi congratulates me too. "It was better than what I expect for a first time. Good job!" 

As I take a deep breath, taking in the compliments. "Thanks…" 

As the shift continues, the lingering nerves have transformed into determination. I learn that training isn't just about learning the roles. It's about proving to yourself that you can handle under these situations. After both of them cheering me, I felt ready to take on these challenges