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Vending Machine Drama (Kazuki POV)

It is a Monday morning. The sun is just beginning to warm up the day as Kazuki and I walk to school, the familiar route feeling a bit different today. There's an under current of excitement that I can't quite place, but I'm too tired from the weekend to focus on it.

Kazuki, being an opportunist, nudges me with a grin. "Hey, Koemi… Could you please spare some changes? I want to order something on the vending machine."

"Yeah, no." I give him a playful look.

Kazuki gives me a dramatic sigh. "You're killing me, Koemi…"

I laugh softly as we continue walking, trying to ignore his insistent presence trailing beside me. As we approach the school gate, I see my friends waving at me. Ami, Yumi, and Saki are waiting near our usual spot we hang out during the morning spot. They're chatting animatedly, their energy a contrast to my lingering fatigue.

"I can't believe how busy this week is going to be," Ami says, her bright pink hair bouncing with each excited word. "There's so much to do!"

Yumi nods, "We'll manage it…"

Saki, with her usual confidence, adds, "And we'll make it all work out. It has always done."

Ami, who spotted me walking, waves. "Koemi! Guess what!"

As I get near to them, Kazuki manages to catch with him just as I'm about to greet my friends. He's still trying to get my attention.

"Koemi!" He calls me out. "Still no change for the vending machine?"

I turn around, startled. "Kazuki! What are you doing here?"

My friends' curiosity piques, as they all glance at Kazuki with interest. Ami's eyes widen with recognition. "Who's this, Koemi?"

I freeze, realizing how screw I am. I have never told them about Kazuki, I hide him as a neighbor that happens to be a nice person. But now, here he is, practically glue to my side, making it look like we've been secretly hanging out for almost three weeks.

"Uh, this is Kazuki…" I tell them, my voice steady. "He's been… Helping out at my family's restaurant…"

Kazuki, oblivious to the tension, give them a casual wave. "Hey… I'm here because she owes me money."

Yumi's eyebrows raise ever so slightly. "Helping out, huh?"

Saki crosses her arms, not buying by it. "Sound like there's a missing part on your story."

I felt a sweat trickling down my neck. They're not letting me go with this. My friends are like three-headed wolves when they sense something juicy, and right now, I'm their target.

Kazuki, sensing the awkwardness but completely misreading the situation, grins. "Well, It is nice talking to you all, but I'll find something to eat before class starts." He waves and walks off, leaving me alone with the three of them.

As soon as he's gone, Ami grabs my arm, her eyes wide with excitement. "Koemi! Why didn't you tell us you had a boy working with you?"

"It's not like that!" I divulge, trying to control their questions. "He's just helping out because…"

"So you two are dating, and you didn't tell us!" Saki teases, becoming upset.

"No!" I almost shout. "I swear! We're just… I don't know, he happens to work because I force him to?"

Yumi studying me carefully, her expression unreadable. "He doesn't seem like someone you force to. He seems comfortable around you…"

I feel like two walls are closing in. They kept pushing, they'll find out about what is from the past three weeks, and that's a mess I'm not ready to deal with. Not with everything else going on.

Just when I think I'm about to break, the school bell rings, saving me from further interrogation. "Looks like we might be late," I tell them, immediately grabbing my bag. "Let's talk later, okay?"

As all three of them exchange glances, while Yumi simply nods, I can tell they're not going to drop this. They started heading off in different directions. I can already tell that they are going to bring it up, when we meet again. 

As I walk down the hallway, my thoughts still buzzing with the awkward encounter, I try to shake it off, the feeling that today is spiraling out of control. I turn a corner, heading toward my classroom, when I spot Kazuki sitting on the floor near machine, his back against the wall, completely absorbed in whatever he's looking at on his phone. He doesn't even seem people passing by.

I slow down as I approach him, a mix of irritation washing over me. I'm still not sure how to handle what just happened with my friends, but seeing Kazuki here, looking so casual and unaffected, left me speechless.

"Kazuki?" I call him out, louder than I intended.

He blinks his eyes open, pulling down his headphones, opening his eyes. "Hey, Koemi." He slips his phone into his pocket, a smile playing on his lips. "So basically… I still haven't found anything to eat."

I cross my arms, trying to keep the frustration out of my voice. "So, what are you doing here?"

He grins, a little too pleased. "Listening to music. Want to hear?"

Before I can answer, he pulls out his phone again and shows me his playlist. I took a glance at the screen, surprise to see it fills with rock bands.

"Rock? Huh?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," he nods enthusiastically. "Look— I've got Kessoku Band, Radwimps, Asian Kung-Fu Generation… and a few more. It really helps me zone out, you know?"

I uncross my arms, my irritation fading slightly as I look at the tracks. "Oh wow… You got taste…"

Kazuki shrugs, looking a bit shy. "I mean… It's my thing."

But I cross my arms again, realizing he got me distracted. "But you spent this time instead of looking for something to eat?"


He shrugs, his grin turning mischievous. "Felt like listening to music, really…"

I roll my eyes, not in the mood for his nonchalance. "You know, that's what happen when you don't eat breakfast, right?"

He laughs softly, but I can see a hint of nervousness in his eyes. "I'll figure something out… Anyway, are you and your friends… Alright?"

I sigh, not having to tell him everything in details at this time of day. "They just… Wasn't expecting to see you, that's all… I haven't told them much tho…"

Kazuki nods, understanding me. "I get it. It's been a lot to handle. But if you need me to clear things up with them, I can!"

I shake my head quickly. "No, no. I'll handle it. Besides, it's not like there's anything to clear up!"

His smile turns reassuring. "Alright. But remember, I'm here if you need backup."

The warning bell rings again, and we both start moving into the classroom. As we step in, I can't help but feel a bit more at ease. Despite everything, it is nice to have someone who always there for me, despite if they are the person who caused it…

"Try not to let them get to you." He whispers.

"Yeah… But, please get something to eat after class…"

He gives me a playful smile before turning his attention to the front of the class. As I settle in, I take a deep breath, feeling a little more prepared to face the day. Maybe things aren't as out of control as they seem… For now…