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Taro (Kazuki POV)

The bell ring, signaling the start of lunch break. My stomach growls loudly, echoing through the classroom. I could almost feel my guts vibrating, reminding me the sandwich packed by Koemi, which I've already eaten before class, isn't going to cut it. I look around the class as everyone start pulling out their lunchboxes, the smell of food making my hunger even worse. 

As I look down at my desk, the empty space mocking me for not bringing something. My thoughts start to drift towards the vending machines, but I know they're probably crowded by now. 

Just as I'm questioning whether to make a run for it, Koemi leans over next to me. She's already opened her bento box, the aroma of the fresh food drifting through the air. I can't help but stare, my stomach rumbling again despite the sandwich earlier.

"Did you ate the sandwich I packed for you?" She caught me looking, giving me a curious look. 

I nod, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Yeah… But it is pretty small, so I'm still hungry…" 

She raises an eyebrow. "Small?" 

I scratch the back of my head, trying to think of a good excuse. "I guess I was hungrier than I thought…" 

She sighs. "You really need to start eating more, you know…" 

"I can't just starve. Want to share?" 

I blink in surprise, feeling grateful that she's willing to share with hers, but guilty. "Are you sure?" 

Koemi shakes her head, her smile growing. "It's fine. I made a lot. Besides, it's not like you'll eat the whole thing, right?" 

I chuckle, picking up her chopsticks. "I'll try not to." 

As I take a bite from Koemi's bento box, the classroom door slides open, and a familiar figure strolls in. I froze midair as I blink, trying to scan the guy who's now walking straight towards us. Tall, athletic build, but a very slightly messy brown hair— where have I seen him before? 

"Kazuki! Where have you been?" the guy says, flashing a grin. "I was thinking to think you went messing or something…"

"Taro?" I blurt out, almost cooking on my food. "Uh— Hey! What's up?" 

Taro laughs, slapping me on my back, as a friendly greeting of his. "Woah, who's this?" He turns his head towards Koemi, his eyes shining with mischief. "Since when you have a girlfriend now?" 

I feel my face flush as I defend myself with my hands. "It's not like that! Koemi and I… Er—"

Koemi smirks, clearly enjoying my friend teasing me. "Huh?"

"It seems we're more than what you think we are— sharing this!" 

Taro raises an eyebrow. "Sharing bento, huh? Sounds pretty close for 'just friends.'"

"C'mom Hayato, really?" 

Koemi, chuckles, then turns to Taro. "But, who are you?" She curiously asks him. 

Taro grins, crossing his arms. "I'm Taro, Kazuki's long-lost friend. We used to hit the gym together, but out of nowhere… He disappears on me…"

"Also, I heard from this manga… That I thought he was abducted by aliens…" He whispers to Koemi, attempting to scare her. 

"But glad to see him alive, especially in a better state, too!" 

"Gym buddy, huh?" Koemi amuses, looking at me then back to him. "Kazuki never told me about you. Guess I got too busy lately."

Taro fakes a dramatic gasp, placing a hand over his heart. "Kazuki, I'm hurt. How did you forget your bud?" 

I rub the back of my neck, feeling bad. "Ah, sorry… I never expect life to be this chaotic…" 

He laughs it off, patting me on the shoulders. "No worries, man. I'm just glad to see you're doing okay. But next time, tell me you're busy, yeah?"

But as he about to leave, an idea has pops into his head. "You know what. We're going back, today!" 

My hearts sink. "WHA—Today? But!" 

"No but!" Taro interrupts, his voice loud enough that half of the class took notice of us. "You're getting too comfortable. We need to put you back into shape!" 

Before I can protest further, Taro reaches down and grabs my arm, pulling me to my feet. The sudden movement cause the bento box to slip from my grasp, but before it can hit the floor, Koemi swiftly reaches out and catches it. 

"Careful," she says with a smirk, holding the bento like it's no big deal. "We don't want to waste any of this!" 

Although relieved, his enthusiasm is unstoppable.

"Koemi. If you want to come, we can turn it into a group session!" He declares, dragging me towards the classroom door. 

Koemi just shrugs, still holding the bento. "Yeah, have fun," she says with a sly smile.

"I'll catch up with you later!" 

"Koemi, help!" I plead to her, but she waves me off, looking to be amused by this. 

As he continues to drag me out of the classroom, all I can hear is giggles from our classmates, entertain by the scene that Taro's just caused. My face burns with humiliation, but there's no way I'm escaping from this now!

I glance back one last time to see Koemi silently taking another bite of her lunch, completely unfazed, as if something happens today.

And with that, I'm off to face my inevitable doom at the gym, all while wondering how on earth how I got myself into this mess. 

As we approach the gym, the sound of sneakers squeaking against the polished floor and the rhythmic thud of basketballs hitting the ground grows louder. I'm greeted by the curious stares of a bunch of students in their P.E uniforms. I can feel them eyeing me down, wondering what I'm doing here, looking like I've been puled out of a classroom against my will. 

But my stomach is still rumbling as I glance over at Taro, who's completely unfazed by the attention. He looks at me and smirks. 

"You are still hungry, huh?" He asks me, feeling a bit concern. 

Taro laughs, before I can even response. "It's okay." 

He reaches into his bag and pulls out a beef bowl, still warm and wrapped tightly. "I've prepared this for the workout, but you can have it."

"Are you sure?" Surprise by the offer. 

"Yeah, eat up." Taro tells me, ensuring himself. "Plus, I think you'll need all the energy you can get." 

Without hesitation, I take on the beef bowl and start chowing it down. The rich flavors and warmth of the food fill the void in my stomach, and for a moment, I forgot about everything that happened today. I felt more relaxed now. 

While eating, I watch Taro, who's chatting with the P.E students who are force to do some group activities. Watching him interact with them, seems like he's a popular person in this school. While I'm here eating, as the students continue to make a look at me. 

Even though my stomach is full, I can't shake the feeling of dread creeping in. I remember the first time Taro drag me to the gym. He's always been like this, always relentless in his pursuit of fitness and dragging me along with him. We first met in middle school when I was a scrawny kid, and Taro, already well on his way to becoming the athletic powerhouse he is today. He took me under his wing, insisting that I needed to "build some muscle" if I wanted to survive high school.

And now, here we are again. I glance at him, enthusiastically telling people about the latest workout routine he's discovered, as I can't help but wonder how I'm going to survive another round of his intense training. He's always been the kind of guy who push me beyond my limits, but I can't deny but thank him, as I'm in a much better shape than I ever was. 

But still, the thought of going through another grueling workout session makes me want to crawl back to the classroom and hide under my desk.

"Alright, Kazuki!" Taro tells me, clapping his hands together, snapping me out of my thoughts. "It's time to for us to get started! We'll start with some warm-ups and then move on to the main event!" 

I groan, but there's no escape now. I just have to remind myself that this is for my own good, even if it is going to kill me. 

As we begin the warm-up, I can't help but think about how much has changed since middle school. Back then, I was just trying to keep up with Taro, but now… Maybe I'm still trying to keep up, but at least I know I can handle it. Sorta… 

"Let's do this," I mutter to myself, mentally preparing for the workout ahead. It's going to be a long day, but with Taro's support, maybe I'll make through it in "One Piece". 

Just as I'm about to start the next set, Taro stops, surveying the gym. He glances around this crowded space, the noise level rising with every bounce of a basketball and shout of encouragement.

"Change of plans. Gym's too crowded. Let's head to the park instead!" He tells me with a grin. 

The park? Now? Why didn't he suggest that earlier before dragging me all the way here?

But before I can voice my complaints, Taro's already grabbing his bag and heading for the exit. 

"C'mom, Kazuki!" He calls me out, not even waiting for me to catch up. "Race you there!" 

In disbelief, watching, him bolts out the door, leaving me strand. For a moment, I consider just staying here, but I know that if I don't follow me, he'll never let me live it down.

"Why do I even matter…" I mutter under my breath, grabbing my stuff too.

As I held a deep sigh, I sprint out of the gym, catching sight of Taro's figure in the distance. He's already a good way ahead, his pace ramping up as he makes it to the park. 

"Wait up, you maniac!" I shout, pushing myself to run faster. 

Taro begins laughing, looking back over his shoulder with that infuriating grin of his. "You better hurry, Kazuki, or you'll miss out!"

And just like that, I find myself chasing after him, my legs burning and my lungs screaming for air. But despite the exhaustion, a small part of me can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline coming at me. 

Taro drives me crazy, yes, but all I know is that this is what our friendship all about. Pushing each other, challenging each other, and most importantly— never backing down.

As I finally catch up to him, the park coming into view, I can't help but laugh. Maybe this isn't how I plan to spend my day, but with taro, nothing ever goes according to plan. 

Like that's just how it should be, really.