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Club Meeting (Koemi POV)

The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day, I let out a sigh of relief. My mind is already drifting towards the evening shift. I just need to head home and get ready for another busy night. As I pack my things and prepare to leave the classroom, my phones vibrate in my pockets. I pull it out, glancing at the screen, feeling screw.

A text message from Ami: "Koemi. Meet us in the usual room. Now." 

As I stare at the message, the message already weighting on me. My stomach begins to churns with anxiety. I haven't given them a straight answer about Kazuki yet, and they seem to not let me off the hook. 

I quickly put my things away and make my way out of the classroom, my thoughts already racing. What am I going to tell them? How are they going to react about Kazuki? I feel a knot forming in my chest, the anticipation growing with each step. 

Trying to keep my composure, I walk through the school corridors, I can feel Tetsu shifting slightly in my backpack. I can already tell he is sensing my discomfort as he begins barking as he is calling my name, asking me if I'm okay. 

Once I'm outside, I find a quiet spot under a tree near the park. I crouch down, unzipping my bag just enough for Tetsu for to poke his head out. His tail starts wagging excitedly, finally able to be out of school, jumping out and into my arms. 

"Tetsu," I whisper, giving him a gentle pat. "You've been so good today. Sorry for keeping you cooped up like that."

As I sit there with Tetsu, trying to think what to say before meeting up with them, I hear a familiar voice approaching to me.

"Koemi?" Kazuki's voice calls out.


I turn, laughing softly. "Yeah, you miss him, right?" 

"I do." He tells me as I watch him pet Tetsu on his head. 

"You heading home?"

I slowly shake my head, feeling a mix of emotion. "Not yet. I've got need to meet some of my friends…"

Kazuki sensing my hesitation but doesn't press. Instead, he gives me an encouraging smile. "Well, good luck!" 

"Just don't worry too much, okay?" 

I nod. Standing up as I hold Tetsu with me. "Thanks, Kazuki. I'll see you later!" 

As I begin walking towards the meeting room, Kazuki is jogging. I can guess that his friend is still needing me. But, that isn't the point. The anxiety of the upcoming confrontation with my friends weighs heavily on me. 

With a deep breath, I continue on my way, Tetsu nestled securely in my arms. His warm presence against me, giving me a measure of reassurance. As I hope whatever happens next, I know I'll have to face it. 

As I approach the door to the meeting room, I take a deep breath, reminding myself for what's to come. The room is located in a corner of the school's building, a space that has been my second home ever since the rest of my second year. It's a place where me and my friends used to gather after school, a cozy heaven. 

The door creaks open, and I step inside. Immediately greeted by the familiar sight of our clubroom. The walls are covered with vibrant fashion posters, swatches of fabric pinned randomly on bulletin boards, and sketches of design ideas scattered across tables. A large mirror stands against one wall, surrounded by lights, where we used to try on outfits and practice runway walks. 

But today, however, the room feels different. This playful atmosphere is now replaced with a tense energy, as my friends are waiting for me. Ami, Yumi, and Saki sit in a semicircle, their expression showing anger. The dim light casts shadow on their faces, making their gazes seem even more intense. 

I'm still holding Tetsu, who peeks out from my bag with his curious eyes. I reach into the bag and pull him out, holding him gently. Tetsu seems to sense the change in atmosphere and settles calmly in my eyes.

"Hey, sorry for being late," I say, feeling anxious. "I had some things to take care of."

Ami immediately put her hands on the table as she begins to stand up, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and mischief. "It's about time! We've been waiting for ages." 

Yumi raises an eyebrow, her calmness contrast with Ami's enthusiasm. "We have been having a discussion about you and Kazuki. We need an answer, Koemi…"

Saki crosses her arms as she leans back in her chair. "Yeah, we're dying to know the truth about this…" 

I feel guilty as I proceed to step further into the room. Tetsu wriggles slightly in my arms, as I gently set him down on the floor beside me. "I'm really sorry for not being more open about things. Ever since I was given the restaurant, then meeting Kazuki that same day…"

"Everything just felt chaotic. I didn't mean to keep you all in the dark…" 

Ami's eyes widen with interest as she watches Tetsu move around. "Oh? Chaotic, please tell us!" 

I blush, fidgeting with my fingers, struggling to find the right words. "It just happens so fast. I really don't know how to explain everything and, well, I'm starting to start to understand him, but it's also complicated…" 

"Oh, Koemi like Kazuki!" Ami sings, teasing me. 

The room bursts into playful laughter as my friends tease me, their teasing only making me blush more. Yeah, I knew this is going to be hard to get a straight forward conversation for them. 

"It's not like that!" I protest, feeling overwhelm by the tease. 

"We're not— like. It's not that serious, please!" 

Both, Yumi and Saki, exchange glances before Yumi speaks up. "Well, if things are as complicated, maybe it's time we meet this Kazuki guy ourselves!" 

"I don't sure if that's a good idea…" I hesitate as they agree on the idea… 

Saki cuts me, comforting me. "Come on, Koemi… We're not here trying to make it harder on you… We just want to understand and honestly, we never had a chance to visit your restaurant since you've told us about it." 

"Alright, I'll take you to him…" I nod, ensuring them. 

Just as I'm about to say more, Ami's expression shifts as she changes topics. "Actually, in reality. The reason we drag you to this is because. The festival is coming up soon, and our club needs to start preparing for it." 

"We want to make this our best festival ever!" 

I blink in surprise. "Festival? Oh, I didn't realize…" 

"I guess we have to start planning!" 

Saki stands up, posing with confidence. "Great! Let's get started, then. We have lots to do!" 

As we apologize to each other and I promise them, I join my friends as we brainstorm ideas for the festival. My friend's pet, Tetsu, who is sitting beside me. Although, I have to manage to have them understand me and save myself from any more trouble from them. I still have to bring them to Kazuki as I'm not sure if he is going to be back at the restaurant once he's done training with his friend.