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Workout Plan (Kazuki POV)

As I'm stilling on the cool grass, drenched in sweat, trying to catch my breath. Taro is still relentless with the workout, pushing me harder than I was before the whole fiasco. My muscles are screaming in protest, but I know there's no way I'm getting out of this until he's satisfied. 

The sun is beginning to dip, casting a long shadows across the park, and the air carries a light breeze that cools the sweat on my skin. My arms feel jelly, and my legs are barely holding up, but I know there's more coming after this— not sure on how much more I can take after this. 

Taro stands above me, a water bottle in hand, his usual plaster on his face. He's barely breaking a sweat, as if this is just a warm-up for him. 

"You ready for the next set, Kazuki?" he asks me, trying to encourage me to do more. 

I groan, stretching my legs out in front of me. "Slow down, man. I'm not a machine like you." 

He chuckles and tosses me the water bottle, his usual grin slightly temper by something more serious. "You're really pushing yourself, ain't it?" 

"Is everything alright for you" He asks, sitting down in concern about me. 

As I take a long drink, trying to find the right words to tell him. "It's just… A lot's been going on…"

"Is this about Koemi?" 

"Yeah— It's just…" 

"A lot has happened to me. Ever since I started helping her out to my own parents finding out, not thrilled about me spending so much time there…"

He raises an eyebrow, waiting for me to finish. 

"They, well… Kicked me out of their house," the words slip out before I can fully process them. "So I had to find a place to stay."

Taro's eyes widen in surprise. "And you didn't tell me?"

"You know Kazuki, I could lend you my place if you told me beforehand!" 

I shake my head, forcing a small smile. "It's good, thanks. But I have figured things out." 

He looks at for a moment, with suspicion creeping into his expression. "Do you know where are you staying?" 

I pause as I weight my options, as telling him the truth would raise even more suspicions on me and Koemi. "Somewhere nearby the school. It's nothing fancy, but it's work!" 

He doesn't seem to be convinced by it, but he doesn't press on the issue. He stood up, looking up at the sky, then looking down at me. His face shows a mixture of disappointment and concern on me.

"You've changed, man."

"Ever since you start to become with her, you turn into a different person."

"It's cool you have a crush on her and felt bad for you, but…" 

"Are you sure that she isn't using you?" 

The question hits hard, and I can feel myself being held accountable. He's my friend since high school, I understand why he is concern about my state but…

"I'm not sure what you're saying" I reply. 

"She needs help, and I'm happy to do it. But believe me. It's complicated!" 

Taro frowns, sensing there's more that I haven't revealed to him yet. "Like in what way?" 

I hesitate, then decide to tell him the truth. "I thought I knew a lot about Koemi, that I be telling you about. But…" 

"What I didn't know until recently was that she's Takeshi's granddaughter." 

Taro's eyes widen in surprise. "Takeshi? That old man with the restaurant you used to visit?"

I nod "Yeah. I have no idea. It was when I was just walking up to there to feel nostalgic again, and then I saw her. I couldn't believe it." 

Taro shakes his, still processing the information. "Man, that's— wild. No wonder you've been acting odd. So did it affect you?" 

"Not really," I admit. "It just threw me off. I've always found her cuter— But now… It feels like there's even more on the line."

"She isn't some girl I like. She is the granddaughter of someone from my childhood!"

"It's just confusing…" 

Taro gives me a sympathetic look. "That's a lot to deal with, Kazuki…" 

"Exactly" I sigh. 

"I don't even know if she sees me the way I see her. And now, knowing who she is… It just makes it even harder now…" 

Taro pats me on the back, "Just don't lose yourself in all of this, okay? Remember who you are, and don't let this thing turn into something that'll eat you alive."

I nod, appreciating his words, even though they stir up more uncertainty. But before I can think on it too much, he stands up, putting me to my feet as well. 

"Now, enough of this personal talk. It's time to get back to work! Just because I'm your chill friend, doesn't mean I'm also going to overwork you!" 

I groan, as a joke. "You're the worst, you know that?" 

"Yep!" Taro replies with a grin, "but you are going to thank me for it! Now, get down and give me those sit-ups, Kazuki!" 

I roll my eyes, still doing what he says, pushing the thoughts of Koemi to the back of my mind for now. Taro seems like a harsh person, but he also someone who'll be there for you even at your lowest point in life. 

I'm midway through another set of sit-up, with Taro standing over me, counting out each rep like a drill sergeant. My abs are on fire, but I keep pushing as each movement feels like it's pulling me apart. He's been ruthless ever since we started training together again, and I can't help but wonder if I'm going to survive the day.

"Saitama make this look easy." I mutter under my breath, trying to distract myself from the burning plan in my core.

Taro chuckles, hearing my complaint. "Yeah, but I doubt you want to be him anyway. So, keep going! Ten more to go!" 

"I doubt Saitama also didn't have someone like you breathing down his neck!" I gulp. 

"True, but if you survive this, maybe you'll end up just as strong— minus the superhero title…" 

"At this rate," I huff out between reps, "I'll be lucky if I can even walk home!" 

I collapsed onto the grass, my body completely gave up from the brutal workout. I look up at the sky as I tried to catch my breath, every muscle in my abdomen protesting with each movement.

As I lay on the grass, Taro hovers over me, showing a little bit of concern on his. "Yeah you're fine." 

"But I see Koemi's still on your mind…" 

"How about we head over to her restaurant! I'll hand talking to her. It'll give you a final chance to see if you can really trust her or not." 

The idea hit me like a splash of cold water. "Confront her? Just like that?" My voice shouting at him. 

"Yeah!" Taro said, a grin spreading across his face.

"It would make a good opportunity for you to get answers off her…"

As I express anger at him, telling him it's a dumb idea. He's continues, "And it'll get you out of these last few sets anyway!" 

Too exhausted to protest at him, I agreed. 

"Alright," I manage to say. "But if this get wild. That's on you!" 

Taro's grin widen as he carries me to his car, parked nearby. My legs felt wobbly, as I feel like I'm about to collapse again. Luckily, he moved swiftly to support me, practically carrying me to the passenger seat. 

"You drive now?" I ask.

"Yeah, last month," Taro replies casually.

"The restaurant isn't that far, we can just walk, you know?" 

"Not today," He replies with a chuckle. "You're not in shape to argue. Trust me."

As he drives me to the restaurant, I realized that I'm still shirtless even though the workout is over. 

"Why am I like this?" I angrily ask him. 

"Oh, trust me. It'll be worth it." He said with a casual shrug. 

When he parked next to the restaurant, I took a glance out of the car window. Finding out that Koemi is in the kitchen, holding her phone, as her eyes widens in panic as she begins to notice us. But it wasn't just Koemi who's there. Her friends are also with her, and they are clearly involved in some sort of discussion or planning. 

As Taro stops the car, and we exit. I followed him towards the restaurant. As we approach, both me and Koemi's eyes meet, and for a brief moment, I could see the panic in her expression. As she quickly looked away, her fingers fumbling with her phone as she whispers something to her friends. 

We step inside, and the tension in the air is palpable. Her friends, who been chatting casually, fell silent the moment we entered. They turned their attention to us, their expressions a mix of curiosity and suspicion. My heart race as I realize his plan wasn't just to give me a break— he is really going to confront Koemi.

With her friends and Taro going near to each other. I can feel this room is about to explode as both side are about to express their feelings to each other. The worse part is that it isn't me and Koemi, rather her friends and Taro confronting each other…