Chapter 18 Entering the Air Raid Shelter

Jiang Xun also noticed something unusual and tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

After concentrating on driving the lifeboat for most of the day, Jiang Xun was actually a little tired now, but he didn't dare to relax at all. As they were about to reach the destination, he just hoped that nothing unexpected would happen.

Fortunately, the air-raid shelter is located in the suburbs, and there are almost no buildings around it except for some scattered factories. The current water level is enough for the lifeboat to reach the entrance of the air-raid shelter without any hindrance.

When the sun had completely set, the family successfully stepped onto the land in front of the air-raid shelter.

"Is this the place? Where is the door?" Mother Jiang looked around but couldn't see any entrance.

Since most of the mountain had been flooded before, the land underfoot was extremely muddy, and due to radiation pollution, the color of the soil had become a little strange. The plants on the mountain were also affected, most of them were washed away, and some were broken, leaving only the roots. The terrain had changed a lot at a glance.

Jiang Mi recognized it and waved, "Over here!"

Each person was given a walking stick, and the four of them walked towards the southeast, taking one step forward and one step back.

"Hey, Mimi, this place is flooded. Will water get into the air-raid shelter?" Jiang's mother asked with some concern.

In fact, along the way, she had seen a lot of seaweed, kelp and other things.

"Don't worry, Mom. I personally took care of the construction of the air-raid shelter. There's absolutely no problem with its waterproofness. It's just that once we go in, we probably won't be able to come out for a long time." Jiang Mi glanced at the radiation detector in his hand. The number on it had reached a startling 26, which was dozens of times the internationally recognized safety threshold.

After walking for a while, Jiang Mi saw a stone door half covered by mud.

Father Jiang's eyes lit up, and he quickly moved forward to feel around on both sides of the stone door. "Is this stone door the entrance? Is there some kind of mechanism that will cause it to rise if I press it?"

Jiang Mi held his forehead with his hand, "Dad, that's a novel."

As she spoke, she took a step forward and removed a not-very-noticeable bulge, revealing the modern black case underneath.

Flip up the case to reveal the digital input area inside which is full of modern technology.

Father Jiang was obviously disappointed when he saw this, "It's a password door."

Mother Jiang pinched Father Jiang and rolled her eyes at him, "You should read less of those messy novels!"

Jiang Mi activated the system and verified his fingerprint and iris before the stone door opened. Behind the stone door was a wide space of three meters by three meters. The floor and walls were all paved with hard granite, and at the innermost part was a second door made of fine steel.

Although there was much less sludge behind the stone gate, there was a layer of water on the ground. There were many insects lying on the walls, and the vibration made them start to run around. Mother Jiang was so scared that she couldn't help but screamed and jumped directly onto Father Jiang. Father Jiang couldn't help but change his expression, and hurriedly hugged Mother Jiang and took several steps back.

"Why are there so many bugs, and so many poisonous ones!"

"Fortunately, I was wearing protective clothing..." Jiang's mother smacked her lips in fear.

Jiang Mi calmly shook off a centipede that had crawled onto his leg, took out insecticide from the space and sprinkled it all over the surrounding area. "Animals are born with the ability to seek benefits and avoid harm. The first stone door is just to prevent too much water from seeping in, so there are some gaps, and these insects crawled in through the gaps to take shelter."

As the insects became stiff and motionless and there were no more active insects around, Jiang Mi opened the secret control console of the second protective door.

Jiang's mother leaned over and took a look. The corners of her mouth twitched. "There's another door? My daughter, how many doors did you install?"

Jiang Mi raised three fingers and walked into the second door first.

"The first door prevents the infiltration of seawater and other messy things. The second door ensures a clean and safe environment. Behind this last door is our residence."

Mother Jiang seemed to have thought of something and asked hurriedly, "We should all have a lot of radiation on us now, right? Is it okay for us to go in like this?"

Jiang Mi turned around and smiled, "Don't worry, Mom. I thought of this at the time, so I asked my brother to install a purification device behind this second door."

After saying that, she pressed the switch next to her. Jiang's mother widened her eyes and prepared to see how the purification would work. However, nothing happened for a long time, except that something on top of her head emitted a red light and made a dripping sound.

"Is this all?" Jiang's mother couldn't help but ask.

Don't those purification methods in the movies produce a large puff of white smoke and require water or something? How come it's so simple in the hands of my own daughter?

Father Jiang saw what his wife was thinking at a glance, and immediately puffed out his chest and said proudly: "I told you to watch less science fiction movies, but you didn't listen. The stories in the movies are even less reliable than the novels I read."

Mother Jiang rolled her eyes at him.

Jiang Mi smiled and did not interrupt them. He directly opened the third door, revealing the space behind the door.

What you see is a huge curved hall with a walkway on each side. The original walls of the air-raid shelter were all made of cement, so only simple decoration was needed. Now the walls are all covered with a thick layer of anti-radiation paint, and the overall color has been adjusted to beige. At first glance, it does not feel cold, but rather warm.

"The decoration here is very nice, brother. Did you design it?" Jiang Mi leaned over to look around, his eyes full of shock.

This place was completely different from the air-raid shelter she had stayed in in her previous life. Moreover, she had only come here occasionally to deliver things, so she had never gone in to take a good look at the layout. This was her first time seeing an air-raid shelter after it had been renovated.

Jiang Xun stepped forward and led everyone to the left, "Let me show you around."

"This is the work area. Animal husbandry and other work are all done here. This is the workshop." Jiang Xun pushed open a door, and inside the door was a large space full of technology. "There is a small ecological space inside, where plants can be cultivated."

Jiang Mi observed and nodded, but still said with a little regret: "It's a pity that the space is still too small. It's okay to grow some vegetables, but it's not realistic to grow grains."

"I can grow crops in my space, but I'll be exhausted." Jiang Mi sighed. It would be impossible for one person to grow food for the whole family without some superpowers. Besides, she has nearly 200 tons of rice and flour stored in her space, so she doesn't need to grow them herself.

"Growing vegetables is good. I like growing vegetables." Jiang's mother looked at the ecological area with shining eyes. She was so excited when she saw the black soil. She was wondering if she would be too bored in the future. She didn't expect that she could grow something. This is really great!

"Hurry up, let's go to the next one!" Jiang's mother pulled Jiang Xun out with great interest.

Jiang Mi looked at the empty shelves on the wall next to him and took out a large number of seeds from the space and put them on the shelves one by one.

(End of this chapter)