Chapter four: Seeking advice.

Kang min jun paced back and forth in his apartment, his mind racing with thoughts of soo jeon. His heart pounded in his chest as he thought about her gentle smile, the way her eyes sparkled when she talked about ballet, and the graceful way she moved. He knew he had fallen for her, but confessing his feelings was a daunting task.

 Desperate for advise, min jun decided to call his closest friends. They had been through thick and thin together, and he trusted their judgement. He picked up his phone and dialed ji hoon, his bestfriend since college.

 "Hey, min jun! What's up?" Ji hoon cheerful voice came through the line.

 "Hey, ji hoon. I need some advice ",min jun said, trying to keep his voice steady.

 "Sure, man. What's going on?"

 It's about soo jeon..I...I think I'm in love with her", min jun confessed .

 There was a brief silence before ji hoon responded, " wow, min jun. That's amazing! Soo jeon is a wonderful person. So, what's the problem "?.

 "I don't know how to tell her. Everytime I'm around her, I get nervous and can't find the right words", min jun admitted.

 "Ah, the classic confession dilemma," ji hoon chuckled. "Why don't we get the gang together and brainstorm some ideas? I'm sure the others will have some more suggestions ".

 "Thanks, ji hoon . That sounds like a plan," min jun agreed,feeling a bit more hopeful.

 Later that evening, min jun and their friends gathered at their favourite cafe. The warm atmosphere and the familiar faces helped ease min jun anxiety.

 "So, min jun has a confession to make", ji hoon announced with a grin, causing their friends to turn their attention to min jun.

 "Come on, ji hoon", min jun said, rolling his eyes. "I need your help on how to confess my feelings to soo jeon".

 Their friends, hye jin and dong woo, exchanged knowing looks before busting into laughter.

 "We knew it! We always had a feeling about you two ", hye jin said, nudging dong woo.

 "Alright, alright, enough teasing", min jun said, his cheeks flushing. "I need serious advice here.

 "Okay, min jun. First, you need to be sincere and genuine, " Hye jin suggested. "Soo jeon will appreciate your honesty".

 "And timing is everything", dong woo added." Find a moment when its just the two of you, somewhere quiet and special".

 "Maybe you could take her to that little park she loves. The one with the cherry blossoms." Ji hoon said, his eyes lighting up with an idea. "You know how much she loves that place".

 "That's a great idea", min jun said, feeling more confident. "And what should i say"?.

 "Just speak from the heart", hye jin adviced. "Tell her how you feel and why you admire her".

 "Don't over think it", dong woo said. "She'll appreciate the effort and the fact that you care so much."

 'You could write her a letter", hye jin suggested, her eyes twinkling. "There's something timeless and romantic about a handwritten love letter. You could give it to her before you speak to set the mood".

 'Or how about cooking her a special dinner?' Dong woo added. ' You mentioned she loves Italian food. You could cook her favourite dishes and create a cozy intimate atmosphere. 

 'Remember that little rooftop garden you designed?' Ji hoon said, snapping his fingers. 'You could set up a picnic there at sunset. It's private and beautiful. The perfect place for a confession. 

 'Maybe even incorporate something personal, hye jin said thoughtfully. Like a small dance performance just for her. I know you're not a dancer, but it would show your effort and dedication. 

 Min jun nodded, taking in all their advice. He felt a sense of relief and determination. With his friends support, he was ready to take the next step.

 As the night went on, they continued to brainstorm ideas and rehearse different scenerios. Min jun felt a sense of gratitude for his friends, knowing he couldn't have asked for a better support system. By the end of the evening, he had a clear plan: a handwritten love letter, a sunset picnic on the rooftop garden, and a heartfelt confession that came straight from the heart.