Chapter Fifteen: The uninvited Guest.

The sun had barely begun to rise over Seoul, casting a golden glow across the city as Kang Min Jun's phone buzzed on the nightstand. He groggily reached for it, expecting a good morning message from Soo Jeon, but his heart sank when he saw the name on the screen: Ji-Eun.

 For a moment, he hesitated, his thumb hovering over the screen. Memories of their past flooded back—moments of laughter, shared dreams, and a love that had once felt so certain. But now, those memories were like ghosts, haunting him. Determined to move forward, he let the call go to voicemail.

 Later that day, Min Jun found himself in the kitchen, preparing a simple breakfast for himself. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as he cracked eggs into a sizzling pan. He was trying to distract himself, to push thoughts of Ji-Eun out of his mind. Just as he was about to sit down to eat, his phone buzzed again, this time with a text message from his mother.

 "Ji-Eun is coming over for dinner tonight. I hope you'll join us, Min Jun."

 Min Jun's heart skipped a beat. How had Ji-Eun managed to contact his mother? And why hadn't she mentioned this before? His mind raced with questions, but one thing was clear: Ji-Eun was not going to give up easily. She was inserting herself back into his life, and now, she was involving his family.

 That evening, Min Jun reluctantly made his way to his parents' house. His thoughts were consumed with how to handle the situation. Soo Jeon's face flashed in his mind—her gentle smile, the way she looked at him with such trust and affection. He couldn't let Ji-Eun jeopardize what he had with her.

When he arrived at the house, the familiar scent of his mother's cooking greeted him. He took a deep breath and stepped inside, only to be met with the sight of Ji-Eun standing in the living room, chatting amiably with his parents. She looked different—her hair was shorter, and she wore a simple dress that made her seem almost innocent, but Min Jun knew better. This was a carefully orchestrated move.

 "Min Jun, it's so good to see you!" Ji-Eun greeted him with a bright smile, as if they were old friends catching up after a long time apart.

 Min Jun forced a polite smile, exchanging a quick glance with his mother, who looked genuinely pleased to see them together. His father, however, remained silent, observing the interaction with a furrowed brow.

 Throughout dinner, Ji-Eun played the perfect guest, engaging in light conversation and reminiscing about old times. She even brought up memories that involved his parents, making them laugh and reminding them of the bond they once shared. Min Jun could see the subtle charm offensive she was launching, trying to win over his parents, but he wasn't fooled.

 As the evening wore on, Min Jun's discomfort grew. Every time Ji-Eun smiled at him or mentioned their past, he felt like he was being dragged backward into a life he had left behind. His mind kept drifting to Soo Jeon, wondering what she would think if she knew what was happening.

 Finally, as dessert was being served, Ji-Eun made her move. "You know, Mrs. Kang," she began, turning to Min Jun's mother, "I've really missed our family dinners. It feels like old times, doesn't it?"

 Min Jun's mother smiled warmly. "It does, Ji-Eun. You were always such a part of this family."

 Ji-Eun's eyes flicked to Min Jun, a hint of something more calculating beneath her seemingly innocent expression. "Maybe we can make this a regular thing again?"

 Min Jun could feel the weight of expectation in the room. His mother looked hopeful, his father pensive, and Ji-Eun… she was waiting for him to agree, to let her back into his life. But Min Jun knew he couldn't let that happen. Not when his heart was already with someone else.

 He set down his fork, drawing the attention of everyone at the table. "Ji-Eun," he began, his tone calm but firm, "I appreciate the memories we shared, and I'm glad you're doing well. But I've moved on. I'm with someone else now, and I'm happy. I hope you can respect that."

 The room fell silent. Ji-Eun's smile faltered for just a moment before she quickly recovered. "Of course, Min Jun. I just wanted to catch up, that's all."

 But Min Jun could see the determination in her eyes. This wasn't over—not by a long shot. As the evening drew to a close and he said his goodbyes, Min Jun knew he would have to be vigilant. Ji-Eun wasn't going to back down easily, and the battle for his heart was just beginning.

 As he drove home, Min Jun's thoughts were on Soo Jeon. He needed to tell her everything, to make sure she knew how much she meant to him. He couldn't let Ji-Eun come between them. He couldn't lose the one thing that made him truly happy.

 And so, with resolve in his heart, Min Jun made a silent vow to protect the love he had found, no matter what it took..