Chapter Sixteen: The perfect Shot.

The tension that had settled in the air after Ji-Eun's visit to Kang Min Jun's parents' house was palpable. Min Jun couldn't shake the feeling that Ji-Eun wasn't done yet—that her seemingly innocent return had more to it than just a desire to reconnect with old friends.

 A week passed without any direct contact from Ji-Eun, but Min Jun was on edge. Soo Jeon noticed his unease, though he tried his best to hide it. He couldn't bring himself to tell her about the dinner with Ji-Eun, fearing it would hurt her or create unnecessary worry.

 Then, one afternoon, as Min Jun was leaving work, he received a text from Ji-Eun: "Can we meet? Just to talk." His first instinct was to ignore it, but something in him told him he needed to put an end to this, to make it clear that there was no chance of them getting back together. He agreed to meet her at a café near his office, a public place where he hoped the conversation would stay civil.

 When Min Jun arrived, Ji-Eun was already there, seated at a table by the window. She looked radiant, her hair styled perfectly, her makeup flawless. But Min Jun couldn't help but see through the façade—this wasn't the Ji-Eun he had once known; this was someone driven by an ulterior motive.

 "Thanks for coming," Ji-Eun greeted him with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "I just wanted to clear the air."

 Min Jun nodded, sitting down across from her. "Let's talk."

 Ji-Eun began by reminiscing about their past, as she had done during the dinner. But Min Jun cut her off, his voice firm. "Ji-Eun, we need to move on from this. I'm with Soo Jeon now, and I'm happy. Whatever we had—it's over."

 For a moment, Ji-Eun's expression faltered, but she quickly recovered. "I know, Min Jun. I know it's over. But… I can't help but think that we had something special, something worth fighting for."

 "Ji-Eun—" Min Jun started, but she interrupted him.

 "Just one last thing," she pleaded, leaning forward slightly. "Can we have a proper goodbye? No anger, no bitterness. Just one last moment to part on good terms."

Min Jun hesitated. There was something in her eyes, a desperation that tugged at his emotions. Despite everything, he didn't want to leave things on a bad note. He sighed. "Okay, Ji-Eun. One last moment."

 Before he could react, Ji-Eun stood up and moved to his side of the table. In a swift motion, she leaned in and kissed him. Min Jun was caught off guard, his instincts delayed by the surprise of her action. But as soon as he registered what was happening, he pulled back, breaking the kiss.

 "What are you doing?" he demanded, his voice a mix of shock and anger.

 Ji-Eun stepped back, her face flushed, but there was a glint in her eyes—a glint of triumph. She didn't answer him directly. Instead, she reached into her bag and pulled out her phone, showing him the screen. It was a photo of the kiss, captured from a strategic angle that made it look far more passionate than it had been.

 Min Jun's blood ran cold. "You planned this."

 Ji-Eun didn't deny it. "I'm sorry, Min Jun, but I needed you to see how much we still mean to each other."

 "This isn't about us," Min Jun said, his voice filled with frustration. "It's about you trying to manipulate me. Whatever you're planning, it won't work."

 Ji-Eun's expression hardened. "We'll see about that."

 With that, she turned and walked out of the café, leaving Min Jun sitting there, his mind racing. He knew he needed to get ahead of this before Ji-Eun could do any more damage. He had to talk to Soo Jeon, to tell her everything before Ji-Eun had a chance to twist the narrative.

 But even as he rushed to his car, dialing Soo Jeon's number, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had underestimated Ji-Eun's determination. This wasn't just a desperate attempt to win him back—it was a calculated move, and Min Jun had walked right into it.

 As he waited for Soo Jeon to pick up the phone, Min Jun made a silent vow. He wouldn't let Ji-Eun's actions come between them. He couldn't afford to lose Soo Jeon—not when she meant everything to him.