Chapter Fifty: New Beginnings.

The rooftop garden, now calm and serene, was a far cry from the tension that had just unfolded. Min Jun and Soo Jeon stood hand in hand, taking in the peaceful ambiance that now surrounded them. The evening's events had been overwhelming, but they found solace in each other's presence.

 Soo Jeon leaned into Min Jun's side, her head resting against his shoulder. "I can't believe we made it through all of that," she said softly.

 Min Jun kissed the top of her head, his voice gentle. "I knew we would. As long as we have each other, we can face anything."

 They spent the next few days reconnecting and rebuilding their lives. The emotional weight of the recent events began to lift as they focused on their future together. Min Jun and Soo Jeon talked about their dreams and aspirations, from the little details of their daily lives to the grander plans they hoped to achieve as a couple.

 Min Jun's family, initially distant and skeptical, reached out to offer their support. They hosted a small gathering to celebrate Min Jun and Soo Jeon's engagement. The event was filled with heartfelt conversations and laughter, as friends and family expressed their happiness and approval. It was a moment of unity and acceptance, helping to heal some of the strains that had surfaced.

 Min Jun and Soo Jeon also took the opportunity to have a heart-to-heart with Min Jun's parents. They discussed the challenges they had faced and reassured his parents of their commitment to each other. The conversation was open and honest, and by the end, Min Jun's parents expressed their support, showing that they were ready to accept Soo Jeon as part of the family.

 To mark the new beginning, Min Jun and Soo Jeon organized a small celebration with their closest friends and family. The event was a joyous occasion, filled with toasts, laughter, and memories. Min Jun's best friend Bob gave a heartfelt speech about the couple's journey, and Kara and Clara joined in the celebration with their own words of encouragement.

 As the night wore on, Min Jun and Soo Jeon found a quiet spot away from the festivities. They sat together, reflecting on how far they had come and looking forward to their future. Min Jun took Soo Jeon's hand and gazed into her eyes, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and love.

 "We've been through so much," Min Jun said, his voice filled with emotion. "But I wouldn't trade any of it. It's made us stronger and brought us even closer."

 Soo Jeon smiled, her eyes shining with happiness. "I feel the same way. We've proven that we can overcome anything as long as we're together."

 They spent a few moments in silence, savoring the tranquility of the night and the promise of their future. The challenges they had faced had only deepened their love and commitment, and they were ready to embrace whatever came next.

 As they walked back to the celebration, hand in hand, Min Jun and Soo Jeon knew that their journey was far from over. But with their love and the support of those around them, they were confident that they could face any challenge together.

 The chapter closed with Min Jun and Soo Jeon stepping into their new life, their hearts full of hope and excitement for the future. Their love, tested and strengthened, was now ready to guide them through the next chapter of their lives—one filled with new beginnings and endless possibilities.