
[Enemies slain: 8/8]

[You have eliminated all threats!]


[Level Up!]

Heaving a sigh of relief, Renji dropped the sword on the ground. "Well, glad that's over." He said, departing from the young girl who he just saved.

"W-Wait!" The young girl exclaimed, drawing Renji's attention back to her.

"Huh? The hell is your problem now?" He asked as he halted his movements to address her.

"Who are you?" She asked rising up to her feet, she initially assumed he was a samurai given the sword he used to cut down the Drakons were specific to only them, it was a blade widely known for it's use by the Shoguns in this world.

However his techniques were not the ways of the samurai, it was more ruthless, precise and most important of all, instant.

"The name's Renji Storm." He answered with a smile on his face, given the tone of her voice and the amount of respect behind her question, it seemed she had finally come to acknowledge him.

"Okay Renji, that technique you used just now was not the ways of the samurai. Are you a battle type wizard?" She began interrogating him.


His mouth hanged open, his eyes turned white as he felt something snap within his mind again. "Did she just call me a wizard? Then again this world is very much different from my old world so it wouldn't be a surprise if she's baffled by this level of skill, but a wizard? Does she think I used black magic?" He said within his thoughts.

"That was my Ninja Art, I'm a ninja, or at least I was." He replied her with a smug look all over his face.

" A ninja? What's that? Is that some type of magic?" She asked completely driven by curiosity, in this world he had transmigrated into, Ninjas had not come into existence yet or perhaps they were so well hidden no one's heard from them.

"I see, ninjas don't exist in this world but samurais do. But what's her deal with magic and wizards? Unless..." He thought.

"Do wizards perhaps exist in this world?" He questioned to verify his theory.

"What kind of dumbass question is that? If wizards don't exist then what do you think we both are?" She responded as she folded her arms.

"Damn it all." He sighed softly as he thought, he couldn't handle this anymore. "Wait a minute, is she saying I'm a wizard? So I didn't just transmigrate into another world, I transmigrated into a world of magic? That's awesome!"

"We are both wizards eh? Bold talk from someone who snuggled up in her arms moments ago whimpering about how we were going to die." He chuckled slightly.

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm mage from one of the most strongest guild in Fiol! I'll not let a wimpy so-called ninja downsize us!" She retaliated, feeling embarrassed about what happened moments ago.

"W-w-wimpy? That does it!" Turning around instantly, Renji departed from the young girl as he had just about enough of her.

"Hey!" She called out to him but received no response, turning to her back she noticed another cloud of fog had begun flowing in and this terrified her. In an environment like this, it usually means the presence of magical beasts like the Drakons from before.

She ran up swiftly to Renji, holding him tightly by his right arm in fear. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He inquired, slightly irritated by her actions and words from moments ago.

He could see and sense the fear and worry in her, turning his neck over his shoulders he also noticed the new cloud of fog settling in. Heaving a heavy sigh, he allowed her to follow him as it couldn't be helped.

"I never caught your name, you were too busy squealing." He said, indirectly asking what her name was.

"Oh shut up, it's Hinata." She released his arms moments later, feeling awkward about the entire situation.

"Hinata huh? So what the hell were those things anyways? Are they the ones responsible for all those dead bodies from earlier?" Now that he thought about it, those bodies he woke up to had no signs of impalement, that meant something else was responsible for their demise.

"Yes, the Drakons. No one knows where they came from or what they want. They first emerged centuries ago from out of nowhere and attacked nearby civilizations just like this one, their behavior was always so off. In many cases they killed so many people with a purpose, other times they feasted like ravenous beasts." Hinata spoke, highlighting the origins of the humanoid reptiles.

"So, this was your village?"

"No, I came here on a quest, apparently the villagers has been experiencing multiple predatory attacks. So I decided to help them, turns out those predators were the Drakons." A stern look appeared on her face, asides this attack, there were more recent Drakon attacks on the neighboring villages and it became a reason for concern.

"You said you're a mage from one of the top guilds in Fiol right? How come you were unable to take on one of those things?" It was a question that demanded an immediate answer, were the Drakons really that strong?

Hinata halted her movements, prompting Renji to stop as well. "What is it?" He asked.

"Truth be told, the only mages who stand a chance against the Drakons are S-Class mages." She said still retaining the stern look on her face.

"What? Why is that?"

"Only S-Class mages have a chance against them because... The Drakons are impervious to magic, their bodies as well are impervious to physical attacks too. Therefore only a mage with a high aptitude for magic—S-Class mages, can fight against them which makes me wonder. What are you? You took down several Drakons in an instant with just a blade you found on the ground, how did you do that?"

She faced him completely as she spoke, as it stood he was their only option to creating a more efficient way to take the Drakons down once and for all. "Are you an S-class Mage?"