Back to high school again

A week had passed since that incident, Remi only got scolded and skillfully avoided the beating, making the main wife temporarily give up the thought. Her body might be unsuitable for fighting but she was still a martial arts practitioner at heart, making it hard for an ordinary person to catch her.

That week, every morning she woke up panting and sweaty from the same two nightmares and it was starting to take a toll on her body, she barely got enough sleep. Everyone could see the dark circles under her eyes, but no one asked her anything and just pretended to not have noticed.

During the day she had focused on recuperating from her head injury, gathering data of all his friends who has been there that unfortunate night and exercising her body by running around the courtyard and doing some simple stretches. Everyone was surprised by the huge change in her character but they paid it no heed.

Now that she was feeling much better it was time to go back to school, although the idea irked her, she still had to live her life as Remi properly to avoid unnecessary troubles.

After getting ready she checked herself in the mirror. Her chestnut hair was tied up in the usual messy bun, the coffee brown shirt of the uniform was tucked in neatly to the dark brown flared skirt that stopped right above her knees. The uniform also came with a matching striped tie, jacket and knee high socks, if it wasn't for the dark circles under her eyes Remi would have admitted that she didn't look all that bad.

She wanted to jog all the way to school but the skirt kept flapping around. If she jogged her innards would be exposed, so she let the family chauffeur drive her all the way to the school gate. The moment the car stopped outside, many students turned their heads, soft gasps and exclamations could be heard.

"Damn, a Maserati high class" someone said in admiration.

"I still can't get used to it no matter how many times l see it, it's just so eye-catching" another commented.

"I heard it costs around a hundred thousand dollars!" Someone exclaimed.

"Meh! Your information is outdated, this is a customised one, it should cost around two hundred thousand" the first person from before said.

A girl who had no idea of the price gasped "that much? My family can't be considered poor but we can't even save that much in 5 years!"

Oblivious to the sensation she had caused, Remi kept on grumbling as she alighted from the car

'i can't believe i'm going back to highschool'

Seeing Remi coming out of the car, some people sighed in pity, some clicked their tongues in jealousy, some mocked her and some looked at her in disgust. But Remi just treated them as air as she passed by and went to classroom 6C, she obediently sat in her usual spot on the third row then leaned back to close her eyes, waiting for classes to begin.

In the classroom Remi had no friends due to her timid nature and since she was an easy bullying target, anyone associated with her would also become a target so most students avoided her like a plague.

Everyone knew that she came from a wealthy family, anyone could tell by looking at the car that drives her to school everyday. But the very fact that she even went to school at Ridgewood High School (RHS) was a red flag for them, nothing about her screamed wealth and even her body looked malnourished. Through this, they could discern that she must be a bastard child, unwanted, therefore they made her a target to vent out their jealousy and envy.

Unlike Remi, Ophelia had attended Ashwood Academy of Excellence (AAE), a school that only wealthy families sent their kids to. Compared to that, RHS was just a normal high school for normal students.

The moment the classroom door opened, a short bald middle aged man came in and greeted the students. Seeing that the Math teacher had arrived, Remi opened her eyes and leaned on her desk.

An hour later she had started dozing, she felt very tired, afterall she didn't have a good sleep in a week.

Seeing this, a busty girl with alot of acne on her face at the back nudged a buff guy beside her and pointed at Remi. Jordan smirked, he was eager to impress his goddess and knew that the best way to do that was by bullying Remi.

So Jordan made a spittle with a chewed piece of paper, ejected it through a pipe and it landed on the back of Remi's exposed neck. She was jolted awake and touched the wet spot on her neck, noticing what it was Remi's face scrunched up in disgust. She turned around and saw that most of the students were snickering and chuckling, her gaze bypassed them all and landed on a busty female who was looking at her scornfully then she averted her gaze to the guy with a smug expression.

Remi immediately caught on to what was happening, she knew it was the girl's idea but since she couldn't approach her, she would make the guy pay. She looked at him so fiercely that Jordan's heart jolted, before she could do anything the Math teacher called out to her.

"Miss Patel, care to share the solution to this mathematical problem? Seeing that you are more interested in the students at the back than in what i'm teaching, you must already know the answer correct ?" Mr Harvey said sarcastically.

Many students chuckled, who didn't know that Remi was terrible at studying? If she could solve this problem then maybe she would be second to last in the classroom instead of the very last.

Knowing what was going on in the minds of these people Remi frowned, she really did not like people doubting her capabilities and that was one of her biggest flaws that also led to her previous death. Seeing all these people looking down on her set ablaze her competitive spirit, the whole class was dumbfounded when they saw her walking towards the front to solve the mathematical problem.

Was she trying to make herself look even more stupid than she already was? A lot of them wondered and started mocking her in low whispers. Myrtle the busty girl, was especially looking forward to seeing Remi make a fool of herself In front of the whole class but after seeing the teacher's facial expression change from indifference to disbelief then excitement they were all confused.

When Remi was done, she put the marker down and confidently walked back to her seat under the unbelieving gazes of everyone, then they saw Mr Harvey's excitement slowly turn into a frown.

"Miss Patel, I must say I am impressed with your method for solving this problem, the answer is correct but although the method you have used is not wrong, it's not right either" he said as he pondered on what to say next.

All the students including Remi were confused, not wrong but not right either? Remi was a hundred percent sure that the method was right so what did he mean it wasn't correct ?

"How did you know how to solve this ? I haven't taught you how to solve this yet...and this method you used...who taught you this method ?" Mr Harvey asked eagerly.

"My father" Remi lied through her teeth without even blinking.

How was she supposed to tell him that she's learnt it before in her previous life?

"I see, pay attention to the method I'll teach you then. Don't use this method during exams, your father might have subconsciously taught you what he remembered from college instead of highschool. Although the answer is right, on highschool level the method you used is wrong." He explained patiently.

Many students gasped, Remi was able to understand the complex method from college but unable to grasp a simple highschool method of solving Maths? How absurd! They refused to believe it.

After he taught them the correct method the bell rang indicating the end of the Mathematics period, Mr Harvey left right after but not before taking one more glance at Remi.

The students didn't even have the time to gossip when the English teacher entered, following behind him was an unfamiliar boy wearing the school uniform of RHS.

He was lean and tall, with ash blonde hair and Jade coloured eyes behind his spectacles, his facial features were sharp and elegant making him look like a noble but handsome nerd. The more the girls in the class looked at him the more they blushed, Myrtle was even drooling making Jordan clench his fists hard in jealousy.

Meanwhile Remi had an exaggerated expression of her own, at first it was surprise then it turned to extreme happiness, it took all her willpower to not rush up to him. She couldn't stop herself from looking at him and smiling widely, Myrtle looked at Remi with malicious intent when she saw her smile.

"Class, this is the new student Drew Reynolds, he will only be here for the rest of the semester, don't bully him" Mr Hemsworth the English teacher warned.

'Don't bully him ? What an odd way to introduce someone'. Many students didn't take it to heart but the smart ones knew that the new student was probably someone formidable, the slow ones would have to find that out the hard way.

As Drew looked around, he saw a girl with alot of acne and a big bust call out to him.

" Come sit next to me cutie, this seat is free" Myrtle smiled widely as she shoved the girl next to her off her seat.

Drew immediately got goosebumps from looking at her face, looking around he saw a girl with chestnut hair and grey eyes smiling widely at him as if they are long time friends. This time he didn't get goosebumps but with her baggy eyes the smile looked creepy and he decided to ignore her, but the only other empty seat apart from the one next to the acne girl was In front of the creepy smiling girl. Without hesitating he chose to sit In front of the creepy girl, this decision made Myrtle blush in embarrassment, she looked at the smiling Remi in resentment.

Looking at the back hair of the new student, Remi got lost in thought.

'you are using your mother's surname for some reason and l don't care why you are here either, am just happy to know that you took the news of my death very well little brother'