Taking revenge

The class went on smoothly until it was break time, the entire time Remi had been lost in thought while staring at Drew, anyone who saw her probably thought she was smitten by him.

Drew had sat down quietly and didn't say anything throughout the whole lesson, when it was break time a lot of girls flocked around him blocking Remi's view. Knowing her brother well, he was probably feeling very uneasy, he had social anxiety, but with his looks avoiding girls has always been a huge problem for him.

She wanted to help him but before she could she saw him bolting out of the classroom, Drew was running in the corridor with a panicked look on his face, a dozen or so girls were screaming and chasing after him with dreamy looks on their faces.

Seeing this, Remi instinctively got up to go protect him, she ran behind the crowd of girls and eventually surpassed them. Looking at the fleeing backside of her brother, Remi felt the familial affections she had suppressed well up in her again.

"Hey Drew, that leads to a dead end!" Remi yelled, after failing to catch up to him.

"Follow me, I'll take you to the boys restrooms, they won't be able to follow you there" Remi assured him, afraid that he might not blindly follow her anywhere.

Drew paused, looking back at the girl who was smiling so creepily at him last time he decided to take a leap of blind Faith. She might be creepy but he could tell that she didn't look at him with crazed eyes the same way those girls who were infatuated with him did.

Turning around, he followed behind her with the group of infatuated girls not too far behind, their numbers had increased with girls from other classes and a few curious boys joining in. After finding the male restrooms, Remi opened the door and gestured for Drew to get in. After he got in, she followed him right in and closed the door, this shocked the crowd of pursuers greatly.

"Huh? Is something wrong with my eyesight? Or did l really just see a girl go into the male's restrooms?" One of the girls asked in astonishment.

"You didn't see it wrong, we all saw it too" another girl replied.

"Who is she? How bold of her" one of the boys said with a weird mischievous smile on his face.

"I know her, that's Remi from class 6C!" One of Remi's classmates exclaimed.

Meanwhile Drew was equally stunned when he saw the creepy girl follow him in, while the four boys who were using the urinals turned away and cursed while some were blushing excessively.

Remi didn't even notice them, she only had her sights on Drew and was unable to stop herself anymore. She quickly approached him and was about to hug him when she realised that due to their height difference, she could only hug his waist. When he was Orion, his brother was actually half a head shorter than him, making it convenient for Orion to hug him by the shoulders.

Noticing her intentions, Drew took a few steps backward, almost stumbling to the floor.

"What....what are you doing?" He asked shakily.

Remi came back to her senses and finally looked around for the first time, she nearly face palmed herself after noticing the weird stares from everyone.

'that's right I'm a girl now!'

One week of being a girl didn't hold a candle in comparison to his 23 years of experience as a boy, she had subconsciously followed Drew in as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Feeling a little embarrassed she cleared her throat to ease the awkward silence.

"Continue gentlemen....I will....be on my way now" she awkwardly said as she turned around and hurriedly left.

Soon the news that a girl from class 6C followed a handsome new student into the boys restrooms spread like wildfire. Everywhere Remi went, the students kept whispering and pointing at her, making Remi both uncomfortable and annoyed. She didn't understand what had happened to her either, she had always been composed and able to keep her feelings under wraps so how did she actually lose control today?

The news had naturally reached the teachers too but Remi had always been a well behaved student despite being at the bottom of the barrel, even her teachers vouched for her, in the end they set aside the matter and labelled it as students slandering a student.

After classes were done for the day Remi had decided to follow Jordan, she still couldn't forget what he had done to her in class, even if it was under the orders of Myrtle. As she followed behind, she noticed that Jordan and two other delinquents weren't taking the usual way back home, instead they seemed to be following behind someone but she was too far to see who it was. Her keen senses also caught on to another person who seemed to be tailing the same person Jordan was following, surprisingly the two teams hadn't noticed each other yet.

Some time later, she saw that Jordan's team had made a turn to a dark alleyway and the second person who turned out to be Myrtle had noticed them too and thus did not take the turn. Remi was puzzled, just who were they following, curious she went close to take a look.

Drew had also noticed that some people were following him, he made a few turns to try and shake them off but they persisted. Having no choice he had decided to confront them despite his nervousness, after he made a turn to an alleyway, three people came to surround him.

"W-what do you want?" Drew asked nervously.

One of the delinquents bursted out laughing

"Hahahaha...boss, are you seeing this? he's clearly older than us but he's already shaking in his boots!"

"Boss, l think there's something wrong with his head.....after observing him the whole day, he's clearly just a dimwit with a pretty face" the second guy said.

"Seems like i was worried for nothing" Jordan heaved a sigh of relief.

"Since our goddess only fancies his face then what we have to do is clear. Boys, hold him down!" Jordan ordered as he took out his pocket knife.

As the two boys went forward to constrain Drew, Myrtle suddenly ran over looking very angry.

"Jordan! What are you trying to do? Let him go this instant!" She commanded.

Seeing Myrtle Jordan was momentarily surprised then he quickly hid his knife while smiling at her.

"My goddess, l was just getting acquainted with the new student that's all" he smiled nervously looking very guilty.

"Do you take me for a fool? I heard everything you said just now, leave him alone" she said in an authoritative voice while walking towards Drew.

Seeing Myrtle coming closer to him, Drew looked even more afraid than before, as he stepped back he clumsily tripped on his own foot and fell down to the floor wincing in pain.

"What's wrong with you? You've been acting like a man-child the whole day" Myrtle said, displeased after seeing how clumsy Drew was.

But looking at his face again she suppressed her displeasure.

"If you agree to follow me around school and say that you are my boyfriend, these big strong boys won't ever find trouble with you again. Okay?" She said coyly.

"Myrtle, how can you say that? I have been with you the longest, shouldn't you be asking me to be your boyfriend instead?" Jordan said in anguish.

"Ask you to be my boyfriend? It's already your honour that l allowed you to lag behind me. Don't push your luck Jordan, with your average looks how can you be worthy of me?" She said disdainfully.

He had been serving her like a dog for 2 years but had never been appreciated, hearing her words he couldn't help but lash out in anger.

"My average looks? Have you seen yourself in the mirror? With that deformed face of yours who dares to date you? Even that pretty boy you are chasing after can't bear to look at your face!" Jordan spat.

Myrtle turned to look at Drew who was still on the ground, as their gazes met he made a weird expression and turned away. Seeing this, she was immediately enraged, talking about the acne on her face was her sore spot, she couldn't believe Jordan actually dared to rub her sore spot.

"You- you....how dare you Jordan! I must've been blind to make you my lackey...you are so ungrateful!" She roared in anger.

"Your lackey? Is that how you see me Myrtle? Tsk, if it wasn't for your curvy body do you think you could order me around at all with that ugly face of yours?" He said while pervertedly gazing at her huge chest.

"And l think you are forgetting something, you dare shout at me but look at you. You are one weak woman but there's three strong men here" he smiled creepily.

Myrtle was instantly scared to tears while covering her chest and moving backwards.

"You- you....you stay away from me! my Dad is a cop, he won't let you off" she stammered.

"Oh Myrtle, what's wrong with your head today? Are you forgetting that I am in the Green Mamba Gang? We basically own all the cops in this area" he said smugly.

Out of words and full of fear, Myrtle's tears threatened to spill, just then a clear crispy girl's voice was heard.

" Enough of the drama, it's gotten boring now. Am here to get my revenge on you Jordan" Remi said as she calmly walked in the alleyway as though she was taking a stroll in her backyard.