Silence her

Hearing another person's voice Jordan was frightened but upon looking at who it was and carefully digesting her words he burst into peals of laughter along with his two friends.

"Come come....join in on the fun, although you aren't that pretty or curvy you are still a girl after all you will do just fine" Jordan said in joyful laughter.

Hearing his words and seeing their gazes scrutinising her body, Remi for the first time as a girl felt harassed, her cheeks flushed scarlet.

"Let's get this over with!" She roared trying to mask her embarrassment.

She rushed up to the three men and punched one of them with her slender hand then immediately jumped to the next person, grabbed hold of his head and slammed her knee on his face. She landed back on her feet and distanced herself from Jordan as the element of surprise came to an end.

"AAAAH! My nose....she broke my nose!" One of the boys screamed and knelt down as he covered his bloody nose with his hands.

The other guy was sprawled on the floor similarly crying in agony while holding his bloody nose. Jordan, Myrtle and Drew were stunned into silence, unable to comprehend what just happened. They stared at her small figure then at the tall buff boys who had been dealt with in one kick each, suddenly the world didn't make so much sense anymore.

"You- you...what did you do to them ...w-what underhanded trick did you use?" Jordan stammered as he pointed at Remi with accusation laced in his voice.

"Learn carefully today Jordan, i..Remi won't take being bullied lying down" she said fiercely as she locked eyes with him.

Jordan's heart jolted as his gaze met Remi's.

'this feeling... I felt the same thing when she looked at me earlier in class' he thought as cold sweat dripped down his face.

He looked at his trembling hands in bewilderment

'n-no way!...Am I actually scared of this skinny little girl?' he thought in embarrassment.

Looking around at Drew and Myrtle who were staring at him, he stilled his resolve.

' still a man no matter what! She only knocked down Brandon and Sean because they let down their guard. In terms of raw power l should be able to crush her to a pulp!' Jordan thought as he regained his confidence.

"Then don't blame me for hitting a girl once I beat you black and blue" he snorted.

Although Remi was acting calm and collected on the surface, her right arm was actually trembling slightly and her knee hurt.

'F**k that hurt! Are those two delinquents made of titanium or something?' She thought.

Taking down those two delinquents actually took most of her strength, she wasn't even sure if she could manage to take down Jordan. One mishap and she knew she would be in hot soup, she couldn't afford to mess up.

Jordan made the first move, he ran up to her to deliver a fierce punch but Remi managed to step aside on time. Her heart was beating chaotically, she narrowly avoided another punch and as the wind brushed past her cheek she realised that he wasn't holding back, he was going all out!

Remi narrowed her eyes as she created space between them and repositioned herself.

"That's it? Are you going to keep avoiding me? Haha! As expected of a cowardly!" He laughed out loud.

That statement set ablaze her competitive spirit, she wanted to prove him wrong.

Noticing the change in her demeanour Jordan chuckled.

"Oh, did l rub your sore spot?" He said provokingly.

In response to this Remi ran up to him and spun to deliver a kick with the heel of her foot to his face but Jordan blocked it with his forearm and was forced to move a step backward.

'What a strong kick! I feel like the bones in my forearm have cracked!' Jordan thought.

'Aaaagh! My foot!' Remi screamed inwardly but maintained her composure.

"What a good show, you fight like a man too...are you forgetting you are wearing a skirt? Little girl, l can see your panties!" He said with a disturbing smile etched on his face.

"They are called bloomers!" Remi said in embarrassment.

Afterwards she jumped at him like a wild cat.

"Lesson number one, don't let your emotions cloud your judgement in a fight!" Jordan smiled as he caught hold of Remi's straight forward punch.

"Game over" Jordan smiled

Remi tried to pull her hand back but she was no match for him.

'Damn it, my emotions went out of control again. What's wrong with me today' Remi thought while panicking.

Just when Jordan pulled his hand back to take out his pocket knife they all heard the sound of running feet and a loud voice.

A deep man's voice was heard saying "The signal is coming from over there!"

A moment later they saw about a dozen men in black suits run over.

"There he is!" One of them said .

"Young master, we got your distress signal. Are you okay ? Are you hurt anywhere?" One of the guards said as they surrounded Drew.

"Young master, were you attacked? Who did it? Tell us immediately we'll make them pay!" Another guard said.

With their help, Drew got up and pointed at Jordan.

"He-he ...wants to disfigure me" Drew said in a trembling voice.

Hearing this the guards were all infuriated.

"YOU DARE?" One of them roared in a deep voice scaring Jordan sh*tless.

"N-n-no no sirs, y-you misunderstood. She's the one that wanted to harm him." In a state of panic he pushed all the blame on Remi.

The guards briefly glanced at Remi then looked at Jordan with annoyed faces that said 'do we look like fools to you?'

As if sensing their doubts, Jordan explained further.

"Y-yeah that's right, she might not look like much but she's actually the one who knocked down those two strong guys. I was just helping your young master apprehend her, he must've misunderstood me. Isn't that right Myrtle?" The more he said, the more confidence he gained.

'clearly Drew is retarded his guards must know that too, as long as l make it sound convincing enough they will probably think their young master is confused and believe me instead' he thought confidently.

Upon not getting the affirmative answer he was expecting, he turned around but noticed that Myrtle was no longer there. Unknown to everyone, she had taken the chance to escape when Jordan and Remi were busy with their confrontation.

All the guards looked at Jordan menacingly and took out their knives making Jordan's scalp go numb.

"Sh-she was right there l swear, right Remi? Please tell them I'm telling the truth!" He stammered his head out of ideas.

His mind was in complete disarray so much that he forgot that he had just pinned the blame on Remi a moment ago and was praying that Remi would vouch for him instead.

Seeing the situation turning around, Remi smiled shrewdly.

"I don't know what you are talking about Jordan" she feigned ignorance.

Jordan felt like his whole world was crashing down on him, he lost control of his bladder and wetted himself without noticing. He felt like Remi's smile was the most devious thing in the world.

"I swear i-i..." Jordan stammered as tears flowed.

"Do you take us for fools?" One of the men interrupted Jordan, he seemed to enjoy teasing his victims.

"No l-l...y-your young master is just confused-"

" Preposterous! You dare say our young master is stupid?" The deep voiced guard roared unreasonably.

"Teach him a lesson at once!" One of them with a calm voice commanded leaving no room for discussion.

"I didn't say-" Jordan choked on his own voice as he broke down and started crying unrestrained. Tears and snort covered his face, he no longer looked as imposing as he was when facing Remi.

"Don't kill him! " Drew shouted in panic.

The guards reluctantly put away their knives and cracked their knuckles instead.

"Young master, you are too merciful, if we leave him alive today he'll want to exact his revenge on you someday. We can't take any risks when it comes to your safety" the calm man said.

Drew lowered his eyes

"Then...the girl? saved me" Drew asked in a small voice.

The calm voiced man sighed regretfully.

"Am sorry...there can't be any witnesses for what we're about to do. But considering she saved your life, I promise to grant her a swift and painless death" he said as he set his sights on Remi while taking out his own pocket knife.

As their eyes met, Remi didn't look away, she was stunned. They planned on silencing her? She didn't understand that statement at the moment because all her attention was on the familiar calm man that was walking towards her with an emotionless expression. His dirty blonde hair swayed as he walked, the black shades hid his emerald coloured eyes but one could tell from his well chiselled jawline and sharp nose that he was an extremely good looking man. Remi recognised him immediately after she heard his voice, coupled with his looks, he stuck out like a sore thumb.


"I already let down your brother.... I won't let anything or anyone harm the person he cared about the most when he was alive..." Rowan said.