This planet orbits a star located about 96 billion kilometers away – and no one yet knows how it formed.

19. Kepler-78b

Located less than 900,000 kilometers from the star it orbits, this planet is believed to be covered in lava.

20. 2mass J2126-8140

This planet is so far from its star that scientists still don't understand how it stays in orbit.

Uangdu1 – magomerlin00HJ1407b – An exo - moon or a giant and extremely gravitational floating center with the compression force of a scorching wave, unable to support life under that environment,

Zunda-J1407b has been referred to as a "Marbled Saturn" or "Super Saturn" because of its massive ring system around 640 times that of Saturn's rings, and is an exoplanet located 434 light-years from Earth in the constellation. of Centaurus and is the only known exoplanet with rings similar to Saturn, but that due to its inhospitable environment, besides that it is capable of generating rains of diamonds, lakes of molten gold, so it is a planet that attracts prospectors, but only using machines due to its extensive gravity and the environment whose high levels of carbon dioxide and lithium in the air, in addition to the liquid mercury it has in its environment.

If this planet switched places with Saturn, its rings would dominate Earth's sky and appear many times larger than a full moon, with a large gap in the middle of the ring system and it's possible that an ex mars -sized moon orbits the planet within this gap, there is no life, but if there are aliens living on this exo moon, they will have an extraordinary sight looking up at the sky.

Jeru -#2 Gliese 581c – A potentially uninhabitable exoplanet that cannot support life, they are planets devoid of oxygen, earlier in their beginnings there were some reptilian beings that live in extreme conditions of scorching heat in a toxic and swampy environment, whose stones floating due to little or no gravity which does not exist on this planet, being an exoplanet located 20 light years or 120 trillion miles (192 trillion kilometers) from Earth.

Following in the constellation of Libra, with the planet orbiting its star at a distance of 6.8 million miles (about 10.9 million kilometers), only 7% of the distance of 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) between the Earth and the Sun. Gliese 581c is tidally locked, meaning one side of the planet always faces the star and the other side never.

#####Chapter 2

Where the near side is experiencing scorching temperatures that would instantly melt you alive, while the far side experiences freezing temperatures that would instantly turn you into a popsicle, is somewhere between these two extremes, however, there is a narrow strip of land with better conditions than theoretically. could support alien life.

#3 55 Cancri E – A Diamond Planet that is so contagious that it brings the contagion of gold diamonds and diamonds to anyone who contacts it.

He is only 40 light years away from us in the constellation Cancer. It is twice the size of Earth, but almost 8 times as massive and twice as dense, with the parent star having much more carbon than our own sun, being gigantic, in the midst of that, where the planet's mass is largely carbon.

Wherein due to the pressure and maximum average surface temperature of 4417°F (2400°C), this 'super earth' is believed to be covered in diamonds. It's so close to its parent star that it takes just 18 hours for the planet to complete a full orbit, its sky is a compound of sulphate and carbon, plus it rains gold and diamonds.

#4 Hat-P-7b – Where it rains rubies and sapphires, where it is located in the constellation Cygnus , about 1000 light years from Earth, where on the night side of this exoplanet, a high precipitation of aluminium oxide (corundum) ) is found in the atmosphere, just as corundum gemstones are rubies and sapphires, one could describe the hypothetical climate on the night side of the planet as “raining rubies and sapphires, in which the planet also suffers from violent storms, so it is likely that these rubies and sapphires are scattered all over the planet.

#5 Gliese 436b – A planet defying the laws of physics, being an exoplanet located 30 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Leo and appearing to defy the laws of physics, in that this planet orbits its star at a distance of 15 times closer than Mercury to the Sun and the icy surface is balking at a temperature of 439 °C (822 °F) .

Was it then, how does the ice of all things remain completely solid at 439 degrees above its melting point? Because gravity is so incredibly strong that it compresses the traces of water vapor in the planet's atmosphere into solid ice and prevents it from melting no matter how much it burns, being that one orbit around the star only takes about 2 days, 15 .5 hours ago, eons ago there was a galactic war.

The planets that were involved in the war literally had their planets destroyed, those that managed to survive, literally lost their abodes, those that managed to escape went to other planets in search of a new home, due to the abundance of black holes many did not survive, those galaxies suffer from destroyed planets, black holes, amid invasions and mining, even though these planets are rich in gold, diamonds and rubies.

#6 Gj 1214b – The World of Water

It's not even a known candidate for an oceanic planet. GJ 1214b has no land, but only oceans that stretch across the entire surface. If it were a water world, it could be thought of as a larger, hotter version of Jupiter's Galilean moon Europa, amidst a planet whose water is rich in water. in ores.

#7 Psr J1719–1483 B – Orbits around a pulsar, which planet orbits an extremely compact and dense pulsar, or neutron star that is the size of a large city, and which has a diameter of 12 miles ( 19 kilometers), but its mass is 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, where another thing about pulsars is that they spin rapidly. Therefore, this planet has an orbital period of 2 hours.

#8 Handur , - Wasp – A planet that is eating light, being one of the darkest exoplanets known, where the day side of the planet eats light instead of reflecting it into space, that exoplanet, which is twice the size of Jupiter, has the unique ability to capture at least 94% of the visible starlight that falls into its atmosphere, in addition to eating heartily, with an atmosphere temperature of 4,600 °F (8,312 °C).

The day side accumulates all visible light because it is always facing its star, in addition to not rotating, it often eats a cannibal planet that eats other planets, being a planet orbits so close to its host that it has fixed the day and night sides, where Handun-WASP-12b completes an orbit once a day, where the night side is much cooler, with temperatures of approximately 3,992 °C (2,200 °F ), which allows water vapor and clouds to form

Following a whirlpool of material from the planet's superheated atmosphere is spreading into its star, this eccentric exoplanet is one of a class of so-called "hot Jupiter’s".

Darungl -#9 Hd 189733b – Where It Rains Glass

Being slightly larger than Jupiter in our solar system and located about 62 light years from Earth, the planet gets its beautiful deep blue color from the planet's strange atmosphere, which is actually made up mostly of atoms and silicate particles, in which the wind speed on the planet can reach 5,400 miles per hour, which is actually about 2 kilometers per second (or more than seven times faster than the speed of sound.

Being that temperatures can also reach over 900°C (1652°F) on the planet, what's horrible and scary about this planet is that it rains glass sideways along with unbearably fast winds. If that exact storm were to somehow occur at the Earth's equator, it would travel across the Earth in just five and a half hours.

Gladur -#10 Gj-504b – The Pink Planet