In which he who ran at the feet of The Schlucht, all of whom often said (in other families) that, not long ago, one of the ancestors of the Edelweißs must have married a fairy.

This was, of course, nonsense, but there was certainly still something not entirely Erdlinge rubrus about them, and, from time to time, members of the Edelweiß clan ended up.

It was said that this son was always involved in adventures, which would be far from those who discreetly disappeared, and the family hushed up the case; but that didn't change the fact that the Edelweißs were not as respectable as the Wächters, although they were undoubtedly wealthier.

Several creatures travelled and participated in events and scavenger hunts that they were at that time promoting a big party, between the festivals each month that took place there.

Their riches, like everyone else there, came from negotiating adventures, from the riches they found on their journeys and along their paths, where they traded and used their magic to erase memories, change what they knew and use that, so they didn't charge the price. more riches they confiscated, thieves from merchants, which was a secret kept among them.

The basic rule was: Never steal from the family, he might steal from you in the future, so be thankful you keep secrets from each other.

It was a notice that said something as if it had already happened in other times to be remembered.

Not that Centaurea Edelweiß ever dabbled in adventures later than one might imagine, they just hide what they catch, they are shadows that live venturing into the unknown.

That's what made Mrs. Bungo Wächter, Bungo, who was Schattendieb's father, built for her what in part, with her money , which they united to maintain the fortune between them, in which that was the richest, most beautiful dungeon of Erdlinge most luxurious rubrus that could be found under The Schlucht, or on the other side of The Schlucht, or across the great underground river.

Since it was Water, in which they remained there to the end of their days, and even so, it is probable that Schattendieb, Centaurea's only son, though he looked and behaved exactly like a second edition of his solid and accommodating father, had inherited something weird from the Edelweiß side, something that was just waiting for a chance to show up.

That was his chance that never came, and in that Schattendieb grew, he reached about fifty years of age.

When he continued to live in that beautiful dungeon of Erdlinge rubrus built by his father, which was to be inherited by his descendants, in which I have just described to you, until, indeed, it seemed to have settled down to the point of being immobile.

Even if it were in some curious case, one morning long ago, in the stillness of the world, when there was less noise and more green and the Erdlinge rubruss were still more than numerous and prosperous, and Schattendieb was standing in the doorway after breakfast. , smoking, they were great eaters with good taste and good appetite.

Like the strange, green tobacco that everyone bought from that strange region, with the mist that mingled with the very mist of the place, with pipes made by them, they were as smoking as a chimney, which was seen in all the residences, in which even ghostly was cultivated by each of them.

There smoking was normal, due to their herbs they used the same type for poultices and even dressings and good for the stomach, they were not the same types that humans and other creatures did, in which there really, it was not industrialized, it was different, it tasted similar to a spicy mint like mixed with watercress.

Using a handmade wooden pipe, curved, and coiled like a goat's horns, which was enormously long as it almost reached their little toes and a little longer, which (carefully brushed) they held with a pitch or even an oil that let everything down and tame, Nebelwächter appeared. Nebelwächter!

If you'd only heard a quarter of what I've heard about him, and I've only heard extraordinarily little of what there is to hear, you'd be prepared for any kind of impressive story.

Man began to deal with other worlds even creatures outside that dimension, yet with all those adventures sprouted everywhere wherever he went, in the most extraordinary way, in which he had not passed through those parts under.

The Schlucht for years and years, not since his friend, Old Edelweiß, had died, would be more than 2000 years ago, much earlier, when still alive, while he ventured out into the world, after the age of 49, he got married with a host of women from every location and every race he met on his great adventures.

Since with his photos and his adventures, he left marks, in addition to records that he left a great legacy and stories of encounters with giants, demons, with doubts about how he conquered them, but there were half-giants, so, the Doubt was how, not who, they all looked like him, due to their strong genes.

What he went through, having a bunch of children who always came to say they were his, after all, that's how it was, that you had a big family, not even the cousins escaped this great catcher and flirt, in which it was like that.

In which his descendants had already grown up and had children of their own, so the Erdlinge rubruss had almost forgotten his appearance, what happened to all his children, only looking for him when he was almost advanced in age, approaching 900 years old, he just said.

- Those were good times; you can't imagine how your mother helped me.

- I participated in an ambush.

Or he spoke to every son who ever sought him out.

He became legendary for the number of children and the number of adventures, but all his children only sought them out as adults.

He also simply became legendary for the number of conquests, as his descendants and children exceeded a thousand and even 50 years after his death, they still had children who were looking for him in the county.

Overall, there is a headstone, a monument and a few books in that sheriff's library showing his deeds, the growing number of sons who appear claiming his legacy, plus something in common, all of his sons and descendants have a birthmark. on the back in the shape of a dragon's face was their trademark, so it wasn't hard to figure out who they were and whose children they were.

Every time he encountered a son when he was still alive, he would say as he recognized the face of the specific woman.

- Ah, how she was a warrior woman.

- One day, your mother helped me to save an entire city.

- Your mother was the prisoner of a monster.

- Your mother helped me save an entourage.

- Your mother helped me to enter a fortress.

And so on.

In which he always told how he had travelled across The Schlucht and crossed The Water to settle his affairs since they were all little Erdlinge rubruss boys and Erdlinge rubruss girls.

Even if all this was for the unsuspecting Schattendieb what he saw that morning was an old man with a staff.

He wore a tall, pointed blue hat, a long hat belonging to the man called Der-Wachternebel, a silver scarf over which his long red beard reached below his waist, and huge black boots.