Located more than 20,000 light-years from Earth, close to the center of the Milky Way, rocky OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb is hugely different from its parent star, a red dwarf. For this reason, the temperature on its surface is estimated to reach minus 220 degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, substances such as ammonia and methane, which for us are common in the liquid state, can appear in the solid state.

What wouldn't a human being do for an entire diamond planet? Orbiting the pulsar PSR J1719-1438, the huge gemstone was formed due to the very high pressure to which it is subjected (the pulsar performs 10 thousand rotations per minute), in which under these conditions, the carbon crystallizes, forming the diamond, if one day If we want to get there, we'll have to travel 4,000 light-years , but we can't get in, due to atmospheric pressure.

We know that planets revolve around their host star or stars, but is there any planet without its host star? Then we should name 2MASS J2126-8140 which is situated in the constellation of Octans.

Well, this exoplanet is not exactly without a host star, its host star being a red dwarf star that is 965 billion kilometers away from the exoplanet, in which it has the longest and widest orbit for an object of known planetary mass, in which to find such a low-mass object so far from its parent star, in what was a solar system, from a large disk of dust and gas, which is totally toxic.

Even though the problems would come through space, but no one knew where it really came from, the following happened.

Since the beginning of space exploration and colonization through space, there have been space migrations, towards various planets in space.

This happened due to globalization, fraternization, and the free right to come and go through the stars, such as the free exit towards space, then, there was the emergence of a space strain that had one of the patients that soon spread through all these galaxies and the space outside.

The Missouri patient was hospitalized and diagnosed with primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, a rare and usually fatal infection, the disease-causing inflammation of the meninges of the brain and spinal cord, but spreading too quickly due to the mutations, then, they saw that they were the carriers of contagious diseases.

The mortality rate is over 97%. Only four people out of 154 infected individuals catalogued from a total area that spread from the United States, from 1962 to 2027, until there were few survived, and their diagnosis, given the rarity, is also often difficult to treat, even if in any case, some planets, empires and galaxies are the most developed and technological, although diseases are the most unknown.

Even if they acted belatedly, some galaxies that depended on other galaxies for transportation, manufacturing, and food production, as well as drug production and research, in which since some galaxies were facing disease and some planets were facing extinction in pasta.

When the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the united galaxies and the galactic alliance, in which it says that the amoeba is found in fresh water such as lakes, rivers and hot springs, in reality it spread and began to be produced towards all interplanetary environments.

The symptoms begin as severe frontal headache, fever, nausea, and vomiting, which later can progress to stiff neck, convulsions, mental confusion, hallucinations, and coma.

All had signs of infection usually starting a few days after swimming or other exposure to contaminated water.

According to experts, the discovery of meat with superbugs in the towards the united galaxies suggests that the use of antibiotics is not under control in parts of the meat industry.

So, they called on every government and galactic empire to end the routine use of antibiotics on farm animals, as the EU did recently, and to recognize that a reduction in the consumption of animal products is needed to solve the myriad problems caused. by industrial livestock, and this had no effect, due to serious incidences of protozoa and mutated parasitic monsters that spread across each of the planets, but what it did, was spread hunger and there was no way to sustain life on Earth. , which led to them asking for food and exporting food from other countries.

The famine in Europe came at a gallop, as animals died of starvation and the drought that drove the world into a historic recession for the first time, the euro reached 50 cents, worth less than the dollar.

So, blame the animal rights activists, even at that time, yes, they stopped having animal-based foods, they also didn't even have the weeds due to the drought that hit Europe.

On one side a huge amount of snow that took Spain to a new ice age on the other end of the European continent, people died of heat stroke the heat was so much that thousands of people died due to the heat.

Meanwhile towards space.

Zubradun Galaxies.

The giant African snail is an invasive species in the region and considered a dangerous transmitter of diseases that have mutated.

It all happened because the snail in question was native to the planet Earth, due to migrations and transport of products native to the planet, in some planets, fauna, flora and environment, these animals have mutated.

Then, when they mutated, they became the size of Doberman dogs, taking the entire territory of the United States into a health quarantine after authorities detected the presence of an invasive and gigantic species of snails, which are vectors of diseases. dangerous

Following first, a small town in the United States that was placed under health quarantine after authorities detected the presence of an invasive and gigantic species of snails, which are vectors of dangerous diseases.

It didn't take long for the first announcement of the health crisis that spread across the galaxies to emerge, in which it was made by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services on June 23, and the confinement began the next day.

When the announcement of the health crisis was made by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services of the Galactic Territory of Earth, on the 16th of July 2022, which is why, and the confinement began the next day.

According to the notice, several specimens of giant African snails were found heading towards various planets from space, while the entire state of Floria was the first of just over millions of inhabitants, in Florida.

According to the notice, several specimens of giant African snails were found in New Port. Richey, a town of just over 16,000 in Florida

With the quarantine, residents were prohibited from practicing gardening, handling plants, debris and starting construction and other activities involving the soil in designated areas.

#####Chapter 4

The giant snail is dangerous to humans, and a known transmitter of the Angiostrongylus parasite cantonises, which causes meningitis, what they didn't think about was that it would also be dangerous to other alien races across the galaxies.

In addition, it is a voracious eater: it eats "at least 500 different types of plants, which makes it "one of the most harmful snails in the world, according to agricultural authorities in Florida, when crops by planets that were affected lost all their cultivation, due to the fact that they have grown, the giantesses eat much more than that.

The entire plantation was destroyed, due to the scorching heat, in question, the love in which they were settling this, caused the death of vegetarians in the first place.