- I know... - He said. – Adventures, but each one has its price. - He said.

- Do we have so many wonderful stories at parties about dragons, and Gobelin’s, and giants, and rescuing princesses, and the windfall of widows' sons? - He said.

- What not the man who used to make such particularly excellent fireworks, plus a phenomenal thief that no one has caught to this day.

- Flatterer. – He was laughing.

- What I remember these! Old Edelweiß used to release them on Midsummer's Eve, between parties and drinking.

- Along with the dragons. - He said.

- As this is splendid, let's negotiate. - He said.

He was seduced thanks to his kiss-ass work.

- Those are past adventures, but you didn't say the next one. - The other said.

- The princesses are gone; they have already been rescued. - He said.

- We used to burst like big lilies, and snapdragons, and fire laburnums and hang in the twilight all night!” You must already be.

He was noticing Mr. Wächter was not as banal as he liked to believe, in which he also had a strong fondness for flowers...

- As for the riches he had in the fortress of the giants...?

- These treasures let's talk about the crown jewels. - The other said.

His greed, his curiosity was piqued by his interest in stealing, stealing, and eating, smoking, drinking, and screwing...

- So, what a thing! “Not the Nebelwächter who

Was that responsible for causing so many of the adventurers, both young men and women who were previously quiet to disappear into the distance that were such wild, long, unexpected adventures? – He questioned him – Not to come back anymore? – He questioned him.

- Braving the tombs where it shows all sorts of things, from climbing trees to visiting

- Well, we have some problems with elves...

- You know that sailing ships, sailing to other shores!

- You know, my, life used to be noticeably quiet, sometimes peaceful..., I mean, you used to mess things up too much in these parts a long time ago.

- So, sorry, but I had no idea it was still in service.”

- Where else would I be? - The wizard questioned him.

"You know, anyway, I'm glad to find that you remember something about me."

- A past adventure, apparently remembering my fireworks with, in addition to some products that I took with affection from an adventure, I made a lot of money with it, I found in my passage a very nice and sensual spider queen, in any way or part from a distant location and that is not a bad sign.

- So indeed, in consideration of your grandfather Edelweiß and poor Centaurea, I will give you what you asked for. - He said.

- Sorry, I didn't ask for anything, about that. – He snapped.

- Yes, he asked, you asked too, it was more than twice already.

- You know I know what's given. In fact, I'll go further and...

- Convince me better, I won't do more than complain... - The other said.

- Let's see... - The wizard scratched his beard. – I pay well, I can include you in this new adventure, it's a good day, a good adventure, besides that no one knows you for you to leave there unnoticed, no woman you visited last time. - The wizard said. – This will be much more fun than the last time, all of which, for me, exceptionally good for you, in that it is profitable too, most likely, if you get to complete it.

- What adventure are we talking about, if it takes a long time to get the reward that says, I don't want it. - He said. 'Not today, but tomorrow, drop by for tea, just any time you like!'

- Because tomorrow? – He questioned him.

- Tea is always good for business, I don't do business without knowing my adventure colleagues, because if there's danger, it's not just for one. - He said.

- So, come tomorrow or goodbye. - He said.

- I want to get to know my contractor better, the reasons for each one and why, so, tomorrow, with a presentation. - He said.

- Whoever goes with you, it's not a one-man adventure. - He said.

- I'm not stupid, magician, if everyone refused, there must be a problem. - He said.

- With a full belly, everyone says what they think. - He said.

- If you want a thief, you'll have to make an effort. - He said.

With that the Erdlinge rubrus turned, and hurried past its gold, red, and round door, then locked it as swiftly as possible without seeming rude, looking out the window, as he pulled back a slit in the curtains.

He knew that wizards, after all, are wizards, they always manage to do what they ask, even the craziest requests.

“Why on earth would he come to tea and bring whoever it is? – He questioned himself as he went to the pantry.

He had just finished breakfast but thought a cake or two and something to drink would do him good after that scare, he was ready to pack one of his traveling bags, which would take him on a great adventure, with promises of riches.

Maybe the gold of a dead king with no one to claim, gathering supplies and putting them in the little magic bag that was good for hiding, like a bag of marbles that grew and decreased as the noose tightened.

About that.

Nebelwächter, meanwhile, was still standing outside the door, chuckling non-stop.

I don't know who was stupid or manipulative, but the magician thought he was lucky, not even knowing the story of the trickster, who didn't just cheat on his family members, but wouldn't he be the one to tell the magicians some of his adventures, not before the business at least.

Whereupon after a while he came closer and, with the spur of his staff, scribbled a queer sign on the beautiful green front door of the Erdlinge rubrus.

The next moment he was out of there, walking down the path, where he was traversing the grass, where he was gone, just as Schattendieb was finishing his second cake and beginning to think he had started stocking up on food and drinks again. in your magic backpack, searching for thoughts of adventures.

The next day, he had almost forgotten about Nebelwächter, he took a while after all, he thought he had given up or he didn't remember things very well, after all, he was old with a big red beard that at that time, showed signs of white streaks, already evidenced the your age, unless you wrote them down on your Schedule of Commitments, like this:

So, he wrote it down: Nebelwächter Tea-Friday Afternoon.