- So he was a lot like Mr. Schattendieb, which was more than just appearance, in that after all, his father was Wächter, being that he was an Erdlinge rubrus, rather strange, but decent and respectable, Mr. Scharlachroter Drache Wächter; there never was, which for a long time, he misses that period of his childhood travels when talking about it, until he drowned, which wasn't a big problem, due to the fact that he was fine sleeping and resting in a beautiful bed being fed by one of his girlfriends.

- It's that good. - He said.

- It was, until she got fed up and left, so he had to go back to work anyway. - He said.

- You said, drown. - Others inquired various voices, even under these stories, it is clear that they had already heard what this rumor was before, and others more obscure; but the Erdlinge Rubrus have a passion for family stories and were willing to hear this one again.

- That's what they said, so the rumors say. - Meister der mystischen Brunnen said, when stating the situation.

- You see, as for Mr. Scharlachroter Drache, some time later when he married poor Miss Erster Spross des Feuers Mystische Berge, she desired his riches, due to the fact that he came from the main family of the ancient representatives of fire from the firestones.

Since if she did that, she would be the benefactress and main manufacturer of the firestone mines, in which she was our Mr. Schattendieb on her mother's side (her mother was the youngest daughter of Elder Eiserne Säule); and Mr. Scharlachroter Drache was his second cousin, so Mr. Mutiger Weiser is his first and second cousin, so he would come a generation apart, as they say, if you know what I mean.

Then, when she got married, when she would no longer be the 13th in the order of inheritance, but the first, since he was a slacker, who depended on others to do the heavy work, she won him over with her work and the kitchen Mr. Scharlachroter Drache was living in the Mansion of Herr der Blauen Feuersteine with his father-in-law, the old Master Erdsaphir-Flammensteine, as he used to

It was like this, that many times after getting married (since he appreciated good food, just like old Erdsaphir-Flammensteine had a very generous table); and went boating on the River Herr der blauen Feuersteine, in which he and his wife were drowned, and poor Mr. Mutiger Weiser was just a kid, and everything else, due to his sloppiness, he was a slob who forgot to fill up his boat, got eaten by a huge sea monster.

- When I heard that they went out in the water after dinner in the moonlight, he was going to fish, then a Kraken rose to the surface, at the moment when they were trying to fish, when he smelled the fish that his wife was cooking . - He said.

When they commented that the Old Architekt der Bäume; “and it was the weight of Scharlachroter Drache that he took the man and his other ten children, leaving only the youngest boy, when there were only a few pieces left, spat out by the monster, swallowing the man and his wife, along with the other children. - He said.

- What I heard she threw him in the water, and he pulled her after, at that time, the Kraken didn't want to feed on the twelfth child. - He said.

When the Steinerner Rotschopf said, in which the miller from the City-of-Erdlinge Rubrus.

- You know you don't have to listen to everything you hear, Steinerner Rotschopf", replied the Meister der mystischen Brunnen,

Everyone knew that the miller didn't like it very much, you know, that there's no need to talk about pushing and pulling.

- Everyone knows that a boat is already very treacherous for those who sit still, without having to look for more trouble, but during the Kraken mating season, it is not advisable to cook or bake in these waterfalls or in these agitated rivers that flow into the seas.

- Anyway, that's how Mr. Mutiger Weiser was orphaned and stranded, as we might say, among these strange folk of the Märchenländer und mystische grüne Wälder, and in any case he was brought up in the Manor of Herr der blauen Feuersteine.

In which it was a real rabbit hutch, by what they say, and the old Master Erdsaphir-Flammensteine never had less than a few hundred relatives in that place, surpassed more than twenty children, among more than 19 grandchildren, nephews and they were in droves, in which Mr. Schattendieb never did a kinder thing than bring the boy back to live among decent people.

Even if in my calculation, when this happened, when it was a hard blow for these Rote Taschen-Wächters.

They thought they were going to stay with D'O Schlucht that was the time he left and they thought he was dead, that's where he comes back from and sends them where he left; and lives on, lives on, and never seems a day older, bless him.

Where it suddenly produces an heir, where, like, what happened with all the paperwork neat, where now the Rote Taschen-Wächters will never see the inside of D'O Schlucht, where that was at least we hope that no.

In the great navigations, as well as in the migrations, in which the Norse pirates came on raids when the barbarians arrived on the islands, they had their chests, in addition to the hiding places of the lost pirates.

It was a cave, which being an immense construction, according to rumors, they made negotiations with the man, where they could hide from the guards and other enemies, in exchange for a portion of his riches, it happened that he hid among his own treasures of his incursions and his travels.

In which they never saw the treasures, but they always saw him with gold among other riches, he always had ways of buying things, he was covered by financial conditions that others in the county did not have, and they said that in his expeditions in search of adventures, he hid them in those rocks, since they are his property.

Right now there's a good amount of money tucked in there, I hear. - When a stranger said this, he was a business visitor to Unterirdische Höhlen der Verstecke der Feuerpiraten, at that fair to which they were headed.

- So, that was a big party, among the auction that took place on the other side of the county where the whole top of SuDie Goldenen Berge Des Mondes is full of tunnels clogged with chests of gold and silver and jewels, from what I heard.”

- So when did you hear more than I can vouch for. - The other man answered him.

As far as they knew the Meister der mystischen Brunnen.

- What I know nothing about jewels, as much as Mr. Schattendieb is liberal with money, which he doesn't seem to lack; but I don't know about tunneling. I saw him always going to that cave... - Another said.

- Why didn't you go later? – Another asked.

- It turns out that those coves, caves and so many places are taken over by orks, monsters, like Kraken and even say it's a pirate hideout. - He said.

- Who is not afraid to die? - Another said.

Very well, as for Mr. Schattendieb when he came back, something like a hundred and sixty years ago, when I was a boy. - He said. “I saw him trade with pirates between parties. – So I was not very long apprenticed to old Markierter Stab, being my father's cousin), but he put me there in D'O Schlucht to help him stop people from trampling and invading all over the place. garden.

All this happened while the sale was taking place, he was selling other products, a moment of that hour, when there was an auction of jewelry that didn't seem to be from here, right in the middle of all this comes Mr. Schattendieb walking up Die Goldenen Berge Des Mondes with a pony and some big bags and a couple of chests, which didn't look like they belonged here either.