Even what in fact I have no doubt that for the most part they were full of treasures that he picked up in foreign lands, where, they say, hidden there among the vineyards and there are mountains of gold, among the hills, in which everyone says; but there wasn't enough to
All these golds could fill the tunnels that surround us underground. - He said.
- I thought the same, but my boy Simon should know more about it. He
All the adventures, what comes in and what comes out of D'O Schlucht, that madman who seems to live in the glorious past, his dealings with pirates and Vikings who sail the seas, in which he looks like a fisherman with his stories of yesteryear he he's a big fish, because of the many stories he says he's been through, when anyone hears all of Mr. Schattendeb.
Those in which Mr. Schattendieb taught him the letters
- What's not much of it, what's wrong with it, you see, and I hope no harm comes of it.
- There are countless tales of their adventures, among Elves and Dragons. – One of them said, in his gossip circle.
- For me, instead of stories, cabbages and potatoes are better, he has some crops he could donate, even if I don't want stories, not all the cabbage he has, but I would want all the wealth coming from cabbages, But I have money for you and me, so that it doesn't get mixed up with your other problems. - He said. – Maybe with the money from the book about the dragons of the north. - He said.
- Seeing your superiors or you'll end up in too much trouble for you. – When I tell him.
- In what this could say this to others. - One of them added with a glance at the stranger and the miller, hidden in the bush as if it were a conspiracy and a plan to do away with someone.
Even if the Meister der mystischen Brunnen did not convince its audience, by which time the legend of Schattendieb's fortune was spreading was already fixed too firmly in the minds of the younger generation of Erdlinge Rubrus.
- You know this is more than likely what he's been adding to what he brought in first. - With that thought, in which the miller, expressing the opinion argued, which was common, to take care of the lives of others, which was recurrent. “He often leaves the house.
So, everyone saw his contacts, his friendships that were more bizarre, he had certain friendships, that everyone saw, that weren't just from one county, other villages.
Even with the visits, his frequent business, among the wizards, dwarfs who come at night, and that old sorcerer who visits him frequently.
An ancient mage called Dunkelelf der roten Wolken, and all that. You can say what you like, Meister der mystischen Brunnen,
As far as they knew that D'O Schlucht, being that it's a weird place, and the people there are weirder, what was a village that has passages to other cities, being that it's a place where everyone came to party and do business.
- Same as usual, that you can say what you want about things you come to trade and buy, in addition to the quest for the stones of immortality.
When you know as much as riding a boat, Mr. Steinerner Rotschopf. – As much as the Meister der mystischen Brunnen retorted.
Both he and others, even though they hated the miller even more than usual.
- So, if for you, this is being weird, then it would be nice if we had a little more weirdness around here.
- You know, that there are countless creatures that not far from here that wouldn't serve a pint, the greatest brewers of beer to a friend, even if he lived in a den with golden walls, so, you know that they do things, even if it's the way right in D'O Schlucht.
- As far as we know, our Simon says everyone will be invited to the party, and there will be gifts.
- So, you see, gifts for everyone, in which it is this very month. - He said.
That same month was the June of the June festivities, among the flags, among the rabbit hunting festivities, and even though the weather was the best that could be
It would be a great party that everyone could want and enjoy, being that it was a day or two later (a rumor spread, probably started by the well-informed Simon) that there were fireworks, let alone magical fireworks, flames. and fireworks like there were none
It would be a great feast that would draw everyone to the Shire, that everyone would enjoy it, all of it, for nearly a century, in fact since the death of even the others who used these days for their business everyone could enjoy, so they knew the business of Old Eiserne Säule.
The days passed and The Day approached, they followed with several large wagons looking, which was strange, loaded with packages of strange appearance, entered the City-of-Erdlinge Rubrus one evening and struggled up Die Goldenen Berge Des Mondes to D 'The Schlucht.
As much as the Erdlinge Rubrus, astonished, peeped through the lighted doors, as well as the loss trade and by lanterns to stare at him in amazement.
The great fairs that took place, were led by strange and bizarre people, singing strange songs, among the elves, gnomes, among the drinks traded among the dwarves with long beards and deep hoods.
In which several of them, even drank until the healers came, from the fever of drinks, between getting drinks straight from the alembic that had spread in several of the residences, caves, until everyone took a thousand days' sleep, due to the same drink, in which they all stayed at D'O Schlucht until the end of the second week of April in which a wagon arrived through various events among traveling salesmen.
Then came the business and pleasures, at which Meeresufer, from the direction of the Bridge of the Herr der blauen Feuersteine, in broad daylight, the parties which an old man directed alone, at which everyone there enjoyed, at which he wore a tall pointed blue hat, a long crimson cloak, and a silver scarf.
In which he had a long red beard, almost on fire, it looked like living fire, his huge bushy eyebrows jutting out beyond the brim of his hat, as he helped and amused the little Erdlinge Rubrus children who chased the wagon all over City- dos- Erdlinge Rubrus on which also up the hill, on which she had a load of fireworks, as they correctly surmised.
Going towards the door, where Schattendieb's lead would come, the old man began to unload, where there were large bundles of fireworks of all kinds and shapes, each marked with a big red G and the elven rune, in addition to blindfolds. of magical wares, invitations to expeditions, he had business signs and pamphlets, the merchant of adventures.
That was the mark of Dunkelelf der roten Wolken, of course, and the old man was Dunkelelf Der Roten Wolken, with the Wizard, whose fame in the Shire was mainly due to his skill with fires, with his numerous contracts with thieves, in that the smoke and lights appeared.
Everything with his real occupation in which he was much more difficult and dangerous, but the people of the County knew nothing about it, everything for them, was just one of the attractions of parties, in which everyone was reading the documents that he spread around the city.