Chapter 3. There's a new student, Don.
Don, the only son of a minister was given admission into Kadanzy. He just returned from Texas lately for his mom’s burial and he had to spend some time in his home town. His Dad decided he would stay there until his form six final exams. There was no other better school around
except Kadanzy.
Don is in form five and in Twinkle's class. Twinkle heard of this, she heard about Don's family background and really wanted to be friends with him, Twinkle's friendship has always been based on money and status.
"Hi." She said one cool afternoon after school.
"Hey." Don replied.
"I am Twinkle and you?" She asked.
"I am Don." he replied.
"Wow, that’s a nice name."
"Thanks!" Don replied.
"Let’s walk down." Twinkle said waving Purity who was standing a while away to go.
Don joined her as they walked down the school gate.
"I saw you in class today, hope you had a great day here?" Twinkle asked.
"Yes, it was great. Just that I am not familiar with the place or anyone yet." Don said.
“Don’t worry, we are friends now.” Twinkle said.
"Thanks." Don replied as they got to the car packed outside.
"I have to go now, the driver is waiting." Don said.
"Okay, my driver is waiting too." she replied pointing at a white car on the other side.
"Okay, bye." Don said and got into the car, while, Twinkle left for her own car.
Twinkle and Don went to eat in the school canteen one day, a junior student mistakenly stepped on Twinkle's leg.
"I am sorry." The junior girl said immediately.
Twinkle angrily stood up from her seat and gave the junior girl a slap. Everyone turned to their direction.
"You shouldn’t have done that." Don said trying to intervene.
"What then should I have done? Smile at her?" Twinkle asked, then sighed and walked away. Don tried to call her back but she turned deaf.
The next day, Don and Twinkle went to the school tap to fetch water, Twinkle sprinkled water on Don and Don in the process of waving his hands to stop her mistakenly hit his hands on her water bottle and it poured on Twinkle's hands.
"Sorry!!!" He said.
Twinkle frowned at him, fetched enough water and poured it on Don’s uniform. “how do you feel now? Great right ?” She said and then walked away.
Twinkle is not the type to joke over things that seem insulting to her.
A month later, Bella was able to come back to school, it was a Tuesday. She dressed in her cute pink and blue uniform, she looked very to lovely now, though she looked more slim after the stress of the burial. Bella decided to stay on her own and live a simple and humble life style. That would be more peaceful and better for her. Everyone was in class when she walked in.
"Cheeees!!!" Gloria shouted.
"Bella is back." Shirley screamed from behind.
Everyone turned towards Bella. She might have gone through stress but yeah she still looked gorgeous gorgeous!!!!.
"Oh my God!!" Don said as he set his eyes on Bella.
"Bella, Bella, Bella!!!" everyone in class kept shouting except Twinkle and Purity. Of course they wouldn't dare, they had to keep up the malice energy they already began.
"How are you???" "Hope you are fine???" Sounded from every corner of the class.
Bella isn’t welcomed to Twinkles seat and she knew that. The expression on their faces could tell anyone boldly what there thoughts were so Bella didn't even dare getting close.
"You can come to my seat." Shirley said. "There’s space for you here."
"Thank you so much." Bella said smiling.
"Bella is back and you don’t want to talk to her."said Gift to Twinkle and Purity.
"So what if she’s back?" Twinkle asked.
"Isn’t she a human being?" Purity questioned.
"Or should we jump to heaven because Bella is back??" Twinkle asked.
"Sorry, I didn’t mean to get you guys angry" Gift said and left.
Bella became friends with Shirley, they have been for a while now though, she behaved like she never knew Purity and Twinkle. After class that day, Bella walked home alone.
A car parked in front of her, it was her classmate, though she didn’t know him yet, but for the fact he wore Kadanzy’s school uniform when he came out of the car clearly showed that he’s a student of Kadanzy.
"Hello" Don said.
"Hello" replied Bella.
"I am Don. I saw you in class today, it seems you were once in Kadanzy." Don said.
"Yes." Bella replied.
"So what’s the name?" Don asked.
"Bella." she replied.
"Wow, nice name, Eeeem!! Why haven’t you been coming to school, I am sure it’s been a while." Don said.
"Yes, I lost my Dad, so I couldn’t return to school immediately." She said.
"Sorry about that, my condolences dear, what of your mom? How is she doing?" He asked.
"She’s gone too, over ten years now." Bella said.
"Ooh!! So sorry, I understand how bad it is and how sad you're feeling, I just lost my mom too." Don said trying to console her.
"Oh my, so sorry." Bella said.
"It's fine, we all go through difficult times. so where are you going to, maybe you should come in so that my driver can drop you off." Don said.
"No thanks, I’m almost home, you shouldn’t bother." she said.
"No noo, I should, even if it is a stone throw, I want to drop you off, we're friends now right?" Don said.
"Friends?" Bella asked.
"Yeah friends, or don't you want my friendship?" Don asked.
"Naaaaah, I'm great with it. Fine!! We're friends now." Bella said and then got in to the car and they drove off.
* * *
In class the next day, the school principal came to make an announcement.
"For those of you interested in the model competition, the form is ready now. You can contest for the following positions." She said and then looked into the paper she was holding to call out the positions.
"The first position here is the position of the king of Kadanzy, the second position is the position of the queen of Kadanzy and the third position is the position of the face of Kadanzy and you all know the benefits attached to it. The winners will be on scholarship until there graduation from Kadanzy and it also brings respect and honor, she said.
The students started murmuring, calling each others names to go for the post.
“The post will really suite you, queen of Kadanzy”. Don said to Bella.
“No, do you think it’s easy to contest? It’s very costly and I can’t afford it." Bella said.
"But Bella, if you contest, the crown will be yours." Shirley said.
"I can’t afford it." Bella said again.
"But tell us what we want to hear." Don said.
"What do you want to hear?" Bella asked Don.
"Do you want to contest?" Asked Don.
"Yeah! If I have the fund, I will like to contest." Bella said.
"Fine! Let me be the sponsor." Don said.
"You aren’t serious." Shirley said.
"Very serious, let me sponsor you." Don said again.
"Thanks a lot Don!! But what if I don’t win?" Bella asked.
"If you don’t win it’s not a crime. At least, I’ll be happy with myself." He said.
"Thanks a lot." Bella said.