- Honey, you're getting tall. - He said. – Even so, you will always be my little girl. Isn't that right, Péngyǒu?
— That's it, daddy — she says, and returns home. Before turning on the television, she looks at the backyard through the window above the sink (without having to stand on tiptoe to do so now).
Seeing his father pushing the tire swing, looking thoughtful and dreamy.
Even though she was waiting to see if he would get down on one knee, curious about what she was looking for, even if he were looking, that's when he turned and walked away towards the garage,
So, Péngyǒu goes to the living room, puts on Soul Train and dances along with Marvin Gaye.
Then, the weekend arrived, in which she rested, between her wanderings underground, organizing some new plants, architectural sources, which she kept in her folder.
At that time, Monday arrived, in the middle of a few minutes' rest between his work.