A respectful silence falls as the class considers this wonderful and bloodthirsty concept, but Ms. Ming is frowning.

- Generally. – The woman said, rearranging what to erase to start over, like erasing people from the world, whether through murder or disappearance, is an unbelievably bad idea. Blow up any place too.

Nancy Riordan says:

— And Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Do you mean blowing up those places was bad?

Now, Miss. Ming looks surprised.

— No, not exactly, but think of all the innocent civilians who were killed when we bombed these cities.

- In addition to thinking about women and children.

In the death of all babies.

As much as in radiation afterwards! This killed even more people.

- It makes sense, I can understand. – One of the colleagues said, meanwhile, Nana Kurumada.

When my grandfather fought the Japs in the war, he was on Guadalcanal and Tarawa, and he said a lot of the guys who fought alongside him died.