Following from the part of the asteroids of the ancient planet of Esadurina towards the dark galaxy, in the region beyond the Rhine and the Danube, the Germ towards the galactic sectors, when typically, nomadic populations, these peoples were generically designated by the Galactic Kingdom of Raniunnos as barbarians.

In a clear allusion to the fact that they do not share the same civilizational level and customs of the Galactic Kingdom of Raniun, however, these groups already knew these aspects of the empire and even some moved freely inside and outside the borders.

##### 38

In 1957, the trade union central AFL-CIO annulled the union's membership of its staff, stating that it would only consider canceling the expulsion if Jimmy Hoffa was no longer president. the unionist.

Even when he was on the verge of being arrested for bribery, and that was the least they found out about the charges.