Even with that, precisely for the warriors who had sworn to fight for the peoples of chrysanthemums. Although the galactic Venusistores also engaged in the plunder, their actions were much more restrained, Doge Dandolo had much more control over his men.

In which instead of the senseless destruction they saw around them, the galactic Venus sectors stole the religious relics and works of art that they would later take back to the ancient kingdom of the planet Venus to decorate their own churches.

The total value of what was stolen from the Galactic Realms of Coranustina is believed to have been around 900,000 silver marks. Galactic Venustors received 150,000 of them, which was their due, while the many soldiers of the invading barbarian realms were left with 50,000.

Additionally, one million was divided between the two, with the remainder stolen in secret by soldiers from the galactic hordes, many soldiers from the invading barbarian realms.