In The Depth Of Darkness

" What happened to you two? " A deep profound voice inquired as he gazed at the two men who made their way through as they leaped with their clothes stained with blood from their wounds. 

" We are sorry sir. She is not an ordinary wolf. She has green and blue eyes, and her strength surpasses ours. " The gentleman in torn trousers stated. 

" That is good to hear. So where is she now? Do you still have her in the cell? I would like to meet her now. " A deep profound voice inquired. 

" We lost track of her. " The other gentleman who wore a white T-shirt stated. 

" Then why are you here if she is not with you and what about the man? " He inquired.

" He is still in our custody, Boss. " The tall guy in the stained yellow t-shirt stated

" Marvin, I want you to keep a close eye on her and don't want to lose her sight, I don't know how, but if she speaks of it then you don't have a head on your neck, understood? " A deep profound voice that leaned in front stated 

" Yes, Sir. " The two strong-muscled men responded together before they disappeared after footsteps from afar were heard looming towards where the three stood.

" There you are Anthony, I have been looking for you? " A soft voice stated

" Yes, Sarah, how can I help you? " Anthony inquired. 

" I need your help. " Sarah stated before he grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him in her direction.

" Wait, Sarah,? What is wrong with your hand? It's breeding. " Anthony inquired as he halted and took her hand for examination. 

" What? " Sarah halted after she was pulled back by Anthony's grip. 

" I asked what happened to your hand, and why are you still bleeding, " Anthony inquired as he was about to unwrap the bandage that was on the wound on her hand. 

" Can you please just follow me and when we get there you can check on me. " Sarah stated as she tapped his hand off hers and started to hasten her steps up as Anthony followed behind.

" What are we doing in the Lady's quarter? " Anthony, who was behind her by one step, stated before they made it inside the building, and they were outside room 243.

" I know that I should have gone straight to the campus matron, but I couldn't trust her with that. " Sarah stated before she unfurled the door and what caught their sight was a 2 meter tall animal that they met with its eyes that were green and blue with the most deadly glare with her soft white fur.

" Is this the..." Anthony, who was dumbstruck, was still glued to the floor, not believing that he had finally met the wolf itself. 

Why are you still standing there? Close the door before someone comes by. Sarah stated as she tried to approach Loretta, who had turned into a wolf. 

" Sarah stop there. " Anthony yelled to Sarah, who was about to touch Loretta's head to calm her down before Loretta in her wolf form grew aggressive and before Anthony could utter another word, Loretta in her werewolf was on top of him. Anthony did not take long before he turned into his wolf form and his red eyes that projected his power.

" Holyness! " Sarah, who cursed out, as, was left back inside their chamber, watched as the two fought, and she saw Loretta's wolf form, which was about to take its fatal opening to finish him off. She's a wolf's form that lay on the floor restless, which would mean that. She would die even if he turned human. Sarah came by with a howl, and she was with her grey fur and blue wolf eyes, and she distracted Loretta after placing a fist on her stomach, which pushed Loretta a lot from where she stood. She had her long crawls that caused the friction on the soft tiles before anger was seen piling up on Loretta's eyes that squeezed together and in no second she was after Sarah and Sarah who saw her coming. She started to run towards the opening of the building and in a few minutes. She was inside the forest and the forest grew darker as they ran until, Loretta, who was not used to this new body of hers, began to breathe, and her running grew slower and Sarah started to hold up for her life after witnessing her resilience, and after looking back and saw Loretta was about to give up, and she needed her help when she was back to her human form she stayed put to where she was as she waited with her heart racing in her chest. 

Sarah was standing when she heard a soft cough which was followed by a scream.