The Gift Box

' Knock, Knock, Room 114 door is given attention to 

Who could that be? Could it be Sarah? I inquired to myself before I unfurled the door and met a delivery man who stood by the door with a carton.

" Are you Loretta Medusa? " He inquired.

" Yes, that's me. How may I help you? " I inquired.

" Could you sign for me here? " The delivery man stated as he handed me a pen and a receipt before he handed me the cartoon he was holding. 

" Have a lovely evening ma'am. " The delivery man stated before he left. 

" Who could have sent it? " I murmured to myself as I placed the carton on the small coffee table in the middle of the room. After a few minutes of overthinking, I decided to open and what caught my eyes were handcuffs for hands and legs and a note that was aside in the cardboard stating, 

" Congratulations you have successfully become one of us and happy 18th birthday. " 

This was getting weird the way I thought of this place, but I did not mind, so I prepared myself, and I was about to go take a shower. I dialed some digits on the phone and pressed the call button, but there was no network coverage, which seemed off. I ignored that, and I yearned to ask Sarah when she was back. So I wrapped a towel around my body and entered the shower which had warm water dripping down my body. I felt my body relax, and I was at peace when I heard the door to my chamber coming continuously. At first, I thought I heard my things until the sound growled louder. I had just completed soaking myself with soap and I rinsed my face with the excessive soap on my face and grabbed my towel as I wrapped it around my body and made my way to open the door to see the nuisance that was throwing off the peace of my little peace that I just got. 

" I am coming. Could you stop doing that, or are you going to break the door? I started as I wore my bathrobe on top of the towel. 

" I said stop... My mouth was in a gap after I caught two wolves starting on me like I was, and I lost consciousness. The next place I found myself was in a dark room and the back of my head was in such pain that it brought my memory back and my heart was beating on my chest as if it was about to pop out as I searched for an escape way where the room was covered with complete darkness that my eyes wouldn't see through. I stretched my hands only to feel something refraining me from moving my hand an inch further. 

Hello, anyone there? Somebody help me? I yearned for help, but it fell on deaf ears. It was after a few minutes that I heard a distant murmur, and I was about to call for help when I heard a soft voice that seemed familiar.

" Don't bother calling for help. " A soft, weak voice stated

" Who is there? " I inquired in a low voice. 

" It's me. Don't you recognize my voice? " A soft voice stated

" Mother, Are you okay? " I inquired before laughter broke from behind me. 

" Hahaha, Mother, I didn't expect that you would grow to be so emotional. " The voice changed to a deep one that was filled with terror. 

" Who are you, and what do you want with me? " I inquired.

Oh, you mean me. I am sorry, but you should be asking me what they want from you. Do you hear them, Rejoicing out there? " He inquired

" And who are you, and what will make me believe that you are not with them? " I inquired. 

" What do you mean? " He inquired with a low voice. 

" Why should I believe a man that I don't know by name and find him inside a cage in which I am? " I retorted.

We aren't in the same cage dear, and I am Martin, your father, Martin stated.

" Father, Hahaha, this is the funniest thing I have heard since I joined this campus, which is a devil's dungeon. " I stated before he broke into laughter.

Hahaha, you have barely been here for a day, and you say that you are in a dungeon. I have been here for 22 years starving from hunger and the cold floor that I barely left, and I have endured all of it. " Martin stated, 

" Stay away from me. " I yelled as I could feel a deep breath around my back. 

" Or what are you going to do? " Martin stated before the next thing that was given attention to were the chains that emancipated and a loud growl was given attention. 

Please don't hurt me, I pleaded before I felt a soft tap on my hands. I dug up in defense before I opened my eyes and met with Sarah, who growled with pain. 

" You are hurting me. " Sarah pleaded in a low voice. 

" I am sorry, I didn't mean to, I stated apologetically. 

" It's okay, Were you having a nightmare? " Sarah inquired as she bandaged her wrist that I had dug into with my nails. 

" That must have hurt," I stated, remorseful. 

" You are the one who was in a lot of pain and not me, Sarah stated,

" What do you mean? " I inquired, confused.

" I don't know what happened when I was not around but as I came in at early dawn, I found you covered with nothing outside the chamber door to our room, and you were shivering. " Sarah stated,

" I thought that I was dreaming so that was all happening to me in reality after all, and how did I manage to make my way here? " I was murmuring to myself that I did not pay attention to what Sarah was saying until she tapped my hand and I saw the blood that had penetrated through the bandage and the smell of it made me grope the thirst in my throat. Before she placed her other hand on my hand, I could feel her small warm hands. 

Loretta, you have a cold fever. Wait here until I get someone to check on you. Don't move. Stay inside those blankets before I get back.  Sarah stated before she added another blanket of hers. She stormed out. It was not less than a minute when I lost my unconsciousness.